
The Jiangnan Branch of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau carried out the theme activities of party history study and education

author:Guangxi News Network
The Jiangnan Branch of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau carried out the theme activities of party history study and education

Group photo of the participants. Photo by Pan Jie, correspondent of Guangxi News Network

Nanning, 30 Oct (Guangxi News Network) -- Recently, the party committee of the Jiangnan Branch of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau organized more than 100 grassroots leading cadres, party members, people's police, and auxiliary police representatives to go to the Jiangnan Shengtiandi Shengtian Tiantian Film International Cinema to watch the patriotic education film "Changjin Lake" on the theme of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and to carry out party day activities on the theme of party history study and education.

After watching the film, the auxiliary police of the Jiangnan Public Security Sub-bureau, under the leadership of the theater staff, visited the two new fields of the Film Party School in the Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone and the ShengtianTian film party building education base. Accompanied by the staff's emotional explanations, all the staff watched and listened to the stories of party history, relived the red memory, felt the greatness of the Communist Party of China, and further strengthened their confidence and determination to always follow the party.

Through the implementation of this movie-themed party day activity, the police auxiliary police of the bureau were deeply educated and encouraged. Everyone expressed their gratitude for the heroic efforts of their revolutionary ancestors, cherish the present beautiful life, inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions, inherit the red gene, and continue the red bloodline.

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