
As the saying goes: people are old before the legs, after 50 years old, how to maintain the knees? Calcium supplementation alone is not enough

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

There are many folk sayings that have been debunked, just coincidences, such as "longevity eyebrows", "sleeping orientation", etc., but there is also a sentence that has been scientifically confirmed, "The old roots of the tree are withered first, and the old legs of the people are old first". Studies have found that people's knees have a certain "service life", and healthy people's knees only have a healthy lifespan of about fifty or sixty years.

Therefore, after many people reach the age of 50, they will find that they often have uncomfortable symptoms such as joint soreness and stiffness, which is also a reminder to protect the joints as soon as possible from injury.

As the saying goes: people are old before the legs, after 50 years old, how to maintain the knees? Calcium supplementation alone is not enough

The life of the knee joint is mostly 4 stages

Stage of growth and development: before the age of 15

From birth, the joint development is not perfect, unable to walk and stand independently, until the age of 15, people may have joint swelling and occasional pain at certain times, mostly "growth pain". By the age of 15, the knee joint is basically fully developed.

Perfect stage: 15 to 30 years old

During this period, people's joints are fully developed, coupled with the rapid operation of human body functions, even if you carry out high-intensity exercise every day, it is not easy to have joint injuries. This is arguably the most perfect time for the knee joint.

Stage of gradual damage: around 30 to 45 years old

After the age of 30, some women will affect bone health due to hormonal changes in the body, which indirectly affects the knee joint. There are also some men who love to be strong and still do not pay attention to the protection of joints, and the joint cartilage will gradually degenerate with age, and it is likely that there will be problems such as mild wear and tear.

This stage is also the stage where knee injury needs to be avoided.

Maintenance stage: after the age of 50

The life of the knee joint is exhausted, and people need to protect the knee through some methods to avoid inducing osteoarthropathy, knee injury and other problems. The correct maintenance method is also to delay the aging process of the knee joint.

As the saying goes: people are old before the legs, after 50 years old, how to maintain the knees? Calcium supplementation alone is not enough

After the age of 50, what behaviors are easy to accelerate knee aging?

Weight-bearing exercises such as mountain climbing and lifting heavy objects make the knee joint bear excessive loads, which is more likely to cause joint wear.

Frequent movements such as skipping rope, squatting, and frog jumping may aggravate the wear and tear on the joint cartilage. In particular, middle-aged and elderly people whose articular cartilage and bone conditions are constantly declining are more likely to have joint discomfort as a result.

Wear flat shoes when exercising and flat shoes when walking. After the age of 50, the shoes people wear should also change with the occasion. Comfortable sneakers can protect people's ankles, but also give a certain cushioning force to the knee joint, reducing the degree of knee wear.

Women's long-term wearing of high heels will make the knee joint bear too much pressure when standing, and it is more difficult to grasp the balance when walking, in case of sprains, etc., it will also affect the health of the knee joint.

Weight is in the range of obesity and overweight, and persistent obesity will increase the gravity of the knee joint, and the risk of inducing osteoarticular diseases will also increase.

Long periods of squatting activity, such as squatting on the toilet. When people lie down, the knee force is almost 0, when standing is about 1, the pressure on flat walking is about 2, but in the state of climbing stairs, climbing mountains, etc., the pressure is 4. If you use a squatting position, the pressure on the knee joint is about 6-8 times that of normal body weight, and prolonged squatting can also aggravate the damage to the joint.

If you do these things regularly, your knees may already be "scarred."

As the saying goes: people are old before the legs, after 50 years old, how to maintain the knees? Calcium supplementation alone is not enough

After 50 years of age, you may wish to do 3 things well

The first thing is to reduce the weight on the joints and lose weight as soon as possible

Middle-aged and elderly people with a weight index of more than 26 already belong to the range of overweight and obesity. Use your own height and weight to calculate whether it meets the criteria. If you're already overweight, you might want to lose weight as early as possible to avoid putting too much pressure on your knees and increasing the degree of joint wear.

As the saying goes: people are old before the legs, after 50 years old, how to maintain the knees? Calcium supplementation alone is not enough

The second thing is to supplement calcium and ammonia sugar

Calcium supplementation in middle-aged people is to avoid osteoporosis caused by the continuous loss of bone density. The purpose of ammonia sugar supplementation is to protect the joint cartilage and provide nutrition for the joint cartilage. This substance helps the body to increase the activity of cartilage tissue. Promotes the production of cartilage tissue and joint fluid, thereby protecting the joints.

But it should be reminded that calcium supplementation and ammonia sugar should be moderate. Generally speaking, it is enough to supplement 1000 mg to 1200 mg of calcium per person per day, and ammonia sugar is not recommended for long-term supplementation, osteoarthritis patients can supplement under the guidance of a doctor, if there is no change in eating for 2 months, it is not recommended to continue to eat.

As the saying goes: people are old before the legs, after 50 years old, how to maintain the knees? Calcium supplementation alone is not enough

Third thing, exercise the knee in moderation

Usually, you can properly carry out walking, swimming and other sports, which is also good for alleviating osteoarthritis. Of course, there is also a movement that can also protect the joints, so try it.

First sit in a chair with your thighs slightly exposed, then clamp the empty mineral water bottle with your knees, clamp it and then exert force to raise your feet for 2-3 minutes. If you can insist on doing it, it is also good for promoting blood circulation in the legs and maintaining the knee joint. Of course, if you can't stick to it for so long at once, don't be strong, you can first insist on 1 minute, and then slowly increase.

As the saying goes: people are old before the legs, after 50 years old, how to maintain the knees? Calcium supplementation alone is not enough

For people after the age of 50, the knee joint ages quickly and is prone to osteoarticular diseases. If you want to protect the knee joint, calcium supplementation alone is not enough, but also with certain nutritional supplements and exercises, it is also important to learn to control weight.