
Moon Horoscope | Penny Horoscope for November

author:Extraordinary said constellations


Aries doesn't look like someone who will focus on negative situations or general pessimism, but when you're in the eighth house, mysterious doubts and fears can put you off. Yes, you may need to take the situation of money, career, or romantic relationship seriously, but that doesn't mean you have to go to the Wailing Wall. Try to solve it. Talk to a professional or related person. By the 22nd, things will get a lot better. In fact, what you accomplish in November may set you on a whole new, more complete path.


There are more than one reason why November is a powerful month, but most importantly, it's the first lunar eclipse to appear on your sign in the last 18 years, and it's the first in a series of lunar eclipses over the next 18 months. On or near the 19th, you may have the opportunity to start a relationship, or, conversely, free yourself from a union that can cause anxiety and pain. At the time of every eclipse, what happens at this time has a fate factor, but, of course, you can choose what to do next. There's no way back in the past, it's a new world, we're stepping into, and the old rules don't apply anymore.

Moon Horoscope | Penny Horoscope for November


With a good system, life is better, and November is the time to work out. On the one hand, eliminating time-wasting activities will keep you focused on your priorities, and on the other hand, getting healthier and stronger will boost energy levels and boost confidence. Then there's the rule of engagement. Some Gemini people will be ready to build a relationship that requires a lifestyle change. Others may feel that there is not enough giving and receiving in a work or romantic relationship and that the situation needs to change. In any case, the period from the 13th to the 19th established a new order.


Confidence has doubled this month. No matter what happens that brings you back to optimism and self-confidence, or your decision to stop complaining, hoping and praying and start carving a new future for yourself, nothing can bring the past back. A useful way to do this is to become more creative and go out and walk around more. Being at home alone or surrounded by people who depend on you makes them feel better is no place to crab with attitude. Venus entering the relevant area will increase your brighter prospects. A new relationship may begin before Christmas, or make a firm plan for the future of a relationship.


The end of 2021 may only be a few weeks away, but there is still time to make it a breakthrough year. Uranus disrupts your plans and inspires you to break up with someone you think will be together forever, but it has another important role in your life – helping you break down barriers, both professionally and personally. For now, accents are mostly focused on base camp and future basis, so any breakthrough about your work or family situation is likely to happen – the period from the 12th to the 20th is like a roller coaster ride. Buckle up.

Moon Horoscope | Penny Horoscope for November


Coexisting with uncertainty requires practice, so have you practiced in the past few months? You still can't plan ahead, at least you can't prepare three or four alternatives, but living on the edge also gives you certain benefits. People have underestimated you, and now is the time to show how strong you are. In November, whether it's traveling or ambition, you can go further, and the unexpected factor will work in your favor. This month, you can't choose everything that happens to you, but in the future, you'll be grateful for those things.


If last month was a thrilling ride, wait until November. The shape of things changes every day, and while this can be destabilizing, the end result can be wonderful. But let's talk about letting go and a new era. First, you need to reduce the burden, and getting rid of debt or inappropriate financial commitments can be a top priority. Similarly, if people don't appreciate you or your skills, maybe it's time to find someone else to appreciate you. Eclipses on both sides of the axis of money and self-worth ended a long period of stagnation.


It's a month of memorizing books. Expect the unexpected, especially around the 4th and 15th, and don't be afraid to take professional or romantic risks. 2021 will continue to be a year of breaking new ground, and realize that the only way to make things better is to ditch some old tactics, perhaps an alliance that has passed its shelf life. The lunar eclipse ends a long-standing pattern where a relationship or project starting in May is ready to move on to the next phase, or a lateral line is needed. In fact, this day could become a watershed.


Until the 22nd, the Sun and Mars will be closed in the 12th house, and while your dream life may be wonderful, the reality may be quite different. Take your health and well-being seriously and avoid over-investing. In general, a candid, fast-going person who doesn't tell people that your plans are good for you. Be a dark horse. Next month is the time to let your intentions be known and start a new cycle. Now, preparation is everything. By the end of November, the situation that had been unresolved for months began to change.


Capricorns are rarely in a hurry and only leave the script in an emergency, and you may have to do both of those things in November. Things happen out of thin air, and you barely have time to prepare a good plan of action. Now, that doesn't mean any unexpected developments are bad, in fact, they may be superb, but they will still inspire some changes that won't develop well in all respects. Starting on the 5th, Venus will enter your house position, which will not only protect you and your hobbies, but also increase your chances of success in romance or work.

Moon Horoscope | Penny Horoscope for November


Since Uranus is responsible for cosmic events, there will be a completely random development even if most of the situations are as you might expect. The main focus is on your career and your place in the world, and any surprises can be related to these areas of life. Especially if your birthday is in early February, there are still many changes ahead, not that you should be afraid of such a prospect, but that you should welcome this opportunity to change direction and follow your own destiny. For some Aquarius people, moving is already on the agenda, but for most people, any move is more likely to change your mindset and adjust your plans.


If there's a hint of adventure in your soul, grab it and go somewhere you've never been. For the most part, this means breaking out of your comfort zone and gaining knowledge and experience that will increase your qualifications, but if you have the opportunity to travel, grab it. The past 18 months may have taught you that life is short, and if you give up pursuing your dreams and aspirations, you will never be able to achieve them. So, while there may be some scrambling and last minute changes, schedule, adapt to them and keep your final game in sight.

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