
"Choose again, I will join China Aerospace"

author:Bright Net

【Spirit of the Times Yao Xiangjiang】

Guangming Daily reporter Zhang Yaxiong

On June 25, a team composed of the commander-in-chief and chief designer of several national space projects continued to walk into the campus of Hong Kong secondary schools to communicate with Primary and Secondary School students in Hong Kong. The vast universe, the dream of flying in the sky, and the sonorous and enterprising vows of the astronauts are perfectly presented in the shocking melody, and the students who watched the space launch video on the spot were deeply moved.

At about 9:00 a.m., Long Lehao, an 83-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief designer of the Long March series rockets, came to Hong Kong Peiqiao College and was warmly welcomed by more than 300 primary and secondary school students at the scene, and the children lined up neatly in the school auditorium.

When Long Lehao entered the scene, the students on both sides of the long red carpet applauded continuously. Subsequently, the school held a simple and solemn welcome ceremony in the auditorium, and the student honor guard raised the five-star red flag on the spot. Wang Yajun, minister of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, presented the "Tianwen-1" Mars probe model to Peiqiao Academy. At the same time, the children of Hong Kong Pei Qiao College also received a space gift package.

Topics such as "What is a rocket" and "How a rocket takes off" have aroused the curiosity and attention of students. "I'll talk to you today for forty or fifty minutes." Long Lehao said that because there will be primary school students who will listen to the lecture today, I am afraid that the children will not understand it, and last night I deliberately changed the PPT overnight.

"The earth is a cradle, but human beings will not lie in the cradle forever." At Huangren College, a century-old famous university in Hong Kong, Qi Faxuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the first chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft, exchanged with the students the great dream of human exploration of the vast universe. Before the lecture began, student representatives from various secondary schools sat in the auditorium, ready to listen to Qi Faxuan's lecture.

"When space exploration encounters difficulties, what is the belief that makes you overcome them?" At the lecture site of Huangren College, a female classmate asked Qi Faxuan a question. "I love the aerospace industry, and this belief is also my motivation, it can overcome any difficulty!" Qi Faxuan said that his hometown is in Dalian, and since he was in high school, he has made up his mind to learn aviation, build airplanes, and defend his family and country.

"Middle school is an important time for growing up in life." At Ho Yuk Thanh Secondary School in Po Leung Kuk, Hong Kong, Xie Jun, deputy chief designer of beidou satellite navigation system engineering, shared the glorious history of the development of national aerospace science and technology with the theme of "looking up at the starry sky and the bright beidou".

"The current achievements embody the painstaking efforts of successive generations of astronauts and are full of the true colors of the Chinese nation's unremitting self-improvement." At the scene of the event, some students asked Xie Jun if he could choose another career and whether he would enter the aerospace field again.

"I'm lucky to be in the space industry. If you are really interested in the field of industrial design and industrial construction, you are very welcome to dedicate yourself to the field of high technology. Xie Jun said, "Choose again, I will join China Aerospace." ”

(Guangming Daily, Hong Kong, June 25)

Guangming Daily ( 2021-06-26 04 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily