
Diversity is the source of dynamism and impetus for the development of the world

author:Bright Net

"The world is rich and colorful, and diversity is the charm of human civilization, and it is also the source of vitality and power for world development." At the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations, President Xi Jinping profoundly expounded the essence of carrying forward the common values of all mankind.

Democracy and freedom are important components of the common values of all mankind and the common pursuit of the people of all countries, not the "patents" of a few countries. However, for a long time, some countries have always believed without any basis that they have the right to define democracy and freedom, and they are prone to dictate to other countries, engage in division and confrontation in the international system, and even wage wars against foreign countries under the banner of "democracy" and "freedom." History has repeatedly shown that there is no distinction between superior and inferior civilizations, only differences in characteristics and regions, and only in exchanges can they be integrated and can they progress in integration. The same is true of the pursuit of democracy and freedom.

There are many ways to achieve democracy, and it is impossible to be uniform. As Marx pointed out: "Men themselves make their own history, but they do not create it at will, not under conditions of their own choosing, but under conditions that are directly encountered, established, and inherited from the past." "The history, culture, system and level of development of different countries are not the same, and democracy will inevitably be realized in different ways and paths. Whether a country can take the road or not depends on whether it conforms to its own national conditions, whether it conforms to the development trend of the times, whether it can bring about economic development, social progress, improvement of people's livelihood, and social stability, whether it can gain the support and support of the people, and whether it can contribute to the cause of human progress.

Democracy is not an ornament, it is not used as a decoration, but it is used to solve the problems that the people need to solve. Whether a country is democratic or not democratic, the key lies in whether it has truly achieved the people's mastery. It is the people of that country who are qualified to judge whether it is democratic or not, not the external minority. Using a single yardstick to measure the world's rich and colorful political systems and examining the colorful political civilization of mankind with a monotonous eye is itself undemocratic.

Democracy is an important concept that the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people unswervingly adhere to. For a long time, the Communist Party of China has always adhered to the development of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have deepened our understanding of the law of democratic political development and put forward the major concept of people's democracy in the whole process. China's whole process of people's democracy not only has a complete system and procedures, but also has a complete participation practice. China's whole process people's democracy has realized the unity of process democracy and results democracy, procedural democracy and substantive democracy, direct democracy and indirect democracy, people's democracy and the will of the state, which is a full-chain, all-round, and full-coverage democracy, and the most extensive, true, and effective socialist democracy. China has proposed and promoted people's democracy in the whole process and has made contributions to the development and progress of human civilization.

The realization of people's mastery is mainly reflected in the acquisition and realization of rights such as democracy, freedom and equality. The Communist Party of China has continuously promoted the building of people's democracy in the whole process, concretely and realistically embodied the people's mastery of their own affairs in the policies and measures of the party in governing the country, concretely and realistically embodied in the work of the party and state organs at all levels in all aspects, and concretely and realistically embodied in the work of realizing the people's yearning for a better life. Building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights are more equitable and accessible, and the equal participation and equal development of all kinds of subjects in the economic, political, social and cultural fields are more practical, smooth and convenient, fully reflecting the superiority of the socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics.

A peaceful and developing world should carry different forms of civilization and must be compatible with the diverse paths towards modernization. With an attitude of being highly responsible for the future and destiny of mankind, China actively promotes all parties to understand the understanding of the connotation of values of different civilizations with a broad mind, respect the exploration of the path of value realization by the people of different countries, and concretely and realistically embody the common values of all mankind in the practice of realizing the interests of their own people. This is the proper meaning of jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind and jointly building a better world.

Source: People's Daily

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