
Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

author:Cat little love

Long time no see! Welcome to the most cat-aware cat-loving cat keeper micro-class, the theme of this sharing is Donald Duck's CP - Garfield.

The only difference between an exotic shorthair cat that looks like a Persian cat is that its coat is short, thick and plush, and the ideal exotic shorthair cat should be strong in bones, with a symmetrical body, soft and rounded lines. Round eyes, large, rounded head, wide distance between the eyes, short and thick neck, short nose, high nasal joints and placed between the eyes, full cheeks. Broad and powerful jawbone, strong chin. The slender round ears lean forward slightly, and the distance between the ears is wider. It has large, round, and strong claws, and a tail that is short but proportional to the body.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

Heterotrail cats not only inherit the characteristics of Persian cats in appearance, but also have the same personality as Persian cats, like quiet, often a meow to find a secluded corner, basking in the sun, sleeping comfortably or in a daze, rarely see their noisy scenes. They are very ideal companion pets, know how to observe the color, happy to get along with people, most of the short cats are docile, close to humans, has been praised by the AFC agency in the United States as "top ten family companion cats". Although the heterotrail cat is like a short-haired version of the Persian cat, their coat is very rich, and the thick hair makes them very afraid of heat, and sometimes refuses to be hugged by the shoveler, perhaps not because they don't love you, but because it is too hot. In order to avoid the situation of cat hair flying in the air at home, the shoveler still needs to help them comb their hair diligently, on the one hand, to prevent the hair from knotting, on the other hand, to clean up the floating hair in time.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

The biggest feature of heterotrail cats is their large flat face, although the round face looks very cute, but the physiological structure of the eye and nose line has also become their birth defect, making them prone to respiratory and eye diseases. Shortness of breath and abnormal noise are often present, and the cat is also prone to snoring during sleep, and after strenuous exercise, the breathing sound will be aggravated, and even need to open its mouth to breathe. Perhaps, this is also one reason why they don't like sports. As for the eyes, because of the short and flat facial structure, it is easy to lead to abnormal nasolacrimal duct function, and there will often be obstruction of the tear duct, resulting in excessive eye secretions and tears. If the shoveler cannot clean the stains in time and keep the face clean, the skin infection will occur around the nose and the folds of the face of the heterotrail cat, which will develop into chronic inflammation and endanger health. In addition to the above-mentioned birth defects, as a breed of artificially bred cats, heterotrail cats also have some genetic diseases, and knowing more about some relevant common sense can help the shoveler to maintain the usual targeted maintenance. The incidence of polycystic kidney disease in the Persian system is as high as 49%, there is no fixed age of onset, and it is generally possible for cats aged 3 to 10 years. Genetically defective kittens are born with tiny cysts in their kidneys that can grow with age, causing a gradual decline in kidney function. The main symptoms are heavy drinking water and urination, loss of appetite, weight loss, may be accompanied by vomiting, and the overall health status is not good. Hypertrophic heart disease, also known as myocardial hypertrophy and ventricular hypertrophy, is a common heart disease in cats. It is inherited in many cat breeds such as Maine cat, English short, American short, Persian cat, etc., and the incidence of Persian cat is about 6.5%. It is generally possible to develop the disease after adulthood, especially in cats aged 2 to 8 years old, which are in the high incidence stage. Due to the strong tolerance of cats and the fact that there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage, it is not easy to detect. As the disease worsens, cats may experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, drowsiness, loss of appetite, etc., and in severe cases, they will faint or even die suddenly.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

Affected by the facial skeletal structure of heteroscathyral cats, they will be more difficult to eat than ordinary cats. If the mouth of the cat bowl at home is too small and the belly of the bowl is too deep, it will really kill the cat.

Therefore, in general, families with short cats are best to choose a cat bowl with a certain bevel, a wide bowl mouth, and a shallow belly to facilitate cat feeding.

In summary, although the temper of the heterotrail cat is very suitable as a companion pet, it needs to spend more energy to be carefully cared for, so it is not recommended that the novice shoveler get started to raise the heterotrail cat, of course, the relatives who have money and leisure please feel free.

