
Victims of the "7.5" incident: 12 years have passed, and the pain left by the mob has not disappeared

author:China News Network

Beijing, 5 Jul (China News Service) -- Twelve years ago today, the city of Urumqi caused the "7.5" serious violent crime incident that shocked China and foreign countries, and thousands of terrorists acted simultaneously in many parts of the city and frantically killed the masses. Shaytijan Shawur, a victim of the "7.5" incident, said in Beijing on the 5th, "After 12 years, the pain left by the thugs has not disappeared." ”

Victims of the "7.5" incident: 12 years have passed, and the pain left by the mob has not disappeared

The picture shows the victim of the "7.5" incident, Shaytijan Shawur. Photo by China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming

On the same day, the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference in Beijing on Xinjiang-related issues. At the press conference, community police officer Shaytijan Shawur recalled that 12 years ago today, he and his colleagues who were patrolling the Urumqi International Grand Bazaar were suddenly attacked by hundreds of thugs while patrolling and guiding tourists. "The mob chased and beat innocent people along the road, smashed and burned the shops along the street, and their arrogance was very arrogant."

When Shaytijan Shawal and his colleagues pulled up a line of defense with their bodies to protect the thousands of tourists stranded at the Grand Bazaar, the mob rushed up and broke the line. "A group of thugs surrounded me in the middle, smashed me with stones and bricks, and said they were going to kill me, and I was immediately bleeding." Shaytijan Shawur recalls.

"They are the enemies of the masses of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and they are also the enemies of our Uyghur people." Sayitijiang Shawur said that we Uyghurs have an old saying: "No matter how high a pea jumps, it cannot break the iron pot." Those bad people have many evils and will never have a good ending. "In Xinjiang now, everything is fine, we are living very peacefully, and we cherish today's life very much."

Zhao Aiqin, a family member of the victims of the "7.5" incident, told her husband's experience at the press conference. As a bus driver, Zhao Aiqin's husband was attacked by thugs on July 5, 2009, on his way to work, tearing his upper lip, losing all his front front teeth, collapsing his nose, and being hit hard in the brain. Coupled with witnessing the massacre and atrocities of the mob against compatriots of all ethnic groups, Zhao Aiqin's husband was strongly stimulated and diagnosed with severe depression.

"He used to love to talk and laugh, he became reticent, didn't like to talk to other people in the family, and always curled himself up in the quilt. Every night, we couldn't watch TV, we couldn't turn on the lights, we couldn't talk loudly, and the slightest dissatisfaction made him thunderous. As a result of living in this environment for a long time, my youngest son also suffered from autism. Zhao Aiqin said, "A beautiful and happy family has been destroyed in this way, and I hate those murderous thugs very much, and they should be severely punished." ”

According to incomplete statistics, from 1990 to the end of 2016, the "three forces" at home and abroad carried out thousands of violent terrorist cases (incidents) in Xinjiang and other places, killing ordinary people and bringing great harm to Xinjiang's social stability. On July 5, 2009, the "East Turkistan" forces at home and abroad cooperated with each other to organize and plan a serious violent crime incident in Urumqi City that shocked China and foreign countries, thousands of terrorists acted simultaneously in many parts of the city, killing the masses, attacking government organs, public security armed police, residents' homes, shops, public transportation facilities, etc., causing a total of 197 deaths, more than 1,700 injuries, 331 shops and 1,325 cars were smashed and burned, and many municipal public facilities were damaged.

In the face of the severe and complicated counter-terrorism situation and the urgent demands of the masses of all ethnic groups for cracking down on violent terrorist crimes and ensuring the safety of lives and property, Yilijiang Anaiti, spokesman for the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said at the press conference that Xinjiang holds high the banner of socialist rule of law, draws on and absorbs the experience and practices of the international community in counter-terrorism, practices the principles and spirit of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the United Nations Action Plan for preventing Violent Extremism, adheres to the principles and spirit of "grasping crackdowns with one hand and prevention with the other," and persists in taking facts as the basis. Taking the law as the yardstick, we not only severely crack down on violent terrorist crimes in accordance with the law, but also attach importance to the treatment at the source, carry out de-extremification work through the establishment of education and training centers in accordance with the law, eliminate the soil and conditions that breed terrorism and religious extremism to the greatest extent, and protect the basic rights of citizens from being infringed to the greatest extent.

Victims of the "7.5" incident: 12 years have passed, and the pain left by the mob has not disappeared

The picture shows Yilijiang Anaiti, spokesman of the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Photo by China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming

"At present, there have been no violent terrorist cases in Xinjiang for more than four consecutive years, criminal cases and public security cases, including dangerous security cases and public security incidents, have dropped significantly, extremist infiltration has been effectively curbed, the social security situation has improved significantly, and the people's lives are peaceful and peaceful." Ilijan Anaiti stressed: Practice has proved that only by safeguarding security can we safeguard human rights, and we cannot protect human rights without counter-terrorism. Cracking down on terrorist activities in accordance with the law and ensuring the safety of the lives and property of people of all ethnic groups is the most fundamental protection of human rights. (End)

Source: China News Network

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