
Should couples be honest with each other and not have privacy?

author:Phil come on duck

Do couples really have to be honest with each other and not have a little privacy?

In fact, sometimes privacy is also a kind of love, I believe many people have seen the story of drinking coffee without sugar. The narrative is a pair of lovers meeting for the first time in a café, in order to ease the awkward atmosphere, the man did not add sugar when ordering coffee, the effect was very good, as a topic, the atmosphere eased, and then they got married, until he died, she did not know that the reason why he drank a lifetime of unsweetened coffee was only because of her, more or less, this is also his privacy, why not say it? Because he didn't want the other person to have a feeling of being cheated in the first place, because he loved her.

Husbands and wives should trust each other, keep a little secret from each other, allow each other to hide a little privacy, leave each other with appropriate personal space, and ensure that their softest and most vulnerable places are not harmed, which is also understandable.

This is the embodiment of mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual dependence and mutual cherishing between husband and wife. Privacy is not a shameful thing, it is a well-intentioned concealment for fear of causing harm to one's lover. If you have to ask a question and hurt each other in an extreme way, then in the end, it is the feelings between husband and wife and the harmony between families that will be hurt.

Both men and women should have the right to retain their privacy, which is also necessary to ensure family harmony. It is true that from the perspective of love, the existence of privacy is to hope that the other party feels that they are in love with a perfect person, and do not want to expose their privacy to let the lover discover their inner affairs, affecting the feelings of the husband and wife and the harmony of the family, which is the privacy of goodwill.

Therefore, under the premise of respecting each other's personality, it is understandable that husband and wife retain a little personal privacy and small secrets as long as they do not go beyond the scope of morality and law, which is essentially different from deception, and it is not betraying each other.

Love has always been the eternal theme of human beings, and we must learn how to be loved in the process of love, and we must also learn how to love others.

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