
The riots in Seattle, USA, were becoming more and more chaotic: groups of thugs drove vans into the city to distribute weapons

author:Land, sea, air, and sky videos

The Seattle police in the United States recently attributed the chaotic demonstrations and protests outside to the "rioters". They seized a van full of weapons. Police said about 80 people took weapons from a van, including baseball bats, protective gear, spray, fireworks and more. Subsequently, the Seattle police in the United States immediately dispatched and eventually detained them. After several confrontations with the judge, the police finally obtained a search warrant for the van. The results were also eye-popping, with explosives, stun guns and improvised spikes found. "Who pays for all these weapons? This is the question we need to find answers to. U.S. police say the rioters will not only be found criminally responsible, but also financially responsible.

The riots in Seattle, USA, were becoming more and more chaotic: groups of thugs drove vans into the city to distribute weapons

Partially seized equipment

"Business owners who see their livelihoods burned out may sue them, and the lives of millionaires and billionaires are destroyed by antiphrase armed movements and black armed movements, and they will not spare these people," the U.S. side reported, shortly after a large number of mobs received weapons and distributed them from vans, an explosion occurred shortly after the explosion opened an 8-inch hole in the wall of the East Side of the Seattle Police Department. Despite opposition from Democrats who lead the city, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best is still struggling to stop the violence.

The riots in Seattle, USA, were becoming more and more chaotic: groups of thugs drove vans into the city to distribute weapons

Captured fireworks

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said: "Since July 19, we have seen three protests in which individuals were involved, and they were particularly destructive and violent within the peaceful protest crowd. On the evening of Aug. 6, a group of protesters went to the Youth Service Center, where people in the organization used incendiary equipment, Molotov cocktails, Molotov cocktails, Molotov cocktails, and threw them into construction sites, causing multiple trailers to be destroyed by fire. ”

The riots in Seattle, USA, were becoming more and more chaotic: groups of thugs drove vans into the city to distribute weapons

Homemade explosive devices?

And weapons in the captured van. She said: "There were plenty of pyrotechnic explosives in the van, smoke bombs bundled together that had fortunately not yet been lit, and chili sprays, including stun guns, improvised needle strips, baseball bats and machetes. This has made the situation in the city of Seattle more and more serious, and then the threat to human life has grown exponentially. This escalation was even more damaging to Seattle than the riots. Before they can see the unimaginable death toll a decade ago, the police must be allowed to do their work and stop the violence.

The riots in Seattle, USA, were becoming more and more chaotic: groups of thugs drove vans into the city to distribute weapons

It is true that fireworks have become a good spoiler weapon

Apparently, the American mob carrying a large number of weapons is planning to create a larger riot in Seattle. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said "this sabotage team moved to the Eastern Seattle area." The Emergency Team in the City of Seattle, USA, dispatched a vehicle to track the van, and then the U.S. police saw the mob remove the items and distribute them to the people in the group. The items are described as baseball bats, pyrotechnic explosives, gas masks, improvised protective covers, and masks. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said that fortunately, the Seattle police in the United States intervened in time and directly destroyed the riot team!

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