
English phonetic alphabet, alphabet----- alphabet, alphabet combination pronunciation rules memorized 1

author:Persistent hill oH

English phonetic alphabet, alphabet----- alphabet, alphabet combination pronunciation rules memorize oral tips one, try to use the "chest assisted sending force---— oral rear vocalization method" to recite and read 26 English letters, feel learning standard pronunciation, until the sense of pitch, fluency, lifting and lowering mode freely. Printed: uppercase A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z lowercase a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z handwriting s s s u v w x y z handwriting s stilt: (note the four-wire format occupancy requirement) Uppercase A B C D E E F G H I J K L M M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z lowercase a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z[ ei / bi: /si: /di: / i: /ef /dVi: / eitF / ai / dVei / kei / el /em /en /Eu /pi://kju: /B: /es /ti: /ju: / vi: /dQblju: /eks /wai /zi:] u first observe the pronunciation of the above letters, and then classify the letters containing the common vowel factor: (1) [ei] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]__[ ]__[ ]__[__ ](5) [u:] ___[ ] ___[ _ __ [ _ __ [ [6) [e] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] [7) [B:] ___[ ] II. Classification table of vowels and consonants (vowels and consonants) in English Phonetic transcription (pronounced using the posterior vocalization method of the oral cavity) pronunciation features

Vowel* Vowel Unit Sound Vocal Cord Vibration Front Vowel: [i:/ I:] [i] [e] [A] pronounced clearly and loudly, the air flow is smooth

Middle vowel: [Q] [E] [E: / \:]

后元音:[B:] [C:] [C] [u:] [u] [u]

双元音 振动 [you] [they] [Ci] [iE] [ZE/ eE] [uE] [au] [I]

Consonant * vowel Dumb consonant Non-vibrating [p][t][k][f][s][W][F][h] [tF][tr][ts] vague pronunciation Obscure airflow is obstructed

浊辅音 振动 [b][d][g] [v][z][T][V] [r] [dV][dr][dz][m][n][N] [l]/[l] [w][j ]

辅音连缀 [pr][pl][br][bl][kr][kl][gr][gl][fr][fl][sn][sl][sk][sp][sw][dw][hw][kw][tw] [Wr] [pju:][bju:][tju:][dju:][dju:][kju:][gju:][fju:][vju:][lju:][mju:][nju:][hju:][zjuju

Third, how to spell the English pinyin: (that is, how to pronounce the phonetic transcription of the word.) /Very similar to our Hanyu Pinyin)

(Spelling rules: Divide syllables centered on vowels and spell them by syllables.) )

Spelling tips: vowels as the center, dividing syllables, spelling by syllables; multi-syllable accents, multi-syllables, multiple syllables, how light syllables are pronounced. Reopen syllables to read long tones, light/closed syllables to read short tones. Examples: he[hi:], name [neim], table['teibl], bicycle['baisikl], teacher['ti:tFE], red, cap, and, thank, basket, yellow, umbrella,

{For details, see section 5 (page 8 of this material): V. Syllable division... }

u Quiz: Phonetic phonetic phonics exercises.

[ai] + [E] →[aiE] [au]+ [E]→ [auE] [h]+ [iE]→ [hiE] [p]+ [ZE] →[pZE] [t]+[Ci] →[tCi]

[ei]+ [tF]→ [eitF] [tF] +[ei]→[tFei] [g]+[I]→[gEu] [k]+[au]→[kau] [sn]+[I]→[snEu]

[pr]+[au]→[prau] [pl]+[ei]→[plei] [gr]+[i:]→[gray:] [gl]+[u:]→[glu:] [kl]+[B:]→[klB:]

[kl]+[B:]+[s]→[klB:s] [t]+[u:]+[W]→[tu:W] [br]+[au]+[n]→[braun] [r]+[Q]+[b]+[E]→[`rQbE]
