
Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

author:China Youth Network

Every teacher

The first time I took to the podium

Face a pair of pairs

Eyes full of curiosity and longing

Secretly made up his mind

Be sure to put what you've learned all your life

Teach them all

Since then

The teacher's world is full of busyness

"More than once I've seen her practice"

October 26

Tangshan, Hebei

A post-90s female teacher

The video of practicing in an empty classroom went viral

As you can see from the video

The classroom was empty

The lights were on in the front rows of the classroom

It should be that the students are out of school

The teacher was still practicing lecturing

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

The principal also said

More than once I saw her practicing late at night

Children in their twenties

No rest at night

Improve your professional abilities

Young teachers are so enterprising

Very impressed

Exam papers after the exam

Be sure to let you know the score as soon as possible

In Chongqing

A teacher sits on the light rail

Grading papers

Although the people next to it were talking and chatting

But it didn't affect it at all

The speed at which the teacher grades the paper

Netizens can't help but sigh

"The dedication is worth the money"

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

So that you can learn

The teacher really took pains

Math teachers combine functions with geometry artboards

Tell your own love story

He found it in his daily teaching

Many students have difficulty learning mathematics

Some even get annoyed when they see math

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

He uses the geometric drawing board he is good at

Turn math problems into vivid pictures

Dynamic presentation through artboards

Present the difficulties through images

To make students fall in love with math

Yang Hualong also song, magic

Games, etc. are integrated into teaching

"Hope to get to meet my students

Feel the joy of math"

In order to allow students to better remember the phonetic pronunciation

The English teacher created her own set of action reading methods

English classes are like physical lessons

Students call directly

"Fun like kindergarten"

The teacher was careful

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

After the early reading class

Several veteran teachers were fascinated by discussing math problems

A male teacher picked up a piece of chalk

Write the calculus process on the ground

The photographer said

"Touched by their love of learning"

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

It spans 20 kilometers every day

Come to the countryside to teach 5 students

Teacher Jiang is from Wuyuan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province

Tsinghua Town Xiaoyuankou Village Primary School

Homeroom teacher, Chinese teacher and math teacher

There are only five students in the school

Since their own children are in the town attending primary school

Had to shuttle back and forth every day

Twenty kilometers between the countryside and the town

"Even if I have a student, I will stick to it"

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

Thank you

With a smile of relief

For our harvest and progress

Silently likes

Longjiujin is a hunan xiangxi

The only teacher in Chahe Village Elementary School

He began to substitute classes at the age of 17

Accompany the children to grow up in the depths of the mountains

It has been almost 30 years now

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

A few years after retirement

He took to the podium again

One lesson is 3 hours

Pan Dingkun, who is more than 90 years old, does not rest in the middle

He said the teacher, like the actors, would not get tired on stage

"Tired is that the class is not ready"

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

Teacher Huang Yafei of Yueyang, Hunan Province, has a disease in both hands

For practice clamping chalk

His hand did not know how many times it had been worn

He has been a class teacher in a rural school for more than 40 years

He trained more than three thousand students

Post-90s teachers lecture in empty classrooms late at night... Principal: Not for the first time

This is the teacher!

Tao Li does not speak, and the next is a mystery

They use their own blood and sweat

It is cultivating batches of students

They are dedicated and happy

Accompany us through a period of bookish years

Thank you to the teachers who gave selflessly

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

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