
Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

author:Piano every day

1. "The Pianist of the Sea" Douban score: 9.2

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

The protagonist, Danny Budman TD Lemmon 1900 was an abandoned infant on board the luxury cruise ship Virginian, who was discovered and adopted by a kind coal worker on the first day of 1900, hence the name 1900. After the death of his adoptive father, in 1900, without a teacher, he actually began to play the piano after playing music on the piano he heard, accompanied him every day, and became a talented pianist. Music made him addicted, but in his life he never took a ship, went to land, began an ordinary life, and finally exploded and sank with the ship, thus ending his life.

2. "Tuner" Douban score: 9.2

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

Adrian is a talented pianist who has been studying piano for 15 years, but he failed in the coveted Bernstein Piano Competition and fell to the bottom of his life. After a period of adjustment, Adrian regained his strength and became a blind piano tuner. In fact, he only wears contact lenses, which will make others think that he is more sensitive in hearing, and thus get more sympathy and consumption, and even peek into the lives and privacy of others, he is immersed in this kind of detachment that is busy and seems to be outside the world. One day, he came to work in a family, but he didn't know that a murder had just happened here...

Although "The Tuner" is a short film of only fourteen minutes, but the plot tension it contains is impressive, the film uses a clever anti-clever short and pithy idea, the greed, cowardice, hypocrisy of human nature, all hidden in this tuner who pretends to be blind, and the tuner's role setting, in fact, whether it is his failure, or his other way to use his own way, has achieved a certain sense of success, in fact, will have a resonance for people, I believe that what many people hope in the end is that this little clever tuner will not be killed, but has cast a lot of foreplay for the director, from a rational point of view, this must actually be a tragedy, and the film stays in the puzzle between life and death, and consciously draws a most satisfactory end to the film.

The film won the Best Short Film Award at the 2011 Luwen International Film Festival and the Best Short Film Award at the 2012 César Awards in France.

3. "Pianist/Battlefield Pianist" Douban score: 9.0

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

Spemann (Adrian Brody) is a pianist on a Polish radio station. As World War II was about to break out, the family was forced into warsaw's Jewish quarter. In the turmoil of the war, his family and relatives were eventually killed by the Nazis, and Stemann himself suffered all kinds of humiliation and torture, and he was lucky enough to get the help of a friend and temporarily have a hiding place. As the war intensified, his friend had to abandon him and return to his hometown to find a safe place to raise his children. At this time, Speyman was plagued by a vicious disease, but he still had to flee during the hunt. In the attic of the ruins he met a German officer, who played the piano at the officer's request. The beautiful sound of the piano made the German officers feel compassion, and he secretly helped Stabmann until the Russian liberation of Poland arrived...

The film is based on the autobiographical novel Dead City by Polish pianist Valladisło Spielman.

4. "Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly" Douban score: 8.6

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

The film is the brainchild of Swiss director Freddie Müller, who, through a poetic and humorous perspective, captures a warm sketch about genius, a child's heart, family affection and dreams. Teo Geerki, who plays Witte, is a musical prodigy himself, born in Switzerland in 1992, showed excellent musical talent at the age of five, and was subsequently recommended to the Purcell Conservatory of Music in the United Kingdom as a gifted person. He speaks five languages and loves math in addition to music. In 2004, he collaborated in Switzerland with the Zurich Orchestra on Schumann's Piano Concerto, which won unanimous applause from 1,400 spectators. Müller has the unique vision that Tio is the perfect choice to interpret Witt, and Teo's performance is indeed exciting, and the piano performance of the whole film, whether it is the restrained Baha's "Gothenburg Variations", the showmanship Liszt's "Bell", and the lyrical Mozart", "Wheel Of Rotation" (selected from K.511), all of which are not faked by others. His natural cooperation with the European superstar Bruno Gantz, who plays his grandfather, is also a wonderful thing worth savoring.

