
Real Havana

author:Phoenix TV
Real Havana

Spotlight on Cuba

It's in America's backyard.

Anti-American has been going on for more than sixty years.

It is the only socialist country in the Americas,

It was blocked by the United States for 57 consecutive years.

The Cuban economy is struggling, as rumored to be.

Or is it vibrant because of reform?

Life in Cuba is cramped and embarrassing, as rumor has it,

Or is it self-indulgent and relaxing?

What was the course of the Cuban Revolution?

On March 10, 1952, Batista, with the support of the United States, staged a military coup and came to power again, implementing a pro-American dictatorship that provoked the discontent of the broad masses of the people and caused constant protests and riots throughout the country.

On July 26, 1953, Castro led a group of youths to attack the Moncada barracks in Santiago, where he was arrested and imprisoned. He was released in May 1955 and established the July 26 Movement, a revolutionary organization. In December 1956, Castro organized a group of young people from Mexico to cross the sea back to Cuba on the yacht "Gramma", landed and went to the Mountains of Maestra to carry out guerrilla struggle.

Real Havana

On March 13, 1957, a group of young students attacked the Presidential Palace, and after the failure, they established the 3.13 Revolutionary Steering Committee and transferred to the mountains of Las Villas to fight guerrillas.

In February 1958, an expeditionary force led by Forre Jomon opened a new guerrilla zone in the Mountains of Escambray, and soon the two teams merged with the main guerrilla forces led by the 7.26 Movement into a larger rebel army. In October of the same year, Castro enacted the Agrarian Reform Act, which led to a broad united front of people from all walks of life. In December, the rebels liberated Maestra and eliminated the main government forces. Then, he marched westward and pointed directly at Havana. Forced by the revolutionary situation, Batista fled abroad on January 1, 1959. The rebel army entered the capital, Havana, declaring the victory of the Cuban Revolution. Subsequently, the Provisional Government was formed. Castro became commander-in-chief of the armed forces and in February of the same year became prime minister of the government.

"Anti-American fighter" Castro went to hug the American thigh?

Although Cuba is now a socialist country, the Communist Party of Cuba was formally founded in 1965. Although Castro was influenced by the Oriental trend of thought at that time, he was not a socialist until the victory of the Cuban Revolution, let alone determined to take the socialist road.

Because of this, the United States initially regarded the Cuban Revolution led by Castro as an ordinary regime change, believing that Cuba could still be a semi-colony. Given the strength and geography of the United States, Castro initially wanted to maintain equal and friendly relations with the United States.

So in April 1959, Castro visited the United States. Unfortunately, because the United States still wants to make Cuba its semi-colony, Castro's visit to the United States eventually broke up.

Real Havana

After that, there was the famous "Bay of Pigs Incident"

On April 17, 1961, the United States gathered a group of Cubans in exile in the United States and landed on The Giron Beach in the Bay of Pigs region of The Bay of Pigs on the southwest coast of Cuba in an attempt to overthrow the Castro government.

Castro, who was only 34 years old at the time, took command of a temporary headquarters at a sugar factory near Keelung Beach, and he ordered the sinking of all ships, leaving the commando team of exiles alone. The outcome of the Bay of Pigs proved only one thing: the Americans found a group of "pig-like teammates" — in just 72 hours, the 1,500-man mercenary army was crushed by Cuban government forces. Ninety people were killed, more than 1,000 captured, and only 50 were rescued from sea by U.S. warships. The "Bay of Pigs Incident" ended in a crushing defeat in the United States!

Real Havana

What has the United States done to Cuba over the years?

On February 7, 1962, Kennedy signed a decree imposing comprehensive sanctions on Cuba, prohibiting the sale of all Cuban products, including Cuban cigars, to the United States.

Real Havana
Real Havana

In 2008, after Obama was elected president of the United States, in his first term, he adopted a series of positive policies to improve U.S.-Cuban relations, such as easing remittances and traveling to Cuba.

On 10 March 2009, the United States Senate passed a bill on the partial lifting of United States sanctions against Cuba, amending the highly controversial embargo on Cuba and relaxing restrictions on Cuba, including restrictions on travel to Cuba by Cuban Americans of Cuba and remittances. At the same time, restrictions on food and medicine exports from the United States to Cuba have been eased. In April 2015, Obama and Raul Castro met at the Inter-American Summit; at the end of May, the United States removed Cuba from the "terrorist list"; in July and August, the two sides resumed diplomatic relations and exchanged embassies to achieve mutual visits by foreign ministers; and in November, the two countries resumed direct mail. In February 2016, Megoo signed a direct commercial shipping agreement. On March 21, 2016, Obama became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba in 55 years since the United States and Cuba severed diplomatic relations.

Real Havana

But since U.S. President Donald Trump entered the White House, the U.S. government has announced a tightening of its policy toward Cuba, banning U.S. companies from doing business with Cuban companies, departments and other institutions. In addition, the Trump administration also expelled Cuban diplomats in the United States and withdrew 60% of U.S. diplomats in Cuba on the grounds that the so-called U.S. diplomats in Cuba were "sonic attacked." Not only that, on September 19, 2017, Trump made a strong accusation and tough attitude towards Cuba at the "debut" of the United Nations General Assembly. On September 10, 2018, President Trump signed a decree extending the trade embargo imposed on Cuba in 1962 for a year.

What is the Cuban economy?

In August 2018, the Cuban government issued a report that Cuba had accumulated losses of $933.678 billion in the past 60 years due to the U.S. blockade and embargo.

However, the long-term sanctions have brought a windfall to Cuba: Cuba has become the largest owner of American classic cars, and the same classic cars have long been extinct on the roads of other countries in the world, at best only in museums, but Cubans still drive them around the streets.

Since its founding in 1959, Cuba has made education a priority revolutionary task. In Cuba, children are free from kindergarten until they graduate with a doctorate, without having to pay tuition fees, books or even food. School uniforms are also uniformly distributed by the school, and there are uniform standards for colors and styles. The number of students in each class of primary schools in Cuba is limited to 20, and the subjects studied are Chinese, mathematical knowledge, music and physical education. Courses in Cuban history, geography and civic education will be added to the fifth and sixth grades.

Every year, Cuba also accepts thousands of foreign students to study in Cuban universities, medicine and pharmacy, architecture and other disciplines, and is also exempt from tuition.

Real Havana

Free medical care has always been a source of pride for Cubans. Cuba's free health care system is not centred on treatment, but on prevention.

Cuba's medical security system not only relieves the worries of the people, but also gradually becomes a trump card in Cuba on the international stage in recent days, Venezuelan President Chávez went to Cuba to treat cancer, and the ball king Maradona went to Cuba to detoxify, which has become the most powerful propaganda for Cuban medical treatment.

From the discovery of Cuba by Columbus in the 15th century, Cuba has experienced a long period of imperial colonization, wars of independence, national revolutions and economic blockades. Every piece of history is like a shackle that imprisons Cuba. However, as one of the central figures of the Cuban Revolution, Che. As Che Guevara put it, "Let us face reality, let us be faithful to ideals, the bitter history has not allowed Cuba to sink, the raging revolutionary fire, the delicate rumba, the swinging jazz has never stopped." "It also gives us a glimpse of Cuba's extraordinary, resilient vitality. This is really, the spring color of the garden can not be closed, a cigar out of the wall.

Real Havana

Jan. 13 at 19:15 p.m

Big news big history tells you

The real Havana - 60 years of victory in the Cuban Revolution

Real Havana

Edit: Little Pills, Tear Paper Little Sister

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