
"Fatal Wishes" is scheduled for November 3, and the mystery behind the wishing game is about to be revealed

author:Eat melon girl cat nine sauce

Now the development of science and technology, but also to meet our needs to watch the drama, after work nothing to watch a drama, bored on the weekend to watch a drama, watching the drama at the same time let our tired day of physical and mental relaxation. Of course, there are many kinds of dramas, with the development of the Internet, online dramas also meet the audience's eyes, when it comes to online dramas, the first thing that comes to mind is iQiyi's Mist Theater, which is a suspense film special, but also a welfare theater for everyone.

"Fatal Wishes" is scheduled for November 3, and the mystery behind the wishing game is about to be revealed

The response of the audience of the previous episodes was very good, and it can be said that the reputation is good. Today, the Mist Theater is welcoming a blockbuster suspense drama, and the official announcement of "Fatal Wish" is set for November 3, bringing the audience a visual and mental feast. This drama takes a mobile phone APP as a clue, this APP is called WISHER APP, which means wishing software, from the name can be seen that this APP can help people make wishes, the function introduction mentioned that as long as it is a wish can be realized, so it has attracted a group of college students.

However, there is no free lunch, if you want to fulfill your wish, the wisher must complete a task, this task is randomly assigned by the APP, it may be to do housework, or it may be to kill a person, the task is not selectable. Empathy is in the youth of college students, for their own vanity and desires, as long as they can achieve their goals, or willing to do something out of the ordinary.

In addition to young people, the other part is middle-aged, and the scene of middle age is the high-rise buildings and streets that can be seen everywhere, which brings us back to reality from the fantastic game, which triggers our infinite thinking, thinking about how to rationally use scientific and technological achievements in today's era of technological development, rather than abusing technology. The official poster is "Butterfly Danger", and everyone's wishes are different, so the colors and types of butterflies are also different. Except for the wisher, the wish represented by each butterfly is unknown to others, and the power of the realization of the wish to change the people and the world is also unknown to us.

"Fatal Wishes" is scheduled for November 3, and the mystery behind the wishing game is about to be revealed

Just like the "butterfly effect", every butterfly is inconspicuous, but when they come together, the problems they bring are beyond our control. Through the official announcement of the trailer, we have a lot of interest in this drama, starting from the reporter Nado's investigation of the case, and then to the intersection with the students, involving the truth of the wishing software. Judging from the poster, the starring lineup of this drama can be described as quite luxurious.

"Fatal Wishes" is scheduled for November 3, and the mystery behind the wishing game is about to be revealed

The male protagonist Feng Shaofeng, as an outstanding representative of the strength faction, the audience popularity and reputation are excellent, and the image of the suspenseful protagonist uncle who starred in this time is also full of expectations. The heroine Wen Qi as a freshman in the chinese drama can be said to be the true color, this play is also a freshman role, her own student identity in the process of interpretation can make her more natural, the effect will not be bad, which is also a challenge and experience for young actors.

"Fatal Wishes" is scheduled for November 3, and the mystery behind the wishing game is about to be revealed

What can make us think behind the plot is that in such a technologically developed Internet era, it is easy for us to do something out of reality, so when dealing with anything new, we must be rational. How to deal with the relationship between technology and reality, let's explore together at the iQIYI Mist Theater on November 3rd.

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