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

An excellent IQ is not necessarily a good thing, and young Werther deeply appreciates this. Witt was born with the potential to become a great man in any industry, and his parents always wanted him to be a great pianist, but he himself did not know what to do in the future. Under the pressure of his parents, Witt was always depressed. Fortunately, there was also his grandfather, who, like Witt, was full of ambition and wanted to be a pilot since childhood, but eventually became a carpenter. When Grandpa finally flew like a bird in the plane, he told Witt that although he had been a carpenter all his life, he was still very happy, because ideals were only part of life, and all you have to do in life is to go forward according to the arrangement of fate. Grandpa finally passed away happily. And Witt, who finally understood the true meaning of his grandfather's life, knocked on the door of the female pianist who had previously rejected...

5. "Mozart Biography" Douban score: 8.6

From the perspective of a court musician, Sarrieli, the film presents us with the short but brilliant life of the genius Mozart. Sarrieli (F. Mauri Abraham) is a well-known figure in the Viennese music scene, and since he met Mozart (Tom Huesk), the fire of jealousy in his heart has burned and cannot be calmed. Mozart has always won the amazement of the audience with his extraordinary musical works, and his operas such as "The Marriage of Figaro" have become classics that have been passed down through the ages.

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

Sarrieli's envy and envy of Mozart has developed to the point of almost distorting. He repeatedly obstructed Mozart's career — deliberately shortening the opera stage, maliciously deleting Mozart's works, and mercilessly torturing Mozart when he was suffering from the loss of his father. In the last years of his life, the poor and weak Mozart wrote his posthumous work "Requiem", and a generation of masters died at the age of 35, leaving immortal works. After Mozart's death, Sarrieli felt that Mozart's ghost had been desperate day and night, and finally became insane and was sent to a madhouse.

The film was released in September 1984 and won eight awards at the 57th Academy Awards in 1985, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.

6. "Shining Style" Douban score: 8.6

Based on the true story of Australian pianist David Helfgot, the film was released in Australia on August 15, 1996, and in 1997, the lead actor Jeffrey Rush won the 69th Academy Award for Best Actor for the film.

In the 1950s, David Huff grew up in a jewish family with a strict family, but he suffered from mild nervousness. He had already shown his talent as a pianist at a young age, and his father Peter pinned all his hopes on him and urged him to study hard from time to time. When David's piano skills improved by leaps and bounds, he received an invitation to study in the United States. But his father, Peter, would not let him go, because the cold Peter would not give up his control over his son. David's musical life was almost ruined. In order to realize his ideals, David resolutely left home alone and left Australia with his father's ban on "never coming home".

In order to fulfill his wish to study music, he went to the London Conservatory of Music to study. At the Royal Conservatory of Music, he studied under Professor Cecil. As a result of his extremely difficult Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 in concert, the performance was an unprecedented success. Because David's mental burden was too heavy, he fainted at the end of the performance. Later, with the encouragement of his wife Gillian, he finally came out of the shadow of the disease and successfully held concerts again.

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

7. "The Piano of Steel" Douban score: 8.3

It's a small-budget movie without big-name directors and big-name stars, but it has won more than a dozen awards!

In the early 1990s, a heavy industrial city in the northeast. After being laid off, Chen Guilin (Wang Qianyuan), a former steel mill worker, pulled up a band alone and spent all day running around in the business of weddings and funerals and the opening of shops, and his life was barely maintained. His wife, Xiao Ju (Zhang Shenying), runs away from home and turns into the arms of a wealthy counterfeit drug dealer. Later, Xiao Ju returned brightly, not only to divorce Guilin, but also to compete for the custody of her only daughter Xiao Yuan. Guilin lamented his fate of failure, so he was bent on training his daughter to become a pianist. In order to get his daughter, he went around raising money to buy a piano, and even went to school with his girlfriend Shuxian (Qin Hailu) and the good brothers in the steel mill to steal the piano at night.

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

When all the methods failed, Guilin stumbled upon a Russian document on pianos, and asked his companions to start a journey of hand-making pianos in a long-dilapidated factory. Finally, with the help of a group of downcast brothers such as retired thieves, full-time, big brothers, and pork princes, they created a steel piano. A group of men fight for dignity, and love, friendship, passion, humor burn absurdly in impossible tasks.

