
See you soon! An endangered snake was accidentally spotted next to the Nine Dragon Pond in Yuxi

author:Yuxi GaoguLou


Gao Gulou netizens are next to Jiulongchi Park

Accidentally found colorful

An endangered snake , the purple-gray snake

Gaogulou website netizen @LUXIAOKUN posted:

Popular Science: This snake is a non-venomous snake under the family Cyprinidae. Scientific name: Purple gray snake, mainly produced in China at an altitude of 200 meters to 2400 meters near the environmental forest or grass. As a child, he fed on harmful insects and earthworms in the soil. Eat mice when you grow up. A real pest killer! The adult snake is one meter long. The body is distributed in red and black truncated patterns.

See you soon! An endangered snake was accidentally spotted next to the Nine Dragon Pond in Yuxi
See you soon! An endangered snake was accidentally spotted next to the Nine Dragon Pond in Yuxi
See you soon! An endangered snake was accidentally spotted next to the Nine Dragon Pond in Yuxi

Although it is non-toxic, it has many similarities with the "highly venomous coral snake", so please do not easily approach those who do not have professional knowledge. So why is the purple-gray snake called "natural ecological monitor"? Because this snake has particularly high requirements for the air and soil environment, if the air environment is moderately polluted or acid rain, the snake will die. Soil and water sources with a PH value greater than 7 will also die. So if you see this snake where you live. Then it means that the environment you are in is basically free of pollution. It is a particularly livable environment!

Place of discovery: Next to Kowloon Pond Park, it has been released.

See you soon! An endangered snake was accidentally spotted next to the Nine Dragon Pond in Yuxi

It was the first time I had seen this

Brightly colored and beautiful snake

Don't be amazed by biodiversity

Little Science

The purple-gray snake is a non-venomous snake that lives in mountainous areas, streams, fields, roadsides and grasses, and feeds on small mammals. At present, the purple gray snake has been included in the "three haves" list, that is, it has been listed in the "List of Terrestrial Wild Animals Protected by the State or of Important Economic and Scientific Research Value" by the State Forestry Administration; listed in the "IUCN" Red List of Endangered Species; and listed in the Red List of China's Biodiversity - Vertebrate Volume, with an assessment level of vulnerable.

See you soon! An endangered snake was accidentally spotted next to the Nine Dragon Pond in Yuxi

The black line subspecies of the purple-gray snake has three longitudinal stripes on the back of the head: one is located in the midline of the head, from the snout scale to the posterior edge of the apical scales, which is slightly similar to the third eye of the Erlang god, so it is jokingly called "Erlang God" by many snake lovers; the other two are located on the side of the head, starting from the eye and extending backwards to the end of the tail.

See you soon! An endangered snake was accidentally spotted next to the Nine Dragon Pond in Yuxi

If you are lucky enough to see it

Don't bother with it

Source: Yuxi Gaogulou WeChat public account

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