
Garnett: I didn't talk to the new Wolves owner, and I heard he was moving the team to Seattle

author:Live it
Garnett: I didn't talk to the new Wolves owner, and I heard he was moving the team to Seattle

Live Bar October 30, Garnett was previously interested in taking a stake in the Timberwolves, but had a rift with the Wolves owner. His stake and jersey retirement have been shelved. Previously, new bosses Lore and Rodriguez joined the Timberwolves.

Recently, Garnett was interviewed by The New York Times.

Q: How is your relationship with the new Boss of Wolves?

KG: I never talked to them.

Q: You were previously interested in becoming one of the Timberwolf owners. Are you interested in becoming part of the new management team now?

KG: I think [my joining the Timberwolves] opportunity has passed. In fact I've always heard that Rodriguez is moving the Timberwolves to Seattle. Let's wait and see, I'm not sure.

Q: Wouldn't you be happy if the Timberwolves moved away from Minnesota?

KG: Nobody wants to see Wolves leave Minnesota. But you know, it's business. I never wanted the Timberwolves to leave Minnesota. I think that team means a lot to that team there.

(Bacchus, Dionysus)

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