
His Voice to His Father (Short Novel)

author:Fire is made of gold

Text/Zhang Jie

Time: Mid-September 2021; Location: In a mountain village in northwest Hubei; Situation - Autumn rain, stopped at the endless feet; Dongshan, pop out of the god-like and heey Golden Sun; Photon, reflected on people's faces, is brushing away the folds between the eyebrows. Rejoice or not— the heart says to him: The day is so good today! Good days are coming!

In fact, he came to the village with the town and village working group today, and when he held a mass meeting, he saw many familiar faces, and everyone talked and laughed. At the meeting, the host asked him to give a lecture to the villagers. He thought: Other comrades have all talked about what tea garden management and protection, what "two gold" collection, what anti-epidemic and epidemic prevention, what online "ten-star selection", what safe creation, what ecological protection, what flood prevention and fire prevention, and the election to the county, town, and village change, are all people's livelihood matters, family conditions, etc., are not important, it is very leisurely. He could not put it off, but had to obey - this is called "with the square, you will get the circle."

He, his heart was like a five-flavored bottle, instantly settled his mind, cleared his throat, picked up the microphone, he said loudly, say something?

He still said it—not to say sorry to the folks. His rhetoric is such and such. He said:

Hello fathers and comrades!

The people in our village are like deep water, every household can do it, the party's policies are guaranteed, and everything is prosperous on the road of hard work; it is really important to start a business and rejuvenate the family; it is really important to vote for the sacred vote in the election, and it is true to take into account the overall situation, and it is determined that the "three rural areas" will be well-off.

He said again. Like some of his comrades, he was almost sixty years old. Many of the fathers and villagers here may know him, he is a civil servant in the town government.

Some of the things he said were —

At the flick of a finger!

Looking back!

His life was almost on the bow of the "Sixty Flower Armor". In the time and space of these nearly "sixty flowers and nails", he and everyone have heard and witnessed the rapid changes of the motherland, the three cabins (ships) of the Chinese space station Tianhe, Tianzhou and Shenzhou XII have been successfully docked above the nine days, the people fighting against the epidemic are like the heavenly soldiers and the heavens will be fighting at any time, the pattern of internal circulation as the mainstay, the internal cycle as the main, the internal and external double cycle co-construction pattern has long been established, the Sino-US game, the cruise against Taiwan has dazzled the world, the elimination of absolute poverty has delivered a satisfactory answer, the rural revitalization is advancing, and the interactive development of urban and rural areas is not yesterday more than forty years ago. The hearts of the fathers and fellow villagers all bloomed with the smiling faces of "after the three armies."

The more he spoke, the more powerful he became.

-- It is the Chinese Communists who lead the people of the whole country to forge ahead, firmly control their dreams in the hands of the Chinese people, and station in the hearts of the people of the world.

I'm here!

We can only be grateful to the great Communist Party of China in our hearts!

We can only be grateful to the great motherland in our hearts!

Only in our hearts can we feel the fathers and villagers who raised us and the great people who are good at creating!

So --

Let's say it out loud:

Only the Communist Party of China can save China, and only the Communist Party of China can develop China;

Let's say it aloud:

We walk with the motherland;

Let's sing in unison:

I love you - China.

He continued.

In short, he hoped that all the villagers attending the village meeting today should look at the world, devote themselves to seeking family business, make long plans and short arrangements, keep spiritual and material things in order, and strive to be the "ten star households" at home, and work hard to be the first; they should also conscientiously listen to the spirit of the election work conference, abide by the discipline and procedures of the meeting, live a good political life for citizens to elect county and town people's congress deputies, and cast your sacred vote! In this way, we will contribute everyone's wisdom and strength to the future comprehensive development of our village. ”

At that time,

At this point,

The mountain village is quiet;

Crackling applause,

It was as if the heavens and the earth were connected.

It's like "Heaven and Man"!

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