
Taliban top brawling?

author:Bright Net

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) broke the news on the 15th that the Taliban high-level had a fierce quarrel in the Afghan presidential palace a few days ago, and the two sides of the conflict were the first deputy prime minister of the Taliban provisional government who was recently rumored to have "died of infighting", Baradal, and the interim government's minister of refugee affairs, Khalil.

Taliban top brawling?

Sources told the BBC that the spat took place last week and was sparked by Baradal's dissatisfaction with the structure of the interim government. In his view, the Taliban was able to come back to power because of the diplomatic efforts of some Taliban members, including himself.

Taliban top brawling?


The other side of the bickering, Khalil, is a prominent figure in the Haqqani Network, the Taliban's armed intelligence group. In his view, the Taliban's success today is the result of the hard fighting of armed men.

The current leader of the "Haqqani Network" is the Interim Government's Interior Minister, Haqqani Jr., whose father is the founder of the organization. CNN said Khalil was Haqqani Jr.'s uncle.

That said, the main disagreement between the two sides is who is to blame for the Taliban's ability to retake Afghanistan and who the new government should reuse.

According to the BBC, baradal and Khalil were arguing, and their subordinates were also clashing on the sidelines.

Baradal is the leader of the Taliban's political committee and was previously responsible for peace talks with the Afghan government and the United States.

In 2020, Baradal spoke to then-U.S. President Donald Trump over the phone. He was the first Taliban leader to speak directly with the President of the United States. That same year, it was baladal who signed a peace agreement with the United States in Doha, Qatar, on behalf of the Taliban.

Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao said Baradal, Haqqani Jr. and Acting Defense Minister Jacob Jacob were the three deputies of Taliban supreme leader Akhonzada.

Baradal represents the political leadership within the Taliban; Jacob and Haqqani are military commanders, and the Taliban are credited with regaining control of Afghanistan. The difference between these two men and Baradal can be said to be a difference between combatants and non-combatants.

Baradal is one of the protagonists of many recent rumors about the Taliban.

In recent days, there have been rumors on social media (especially indian social media) that rival Taliban factions have previously suffered fatal injuries in a gun battle at the Afghan presidential palace.

On Monday, Nayim, a spokesman for the Taliban's political office in Doha, released an audio clip with a personal photo of Baradal denying the rumor.

"I've been out for the last couple of nights." Baradal said in the audio that the media always publishes false propaganda, so be brave enough to deny all lies, "I confirm to you one hundred percent, no problem, we have no problem".

Nayim said the report of Baradal's "death" was baseless and hostile propaganda.

A Taliban spokesman said Baradal went to Kandahar to meet with Taliban supreme leader Akhonzada, BBC said.

Baradal's most recent public appearance came earlier this month at a hotel in Kabul.

Sources revealed that Baradal may return to Kabul and personally appear in front of the camera to deny the rumors of the quarrel.

CNN said on the 15th that many Taliban leaders rarely participate in public activities and give media interviews, so it is inevitable that rumors about their health and so-called internal conflicts will often appear.

For example, Akhonzada's movements have also recently been the focus of foreign media attention. Since the Taliban took over Kabul in mid-August, only one statement has been issued in the name of the Taliban's supreme leader.

Taliban top brawling?


CNN said Taliban officials had repeatedly said Akhonzada would soon appear in public, but he had not yet appeared, so there were rumours of his illness or even death.

The low-key style of the Taliban hierarchy is not new.

A Pakistani journalist who reports on the Taliban for many years told CNN: "Most of the main Taliban leaders – especially members of the Haqqani family – have avoided public appearances, believing that their high exposure may bring help to the enemy." ”

In the Haqqani family, Khalil, the aforementioned Minister for Refugee Affairs of the Interim Government, is a prominent figure who speaks at rallies and even agrees to be interviewed by foreign journalists.

CNN said that in recent years, the Taliban have paid more and more attention to public relations work, posting information in multiple languages on social media, and spokesman Mujahid and others have also held press conferences. In August, the Taliban produced a large number of videos.

Loop time depth observation

Source: Global Times

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