
The mystery of the survival of the underwater people

author:A world of strange things
The mystery of the survival of the underwater people

On the beautiful earth, are there other intelligent creatures besides humans? For a long time, people thought that there was only one kind of intelligent creature on Earth, human beings. However, after entering the 20th century, as scientists and explorers continued to explore and pursue, people began to think that there was another mysterious highly intelligent creature on earth - "underwater man".

In 1938, people stumbled upon a "toad man" on The Beach of Juminda in Estonia, which exhibited the peculiar features of "chicken breast, flat mouth, and round head". When it spotted that someone was quietly following it, it quickly jumped into the Baltic Sea, and witnesses did not even see its jumping legs. Perhaps this is the first case of the "underwater man" witness.

In 1958, Dr. Rotan of the National Oceanographic Society of the United States used an underwater camera to inadvertently take some images similar to human footprints on the seabed more than 4,000 meters deep.

In 1963, A U.S. submarine spotted a "monster" during a military exercise on puerto Rico's east coast.

It looks like an "undersea ship" with propellers, and its speed can reach 280 km/h. When the 13 units of the U.S. Navy that participated in the exercise saw it, they quickly dispatched destroyers and submarines to track it closely, but after 4 hours, the "monster" disappeared without a trace.

If there really are "undersea people", what do they look like? What is their living environment? Do they have a higher level of intelligence than we do? Are they more civilized than ours?

Scientists have been fiercely debating the existence of the mysterious "undersea man", and various opinions have emerged.

There is a view that "undersea people" do exist, and they can not only survive well in the "ocean of air", but also come and go freely in the "air of the ocean". Scientists believe that we humans originated in the ocean, so many of the habits and some organs of modern humans have obvious traces of this, such as people who like to eat salt very much, do not have thick fur on their bodies, and can swim, love to eat fishy and other similar characteristics, which are not available to other mammals on land. In the process of human evolution, it is likely to form two major branches underwater and on land, the branches on land are called "humans", and the underwater branches are called "sea people".

The second view is somewhat peculiar, seemingly whimsical in it, and even a little absurd. Those who hold this view believe that the "underwater people" are not the so-called underwater branch of humans, and they are very likely to be specific aliens living under the water. The reason they insist on this view is that the intelligence and technological level of these "undersea people" far exceeds that of humans. Such a view needs to be verified by science and practice. At present, most people think that this view is difficult to establish.

These two very common views are not shared and supported by most scientists. Scientists believe that many of the characteristics of the magical and mysterious "undersea man" are fully adapted to the living environment of the earth. Scientists have determined that the "undersea man" can only be a product of the Earth, and it is completely impossible to be a creature from an alien planet. In this way, the idea that there is another branch of humanity on the seabed occupies a favorable position. However, is there really a "sea man"? Which of the above views is closer to the truth? All of this needs to be further confirmed by scientists in scientific investigations and studies. Imagine that if there really is an "underwater man", it is not necessarily a bad thing for human beings, at least a partner who lives with us on this beautiful blue planet. If there really are "undersea people", whether we humans and "undersea people" can live in peace and strengthen cooperation and exchanges with each other, and whether we can jointly maintain the beautiful homeland of the earth through cooperation, will be the question we have to consider.

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