
When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

author:Thousand Faces slightly understand Sir

As the saying goes, "How strong a man is, how free he is." ”

The more excellent a person is, the more opportunities he has to choose, and the more he can control his life. But in life, most of the time, we are worried about our livelihood, numbly repeating the three-point life of going to work, leaving work, and going home every day, and we don't know how to change.

People who can succeed, their methods and opportunities are different, so it is difficult to reproduce. But if we look closely, we will find that those who succeed, their strength, begins with becoming "quiet.".

For example, Lao Tzu, the founder of taoism, also said that the state closest to the "Tao" is "quiet and inactive", and when a person begins to become strong, these three aspects are often very "quiet".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" >01 Endure insults: Do not argue in the face of insults and insults from others </h1>

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

Gongsun Hong of the Han Dynasty, as a chancellor, held a high position of power, but lived a very frugal life. When his opponent saw this, he went to consult with Emperor Wu of Han and said, "Gongsun Hong was essentially cheating to sell his reputation and wanted to deceive him into a good name of frugality and honesty. ”

Emperor Wudi of Han thought that it was reasonable, so he asked Gongsun Hong to ask him if he really deliberately made a show for everyone to see, Gongsun Hong originally wanted to defend, but turned his head and thought, Emperor Wu of Han may have preconceived notions, at this time he explained it again and appeared to be weak-minded, so he admitted frankly and praised the opponent for his intelligence and integrity.

Emperor Wu of Han saw this and thought that Gongsun Hong was honest and humble, and no longer doubted him. Manchu Wenwu even thought that Gongsun Hongzai could hold a boat in his belly, and he respected him even more.

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

Gongsun Hong's practice may not be acceptable to many people, most people feel that even if they have not been wronged, once they are accused, they may have to say two words for themselves, and even be angry and corrupt for this, breaking their mouths and scolding, not to mention that they are really resentful, the reason is on their side.

In fact, what most people want is not the truth, but they want others to fight and look good, so it is actually easier for them to believe some negative statements in their hearts.

Too much explanation, but will fall into their trap, their own reaction emotions will be affected, the more the interpretation is more wrong, but to meet the audience's psychology of wanting to coax, it is likely to be more and more black, playing a counterproductive effect.

So in the face of rumors, Buddhism teaches us that the method is that we can resolve them by enduring humiliation. To endure humiliation is not to swallow your anger, as if you did not hear it, but to hear it, but your heart does not make waves.

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

Rumors stop at the wise, and the truly wise people do not need to explain themselves, and those who stir up trouble and ignite the fire are only futile to explain.

Therefore, if you want to be strong, you must endure humiliation and use silence to deal with the gossip of others. No matter what others say about themselves, don't get excited, and don't turn your face and argue on the spot, this will only make others see jokes.

As the saying goes, "the turbid one is self-turbid, the clean is self-purifying", time will prove everything, and in the end, bad words will eventually be self-defeating in the face of facts.

The so-called "way of the saints, for the sake of not arguing, endure humiliation without argument", is the beginning of a person's becoming stronger. In this process, your ability to control emotions and your open-minded attitude towards the world will gain the admiration of others, make yourself stronger, and lay a solid foundation for your future success.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" >02 Is indisputable: don't argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do</h1>

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

In this world, everyone is proud of their clever tongue and ability to speak eloquently, and people who sign up for various online and offline elocution training classes are flocking to it. In life, there are people who talk endlessly and argue with people, thinking that this will make them look very powerful.

People who waste their time on these showmanship and don't do real things, even if they brag about it, can't become really strong.

I remember that there were two new people in the company, who made a mistake when they were in charge of a project, one ran to the leader's office, apologized wildly, and asked the leader for forgiveness, while the other directly handed the compensation plan to the leader. The former was fired shortly after, while the latter was later reused by the leadership.

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

The leader later told us that in fact, his plan was very naïve and there were many mistakes, but I saw that he knew that he would change it and have a serious and responsible attitude.

This story tells us that facts speak louder than words. No matter how beautiful and beautiful the words are, they will not help, and the down-to-earth is the real king.

The world is complex, true and false, some people look smart and eloquent, but in fact, they are extremely stupid. As Confucius said, "Gang Yi Mu Ne Near Ren, clever words make Se Ren impressive." "People who speak resolutely tend to have a benevolent heart, while those who speak wisely are often not very honest.

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

No one likes people who just talk or don't do, except for some specific positions, rhetoric will only make others think that this person is slippery, not pragmatic people, and those who are reticent are the objects that everyone likes and needs.

Therefore, we must understand that it is the truth to do practical things down-to-earth. Whether in the workplace or in life, don't think about showing off your eloquence, when you encounter something, think about how to do it, how to solve it.

Not arguing about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to work, is the beginning of becoming a strong person.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" >03 Be cautious and independent: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined</h1>

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

There is an old Chinese saying: "A gentleman is cautious and independent." "The most important thing a person needs to be cautious about is when he is alone, but this is also something that many people cannot do, which is also one of the important manifestations of inability to succeed."

Once saw a news, a woman checked out, the landlord found that it was full of garbage, emitting a foul smell, the landlord complained that this young woman looked bright and beautiful, but did not expect to do such a thing.

In society, many people may behave well in front of people, and when they are supervised, they sit upright and seem to be very motivated. But once a person is alone, he loses the ability to self-discipline, indulges his laziness, stays up late, overeating and other vices, can't control himself, naturally can't insist on doing a good job, and naturally slowly becomes mediocre.

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

The great philosopher Immanuel Kant once said, "He who is above me, the starry sky, and the moral law, in my heart." "That is, there are two things that constantly fill my heart with wonder and fear, the starry firmament above me and the moral law in my heart.

Everyone should have an uncrossable bottom line in their own heart, which will make them have a strong concentration, even when living alone, they can also achieve extreme self-discipline.

People who are content with prudence and independence do not need the supervision of others, nor will they be affected by the outside world, no matter what kind of environment they are in, they can be at ease and concentrate on doing their own things. Such people have no flaws, and they rarely make mistakes in life, which is a necessary quality for successful people.

When a person begins to become strong, often these three aspects are very "quiet" 01 Endure insults and do not argue: in the face of insults and insults from others, do not argue 02 Do not argue: do not argue about the length of the mouth, pragmatic and willing to do 03 Settle for prudence: be cautious in words and deeds, highly conscious, self-disciplined

Therefore, in our lives, we must be able to be content with prudence and independence. For example, when you really can't control yourself, you can make a time management table for yourself, accurate to what to do in each hour, and plan it all. If you don't do well, give yourself some punishment. After maintaining a regular schedule and forming a habit, you no longer need to spend too much willpower to maintain, and slowly become self-disciplined.

To learn to be quiet is to learn to grow, which is the path of growth that a person must go through to become a strong person. After reading this article, I don't know if everyone has gained anything?

I hope that we can all face everything in life with a quiet mind, not be insulted, slowly become stronger, and grow into a real strong person.

Author: Mr. Senmei

Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, a little knowledge of one or two; worry about the glass heart, explain three or four.

People have a thousand faces, things have everything, the world under the tip of the iceberg is the real world of undercurrents, and life needs to see through the eyes of illusions.

Mr. Qianmian takes you every day to see through the illusions of life and resolve the puzzles of life.

All images are from the Internet, only temporarily as a text aid, and will never be used for commercial purposes.

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