
In the 8th edition of Chen Jialuo's face value comparison, some people let Huo Qingtong fall in love at first sight, and some people were not worthy of Princess Xiangxiang

author:Statement Film and Television
{"info":{"title":{"content":"8版陈家洛颜值对比,有人让霍青桐一见倾心,有人配不上香香公主","en":"In the 8th edition of Chen Jialuo's face value comparison, some people let Huo Qingtong fall in love at first sight, and some people were not worthy of Princess Xiangxiang"},"description":{"content":"陈家洛,金庸第一部武侠小说《书剑恩仇录》笔下的男主,红花会的总舵主。他同时也是一个美男子,一出场便给大家展示了真正的儒雅...","en":"Chen Jialuo, the male protagonist of Jin Yong's first martial arts novel \"Book of Swords and Enmity\", is the chief helmsman of the Red Flower Society. He is also a beautiful man, and as soon as he appears, he shows everyone the real elegance..."}},"items":[]}

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