
The prevention and control of honeycomb insects cannot be delayed: Wang Zhizheng

author:Shanghai Bee Breeding Research Base

Nest insects are one of the main enemies of the colony and can be harmed all year round, especially in the hot summer. Nest worms are the larvae of wax borers, and there are two common species of adults and larvae. Adult nesters are about 3 cm long and juveniles are about 2 cm long. Nest worms reproduce quickly, eggs and larvae are very viable, and the harm is extremely high. It mainly harms weak bee colonies and makes cocoons at the bottom of the nest room, makes tunnels in the nest spleen to damage the nest spleen and moth wax on the nest spleen, and harms bee larvae and bee pupae. Autumn decline in the bee colony affects the yield and quality of honey, often resulting in the death of bee colonies fleeing (34%) or large numbers of capping pupae. Therefore, during the summer period of the bee colony, it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and killing of nest insects.

1. Since the nest insects are mainly harmful to weak bee colonies, it is necessary to manage the bee colony when the summer comes, keep the bees more than the spleen, and have sufficient honey and powder on the nest spleen to accelerate the king's spawning, make the bee colony more vigorous, change from the weak group to a strong group, and prevent or mitigate the nest insect pest. Weak groups should be merged in time.

2. Remove the old nest spleen to reduce the environment that may induce nest worms, and the bees gather to protect the spleen and resist the nest insect hazards. After the old nest spleen is withdrawn, it should be waxed in time and should not be placed for a long time, so as not to cause nest insect harm.

3. Do a good job in the cleaning and hygiene of the nest box, clean the beehive frequently, remove the wax chips and residue in the box in time, eliminate the breeding ground of the nest insects, and create a good living environment for the bees. The storage nest spleen should be sealed tightly and smoked with drugs on a regular basis. The cleaning interval is about 7 ~ 15 d.

4. Select high-quality queen bees to improve the ability of the bee colony to resist pests and diseases. Conditional bee farms, two years to introduce a high-quality queen bee to enhance the genetic advantage within the bee farm.

5. Method of killing nest insects :(1) Extract the infested nest spleen, find the moth, and use forceps to clip out the nest worm along the moth ;(2) Put the nest spleen in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes, and destroy it when the nest worm crawls out ;(3) Gather the affected nest spleen and kill it with sulfur powder or irrigate the spleen with 10% salt water, and shake out the nest worm after 1 h.

6. Drug prevention and treatment. The beehive and empty nest spleen are soaked in 5% lime water or 1% caustic soda solution for 30 h, then washed and dried to eliminate the wintering nest insects hidden in it. Placing about 10 octagonal fruits per box can also play a role in preventing nest insect breeding. For bee colonies that suffer from serious harm from nest insects, nest insects can be eliminated by using a drug that specializes in killing nest insects - "nest insect net". Take 5 g of nest worm net, dilute with water to 1.5 L, spray the nest spleen, let dry and store. If it is in the honey flow period, the nest spleen can be removed, shake off the bees and spray them, dry them and put them back in the hive.

7. Raise awareness of swarm autonomy in sanitation. A weaker swarm nest door should not be opened too large, open large, easy to be harmed by predators, but also not conducive to the bee colony itself to clean up the garbage, the nest door is small and multi-faceted, allow a worker bee to enter and exit, because there are many ways out, because there are many ways out, the bees with the box in many ways in and out, the bees that go out will see the garbage will take the initiative to take out the consciousness will increase.

8. Swapping the spleen can not only avoid the strong swarm of bees but also supplement the amount of weak swarm bees, increase the feeding ability of weak swarms, increase their labor, more bees, less natural diseases.

9. Eliminate the living space of nest insects and cut off their reproductive paths.

(1) Constantly update the old nest spleen. Debris and wax in the hive are often removed, leaving the nest worm with nowhere to hide. When the nest spleen is not in use, it is extracted from the hive, scraped off the propolis and beeswax on the frame beam, and stored in a dry, clean and airtight place.

(2) Bake the hive with alcohol spray lights to kill the hive, nest eggs and larvae in the hive and nest spleen. Or place the nest spleen in a cold store below -7 °C and freeze for 5 to 7 h to kill the larvae and eggs.

(3) Eliminate the wax borer in time. Wax borers often burrow into the hive at night from the cracks in the hive and the nest door and lay eggs on the wax residue. Therefore, repair the hive to prevent the wax borer from crawling into the box at night; beat the wax borer with flies; and use the phototropism of the wax borer to eliminate it.

10. Biological control

(1) The companion spore crystals of Thuiensis, after being eaten by nest worms, will release toxic substances to kill them, and are harmless to bees. Indian scientists spray the spleen with 0.14% of the Bacillus thuringiensis milk, the mortality rate of the wax borer on the fifth day after eating is 90%, in order to achieve long-term control effect, the bacillus thuringiensis can be pressed into the nest foundation, and the nest worm is poisoned when the spleen is harmed.

(2) Using parasitic bee control, it has been found that wax borer cocoon bees and thigh wasps parasitize on wax borer bodies, lay eggs in wax borer larvae, and live by sucking wax borer body fluids, so that the larvae die. Before the arrival of the peak period of nest insect harm, the cultivated parasitic bees are placed in the hive, so that they can parasitize, spawn and reproduce, and suck the body fluids of the wax borer larvae to death to achieve the purpose of prevention and control.

(3) Treating the nest spleen with nuclear polyhedra virus can effectively prevent and control wax borer. It has been reported that radiomutation of moths can inhibit wax borer populations and may be an important means of controlling wax borers in the future.

The prevention and control of honeycomb insects cannot be delayed: Wang Zhizheng
The prevention and control of honeycomb insects cannot be delayed: Wang Zhizheng
The prevention and control of honeycomb insects cannot be delayed: Wang Zhizheng

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