8. "Piano Lessons/Piano Don't Fall in Love" Douban score: 8.0

In the mid-19th century, on the far, empty coast of New Zealand, the American young woman Ida married the American colonist Stewart with her nine-year-old daughter Flora and a grand piano. Because the road was very difficult, the husband decided to abandon the piano and leave it on the beach. Ada was in deep pain. She lost the ability to speak from an early age, and the only thing that could make her lonely was the beautiful and moving music of the piano. Stewart was just a businessman bent on making a fortune. He paid no heed to his wife's request. Ida had to turn to her neighbor George Bain. Bein said she wanted to hear Ada play. So Ida played the piano madly on the seashore, venting the loneliness and pain in her heart. Bein learned about Ida's heart from this shocking music. Bein exchanged a piece of land for Stewart for a piano and went to great lengths to transport it home.

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

In order to play the piano, Ada went to give Bein piano lessons every day. Because of her closeness to Ada, Becky proposed that she could exchange it for a piano by caressing her closeness. In music and caressing, Bein understands and loves the mute woman Ida more deeply than Stewart, and the emotions of the two of them gradually grow. The domineering Stewart discovers all this and imprisons Ida and the child in the house. However, this did not stop Ada from expressing her love to Bein. Enraged, Stewart cut off one of Ida's fingers with an axe. This finally led to a struggle. An agreement was reached between the two men, and Bein left with Ada and the child and the piano. On board, after a fierce struggle of thoughts, Ada finally decides to abandon the piano, which symbolizes her heavy bitter memories. She threw it into the sea. Bein and Ada form a happy family.

9. "Piano Forest" Douban score: 7.9

This anime film is adapted from an inspirational youth manga created by female writer and manga artist Ichise Real, the story is full of warmth and emotion, and it is a work especially suitable for young people to watch.

Shuhei Yunomiya (voiced by Ryunosuke Kamiki), who has just transferred to the countryside, is a 5th grade elementary school student who aspires to become a pianist. As soon as he entered the new class, he was teased by his classmates, and his classmate Ichinose Kai stepped forward to relieve him (voiced by Sai Uedo), and the two have known each other ever since. Led by Ichinose Kai, Yumiya Shuhei saw a piano that had been abandoned in the forest and found that only Ichise Kai could play a pleasant sound. Music teacher Atsuno (voiced by Hiroyuki Miyaji), after hearing that Hai can play the piano, showed unexpected excitement. It turned out that the piano was discarded by Azino.

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano
Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

Ichise knew the music of many musicians, and when he returned to the forest to play, he found that only Chopin's puppy round dance could not be played. So, the next day, he asked Ayuno to teach him how to play puppies, but he was taught missile scales. After a few days of practice, I was finally able to play the puppy as I wished. In return, Hai promises to fulfill one of Ayuno's wishes to participate in the regional qualifiers of the All Japan Piano Competition, which Hai reluctantly participates in. Before the game, Ayuno had advised Hai to pop up his mozart k310, otherwise Mozart would ask him for a book, and since then, Hai has seen Mozart's apparition every day. On the day of the competition, Hai saw Mozart's apparition in front of the piano again, so he decided to play his own Mozart, although he changed the score, but played it with a shocking heart. However, he was ultimately defeated for violating the requirements of the competition. However, Ah Uno believed that his piano should go further, should go out of Japan and go to the world.

10. "The Girl Who Flipped the Score/Piano Enmity" Douban Score: 7.4

Recommend ten classic movies about the piano

The film's protagonist, Melanie, lives in a small town in the French provinces, and her father is a butcher shop owner. Melanie showed a unique talent for piano from a teenager and went to take the entrance exam of the conservatory. The arrogance of a well-known pianist, the president of the jury, was so disrespectful that Melanie's performance was affected and she lost touch with the conservatory. This experience made Melanie's young heart hurt even more, so Melanie decided to give up the piano.

Ten years later, Melanie interned at a prestigious law firm, and to her surprise, the law firm's owner, Fausigu, was the husband of the jury president who had asked her to leave the piano. Soon, Melanie's excellent organizational skills and loyalty to her career impressed Fusigu and asked her to come to the house to take care of her son. So, Melanie and Mrs. Fascigu met unexpectedly, with complicated feelings, Melanie admired the beautiful melody of the pianist, but also turned the score for her, and everything was not only that, the great wave of revenge began to surge in Melanie's chest...