
Taiwan's "Big Ren Brother" "riding" anecdotes

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: China News Network

Author Zhou Yanling

June 10 is the 91st day of taiwan compatriot Chen Wenren's cycling in Chinese mainland, and he has ridden more than 27,000 kilometers.

Chen Wenren, who "rides more and more spirits," is affectionately called "Brother Da Ren" by the "Mo friends" on both sides of the strait. In the landmark Jiaxiu Building in Guiyang City, the capital of Guizhou Province, "Brother Daren" shared with reporters the anecdotes of "riding" around the mainland.

"Xinjiang is very safe, and at night I went to hami's night market to pick up skewers and drank Wusu beer." Talking about the cycling journey in Xinjiang, Chen Wenren was full of praise.

Taiwan's "Big Ren Brother" "riding" anecdotes

The picture shows Chen Wenren in Beichuan. Courtesy of respondents

The later the more lively it is, is Chen Wenren's impression of Xinjiang. Chen Wenren said that the people of Xinjiang are full of chatter and laughter on the streets, shopping malls and roadsides are full of people, and the people are a scene of prosperity and health.

"Punching in" the geographical center of the Asian continent, taking photos with hospitable Xinjiang compatriots, visiting the International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi... During his seven days in Xinjiang, Chen Wenren saw everyone on the street with happy smiles on their faces.

In his view, Hami is a place full of warmth and kindness; Urumqi is a modern metropolis with a variety of dried fruit and food. Xinjiang, full of security, made Chen Wenren decide that he must take his family back to Xinjiang in the future.

Talking about the interesting stories of cycling in the Great Northwest, Chen Wenren admits that he should be very careful when riding in the Great Northwest, because there are often wild animals running out on the road or walking on the road.

"Tibetan antelopes, wild camels, hares... I would stop and take pictures of those wild animals. Chen Wenren said with a smile that many wild animals will look at each other with themselves, which is particularly interesting.

In Qinghai, Chen Wenren saw the most slogans: "Man and nature coexist."

Taiwan's "Big Ren Brother" "riding" anecdotes

The picture shows Chen Wenren "punching in" Guiyang Jiaxiu Building. Photo by Zhou Yanling

The changes in the mainland's rural areas have also opened Chen Wenren's eyes. "During the ride, I also learned that many villagers in remote mountainous areas were given free new houses." Chen Wenren said that such a good policy and the extensive transportation in the countryside are too praised.

More than 10 days ago, Chen Wenren arrived in Beichuan, Sichuan, and he couldn't wait to visit the Banacha Commercial Pedestrian Street and Xinsheng Square in New Beichuan, and took photos all the way.

In the county seat of New Beichuan, neat and beautiful buildings stand between beautiful mountains and rivers, and the wide and straight roads are lined with green trees. The beautiful environment and good greening of the new Beichuan made Chen Wenren have a thought: he wanted to come here for the elderly in the future.

What Chen Wenren did not expect was that the old county town of Beichuan, the original hard-hit area, was preserved as an earthquake site, and the current site is not only an earthquake park to commemorate, but also a place for scientific research, giving the site new vitality.

Taiwan's "Big Ren Brother" "riding" anecdotes

The picture shows Chen Wenren's motorcycle. Courtesy of respondents

"After bowing to the compatriots killed in the earthquake and laying flowers, I made a video connection with my son who was far away in Taiwan." Chen Wenren said that the mainland of the motherland has a good protection of the earthquake sites and wants to share these with young people in Taiwan.

Cycling from Yunnan into Guizhou, Chen Wenren first met with the world's tallest bridge, the Beipanjiang Bridge, "equivalent to a 200-story bridge that makes me unable to see the end at a glance."

There are no piers in the middle of the Beipanjiang Bridge, which connects the mountains and mountains, like a giant dragon soaring in the middle of the Nizhu River gorge, "driving in it is like flying in the sky, which is particularly majestic." Chen Wenren said that Guizhou, which could not imagine that "the land is not three feet flat", realized the county-to-county highway 6 years ago and became a "high-speed plain".

During his stay in Guizhou, Chen Wenren also went to visit his Taiwanese friend Chen Zhiming, who started a business in Gui'an New District, and his optoelectronic industry was doing well. Chen Wenren expects more Taiwan compatriots to come to the mainland to share the "dividends" of development.

Chen Wenren said that many young people in Taiwan do not understand the mainland, and bringing back what they have photographed along the road can let more Taiwan compatriots see the prosperity and progress of the mainland and the development of the countryside, and also let them know about the earth-shaking changes on the mainland and the happy life of the people.

A person, a car, a flag, a bag, 55-year-old "immortal rider" Chen Wenren rode a motorcycle, ready to "punch" the Huangguoshu Waterfall, and continue to share what he saw and heard with the young people of Taiwan to enhance cross-strait exchanges. (China News Network)