
The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

author:Ah Feng loves fishing

Crucian carp, as a relatively common fish in China. It can even be said that among common fish species, its reproductive ability is comparable to that of white stripes, but its status is very different! Crucian carp is not only loved by anglers, it can be said that among the many freshwater fish, the number of people who love to fish for crucian carp is the largest in The country. Not only anglers, crucian carp is also loved by many people, which is also because of its tender meat and delicious soup!

Someone once asked: "Is there crucian carp where there is water"? For this question, I think many people who know how to fish, or who know how to fish, will answer without hesitation: Yes! So if crucian carp is so fertile, why can't they flood into any water like a white stripe? Let's take a look at why!

The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > how reproductive is crucian carp? </h1>

‬鲫鱼的繁殖能真的可以说是无孔不入,强的不是一星半点。 Indeed, if it weren't for the reverence of the people, it would only be a matter of time before it became a disaster! How strong is it? Let's take a look!


The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

鲫鱼‬的‬繁殖‬能力‬超强‬:一条体型较大的雌鲫鱼可以产下几万甚至是十几万的卵,一年内可以繁殖大约3000多条的幼鱼。 而且‬鲫鱼‬的‬成熟‬期‬相对‬较早‬,成鱼‬一年‬左右‬即可‬繁殖‬产卵‬! 常见‬的‬鲫鱼‬一年‬可‬产‬两次‬,即‬春季‬一次‬,秋季‬一次‬!


The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

鲫鱼‬卵‬的‬适应‬能力‬强‬:鲫鱼卵‬的‬生存‬能力‬也是‬打不死‬的‬小强‬,不管‬多‬恶劣‬的‬条件‬,哪怕是没有水,也能够存活一段时间,当时机合适时,仍旧可以孵化,形成受精卵后,孵化的时间与水的温度有很大的关系,一般水温在15-20℃时,鲫鱼孵化的时间需要5-7天;水温在20℃时,孵化需要4-5天的时间 When the water temperature is 20-25 ° C, incubation takes 2-3 days!

So with such a high-intensity reproductive ability, why are there fewer and fewer crucian carp, although it is not to the point of scarcity, but the overall number is very different compared to the white stripe? What is the reason why the white stripes flood the waters, but it can't do it?

The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! </h1>

For crucian carp, in fishing circles, breeding circles, that is a more popular presence. This is also entirely because of its own factors, crucian carp has a very high nutritional value, and the meat is tender and the soup is fresh. It is one of the few fish species with the skill of braising, boiling, and stewing soup in one.

The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

However, with the development of science and technology, the breeding, cultivation and types of crucian carp are also increasing, which is also a blessing in misfortune. Nowadays, the species of crucian carp is also through breeding, more and more! Such as: Dianchi high-backed crucian carp, Founder silver crucian carp, PengZe crucian carp, Qihe crucian carp, heterogeneous silver crucian carp, hybrid crucian carp, white crucian carp, Xiangyun crucian carp, platinum abundant crucian carp, golden crucian carp, African crucian carp, Jiangsu crucian carp and so on. 不过‬真正‬被人‬所‬尊崇‬的‬,还是‬以‬野生‬为主‬的‬本地‬的‬土鲫,

The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!


The nutritional value and efficacy of crucian carp: 1. Beauty and anti-wrinkle, can delay aging; 2. can improve human memory; 3. pregnant women eat is conducive to increasing milk; 4. it has great benefits for the liver; 5. it can reduce cholesterol, which can prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease; 6. promote children's growth and development; 7. can treat chronic bronchitis.

The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

Indeed, in my understanding of fish species, the nutritional value of crucian carp is undoubtedly more comprehensive. Moreover, crucian carp, in particular, is recognized as a milking god fish throughout the country during the lactating period of pregnant women. Even, in my hometown, wild crucian carp generates different prices depending on the individual. Half a pound below 50 pounds, half a pound to a pound of 80 pounds, and a pound up 120 pounds. I'm really messy at seeing such a high price, how popular it is to make it soar to such a point!

It is precisely because of this that today, wild crucian carp is overfished and caught. Their reproductive growth rate is completely unable to keep up with the rhythm, how can they flood in groups like white stripes?

The "helplessness" of crucian carp, as strong as the reproductive ability of white strips, is constantly hunted because of its deliciousness! How reproductive are crucian carp? 鲫鱼‬因“美味”而感到无力与无奈! ‬文章最后!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬文章最后! </h1>

In natural waters, the ability to reproduce catches up with white stripes, but in the wild, crucian carp can never surpass white stripes. And many things, once accepted by the human stomach, then it is only a matter of time before they exist to the point of rarity. Fortunately, crucian carp has strong reproductive ability, and its breeding technology is also quite mature, so there is no need to worry too much about the problem of scarcity extinction. After all, the output of the breeding base is very amazing. Just in the wild, it becomes powerless!

I am Yes Feng, a fisherman who loves fishing, likes me, follows, likes, comments and comments, thank you for reading!!!