
Mate selection criteria for female workers in workshops

author:Bamboo sister
{"info":{"title":{"content":"车间女工的择偶标准","en":"Mate selection criteria for female workers in workshops"},"description":{"content":"前几天看脱口秀,当领笑员问赵晓卉是不是你的择偶标准太高了,赵晓卉回答:身高1米8以上,没有外债,能养活自己.我听哭了,是...","en":"A few days ago watching a talk show, when the lead laugher asked Zhao Xiaohui if your mate selection standards are too high, Zhao Xiaohui replied: Height of more than 1 meter 8, no foreign debt, can support themselves. I heard crying, is..."}},"items":[]}