The advantages of Garfield

1, Garfield has a docile personality. Garfield is really a collection of Persian cats and American shorthair cats have the advantages of ah, the personality is particularly docile, basically will not make aggressive behavior to the owner, always very gentle to their owners, whether you scold it or teach it it will accept, even if you do something he does not like, such as bathing it, although it is very resistant, make a posture to bite, but generally it will not really bite you. The personality is very good, so it is also a lot of worry to take care of it.

2, Garfield obedient. I believe that every pet owner, the biggest wish is to hope that their pet can be very well-behaved, and listen to your words, and Garfield is like this, even take medicine obediently, wash your face is also obedient, although some Garfield cats will resist when bathing, but most cats will not resist particularly strongly, as long as you support it, basically you can help it bathe and blow. And every morning they will come to your bedside and kiss you. Ask for a touch, step on the milk. Even if it is the estrus period, it will not bring a lot of trouble to the owner, and some cats will be very scary during estrus. Very likable.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

3, Garfield will please the owner. Garfield is especially pleasing to people, sometimes when you work, he will be quietly with you by your side, sometimes he will come to you to play, very cute meowing around you, even strangers will be in front of you, make a very cute little expression, let people see it and feel love, want to immediately pack home.

4, Garfield is smart. Might think Garfield isn't stupid? In fact, they are very smart, when there is no food, whether you are the owner or a stranger, it will run over and meow to tell you that he is hungry, but some cats we may not understand what he wants to express, but Garfield will run over and meow with your eyes wide open, and then run to its meow food and look at you pitifully. If you're at work, he's going to go to the bathroom because most people have a litter box at home when it's placed on the balcony. Cats can't get out. At this time, it will make some moves to attract your attention, and then call at you all the time, at this time it will know that he is going to the toilet, and he will not pull randomly because of it. It will definitely make you understand what it means.

5, Garfield can endure. Garfield is not only very good to its own owner, even if outsiders touch it and hold it, it will not resist, but sometimes enjoy you helping it scratch its chin, and even if a stranger accidentally hurts him, he will endure, without a word, and will not attack you. Even if you touch him for the first time, he will obediently touch it anywhere for you, and it will not rush to attack you.

6, Garfield loves to be clean. This is also the advantage of inheriting the short-haired cat, even if it is in estrus, he will not pull at home, and will definitely go to the designated place. And the hair on the body is often filled very clean, and when you sleep, you will find a clean place to sleep. For example, my friend's Garfield will not sleep on the ground. Every day he pays attention to his image and licks himself clean. Garfield has many advantages, it is a very kind and cute cat, very suitable for owners who are afraid of cats. Many people feel that Garfield is really too gentle after contacting Garfield.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

Disadvantage 1: Home often "snow flies"

Many cats have hair loss problems, but Garfield is particularly serious, it has a lot of hair, and the hair that falls out is a pinch of hair. Especially in the hair changing season, the home is often "snowy", and cleaning up will make you doubt life. Many netizens want to say that they don't dare to raise it even if they want to raise it!

Disadvantage two: too edible

Why are Garfields all fat? Because they are so edible. Just after eating cat food, they can turn around and ask you for small dried fish to eat, their stomachs are like a bottomless pit, forever filled with dissatisfaction, alive and free from a ruthless eating machine. Not to mention the large expenditure on cat food and snacks, if you eat it, indigestion, the cat suffers, the owner will not be better.

To feed Garfield, be sure to do so regularly and strictly control their diet.

Con three: it's just a big lazy pig

If you've ever had Garfields, you know that they can sit without standing, and they can sit on their stomachs without sitting. Lying there lazily all day, moving when eating, I don't know if I think it is nailed to the cat nest, which is simply synonymous with the big lazy pig in the cat world.

Disadvantage four: a body like "Lin Daiyu"

To say that Garfield's biggest flaw is definitely a body like Lin Daiyu. Garfield cats are cats bred according to human preferences, and due to the structure of their faces, they are prone to respiratory and eye diseases. Due to genetic reasons, Garfield has a high incidence of polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Seeing that Garfield has so many diseases that are easy to suffer from, many netizens just don't dare to raise it!

