
"A Cut of Fanghua" ‖ the small tailor is not the clothes, but the people's hearts and wishes A person is a city, in order to live will build a copper wall iron wall Everyone lives in their hearts at the same time two themselves, one belongs to life, one belongs to themselves

author:A penetrating light

For an ordinary office worker, it is not easy to steal half a day's leisure, so it is natural to abandon work and return to life. We always attribute the laziness in our bones, the greed in our personalities, and the trepidation in our hearts to the pressure and rhythm of life, but in fact, we just seek a peace of mind for our own willing depravity.

There's always a way to do something meaningful instead of wasting time on trivial or even dispensable things. But what kind of imprint have we left in those fragmented times? Some time ago, I inadvertently watched a TV series "A Cut of Fanghua", at first glance it was just to pass the time, and then I was attracted by the ups and downs of the plot inside, and as long as I had time later, I would chase it. Sure enough, good things themselves have an inexplicable magic that has always held people's hearts back.

"A Cut of Fanghua" ‖ the small tailor is not the clothes, but the people's hearts and wishes A person is a city, in order to live will build a copper wall iron wall Everyone lives in their hearts at the same time two themselves, one belongs to life, one belongs to themselves

At the beginning, the male protagonist Lu Yuanzhi was not a tailor, his master hoped that he could make a living by reading, but he loved to make clothes, and the master was the royal tailor, and dealing with the palace was naturally very careful, because if he was not careful, he might make a big mistake. And Lu Yuanzhi never plays cards according to common sense, seemingly cynical, panicked, but in fact, he is serious about righteousness, likes to innovate and has an amazing talent in making clothes.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > a person is a city, and in order to live, a copper wall will be built</h1>

The empress dowager seems to be high and powerful, thousands of people's attention, unlimited scenery, always a serious look, but in fact, it is a matter of daily opportunity, but in order to defend the country, she blocked herself, in the great court she should be the loneliest one. When Lu Yuanzhi made clothes for her, he saw her intentions, which not only showed her status, but also graceful and luxurious, so he had the first dress embroidered with a phoenix, and it was also because of this dress that Lu Yuanzhi was appreciated by the palace and stayed in the palace as an errand boy.

"A Cut of Fanghua" ‖ the small tailor is not the clothes, but the people's hearts and wishes A person is a city, in order to live will build a copper wall iron wall Everyone lives in their hearts at the same time two themselves, one belongs to life, one belongs to themselves

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > everyone has two selves living in their hearts at the same time, one belongs to life and one belongs to themselves</h1>

Originally, Lu Yuanzhi had offended the empress dowager and was about to be exiled to Ningguta, but because of Kang Ning's intercession, the empress dowager decided to let Lu Yuanzhi do jifu to break the crime. This time he saw through the heart of the empress dowager- on the one hand, the empress dowager was a strong woman, she had to do everything, and on the other hand, she was just an ordinary woman, hoping that someone would love and understand, and that she would be able to be herself. So there were different embroidered gowns on both sides, and the ordinary side was blocked inside to indicate that she was the empress dowager in front of people, and in private she was herself.

Originally, the empress dowager wanted to blame Lu Yuanzhi, because there were rules in the palace, and she had to keep them, but when she heard Kang Ning's explanation, although she was tough on the surface, she could see her inner emotions from the look in her eyes.

"A Cut of Fanghua" ‖ the small tailor is not the clothes, but the people's hearts and wishes A person is a city, in order to live will build a copper wall iron wall Everyone lives in their hearts at the same time two themselves, one belongs to life, one belongs to themselves

Although Lu Yuanzhi experienced many hardships, he always maintained kindness, focused on innovation, insisted on his dreams, and finally became a living signboard and became the most influential tailor at that time.

Life is a vast desert, people's hearts are the weather that changes in seconds, everyone is eager to get an oasis in this desert, no one lives without tiredness, no one lives without suffering, but I have to say that if I catch people's hearts and guess people's wishes, life will become like a fish.

Some people may say that to grasp people's hearts, guess people's wishes, life is not more tired, life should be their own life, their own happiness is good. Yes, these truths are true, but who can escape the circle of life and live alone. As long as you are willing to be a person with a heart, in fact, people's hearts and minds have never been so elusive.

I have a touch of penetrating light, if you have confusion in life, welcome to share with me, happy to solve your puzzles!

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