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

Disadvantage five: born timid

Most Garfield cats are naturally timid, and any noise, such as the sound of pulling stools and boiling water, can scare them. Often startled at first, but also particularly prone to stress reactions, taking care of timid cats is also tired!

If Garfield has a stress reaction, causing vomiting and straining, the pet owner can give it some probiotic conditioning.

Con Six: No survival skills

Garfields are artificially bred cats that don't have any survival skills, basic skills like burying poop, let alone hunting. Raising this kind of life "little white", compared with other cats, the need to bother is not generally much, or do not dare to raise.

The earliest prototype of Garfield should be the Red Tabby Exotic Shorthair. The Red Tabby Cat is a branch of the Persian cat, specially bred for those who like Persian cats and are too lazy to take care of their long hair. This furry, vibrant cat originated in the United States. Around 1960, Breeders in the United States crossed american shorthair cats and Persian cats in an attempt to improve the coat color and increase the weight of American cats, and thus gave birth to the exotic shorthair cat nicknamed Garfield, which is a shorthaired Persian cat, which was recognized as a new breed by the CFA in 1966. During breeding, it also crossed with russian blue cats and Burmese cats, and since 1987 the allowed hybrid breed of this breed has been limited to a Persian cat. FIFE recognized the exotic shorthair cat in 1986, a breed that has become very common in the United States and is now becoming popular in Europe.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

The exotic shorthair cat is a perfect breed, and after years of breed improvement, it still maintains a very similar personality to the Persian cat.

One, white Garfield

It is a shiny pure white, with pink nose and foot pads, and dark blue or red copper eyes, but there are also gold and silver eyes, one eye blue and one red copper, with the same dark chroma.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

Second, the blue Garfield

Blue, bright shade color quality is better, nose to tail color is uniform, complete dark shadow color is better than incomplete bright shadow color. The nose and foot pads are blue, and the eye color is brilliant red copper.

Three, black Garfield

It is a rich pitch-black color, uniform in color from the root of the hair to the tip of the hair, and cannot have an ochre tip and a smoky lower layer of fluff. If the nose and foot pads are black or dark brown, the eye color is red copper or red. However, there are also cats with dark orange noses and foot pads, and their eyes are bright red and copper.

Four, cream Garfield

Uniform yellowish cream with no markings, or dull yellow cream with no spots, uniformly coordinated appearance, with flame shadow color preferred. The nose and foot pads are pink, and the eye color is brilliant reddish copper.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

5. Red tabby color (classical pattern, fishbone pattern, spot pattern) Garfield

The base color is red, the markings are a rich dark red, and the same transitional shades are around the eyes, lips, and chin, but slightly lighter. The nose and foot pads are reddish brown, and the eye color is brilliant red copper.

Brown tabby (classical pattern, fishbone pattern, spot pattern) Garfield cat background color is brilliant copper brown, the markings are dark black, around the eyes, lips and chin is the same transitional shade color, but the color is slightly lighter, from the heel to the back of the leg is black. The nose and foot pads are reddish brown, and some cats have black or brown foot pads and copper eyes.

Seven, three-color Garfield

White with black and red patches, cats with white feet, legs, lower sides of the body and nose are white, and the face is formed by a distinct coat color to form a reverse "V" is better. The eye color is brilliant red copper, blue or gold and silver eyes, and the foot pads and nose are pink, reddish brown or black, which mainly depends on the color distribution around them.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

Eight, two-color Garfield

Black and white, blue and white, red and white, cream and white, chocolate and white, or lilac and white. Cats' feet, legs, lower sides of the body, chest and nose are white, and the "V" character on the face is reversed by the distinct coat color. The eye color is brilliant red copper, blue or gold and silver eyes, and the foot pads and nose are pink, reddish brown, gray-brown or black, which mainly depends on the color distribution around them.

Donald Duck, Garfield, the cat that came out of the anime, are you sure you don't have one?

This time our cat keeper micro class is shared here, welcome cat friends to give us more attention and support and praise, thank you!