
When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

author:Lily Food Talk
When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat. Mid-Autumn Festival National Day home must not eat less chicken and duck meat, especially the family's own free-range chicken meat, fragrant and nutritious, chicken bought outside can never eat this taste. After the autumn to eat chicken is also very suitable, our whole family is very fond of eating chicken, especially holiday family dinner, always indispensable to the chicken figure, the so-called "no chicken is not a seat", autumn supplement to eat chicken is also more affordable than eating beef and mutton, and the mother herself in the farm our family to eat chicken is generally made of white cut chicken, eat more occasionally also want to change the taste, recently the family fell in love with my lotus seed mushroom stewed chicken, chicken with fresh lotus seeds just listed together, fresh powder glutinous, The nutritional tonic is delicious and does not catch fire, and it is also a different flavor.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

Autumn is also the seasonal season of eating lotus seeds, usually most of the lotus seeds we eat are sun-dried, and the fresh lotus seeds in autumn are on the market, and the price is also very affordable, and the taste of lotus seeds is powdery, with its unique sweet taste. Nutritional value is also very rich, lotus seeds are rich in calcium, iron and other minerals and vitamins, with the effect of nourishing the mind and nourishing the body, autumn supplements to eat some lotus seeds is very good for health. Lotus seeds are flat and sweet, stewed with chicken, meat and vegetables with more comprehensive nutrition at the same time, but also nourishing not on fire, the integration of ingredients and nutrition to achieve the strengths and weaknesses.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

The method of braising chicken with lotus seeds is also very simple, the chicken meat is raised by the family itself, add the ingredients to marinate in advance, and then sauté in the pot, add the lotus seeds together, add a little water to simmer, so that the chicken stewed out is fragrant, the lotus seed powder is sticky, and the taste is superb. Fresh lotus seeds need to be removed before cooking, so as not to affect the taste. Ingredients can be matched according to personal taste, here is a simple seasoning with soy sauce and oyster sauce, you can also according to personal preferences, with watercress sauce, shacha sauce and other sauces stewed together, the taste is also superb. Our whole family loves the chicken practice, and it is good to try this method when we are tired of eating the white cut chicken. In autumn, lotus seeds and it is a perfect match, fresh fragrant powder sticky, nutritional nourishment can not be on fire, now eat in season. Let's take a look at the detailed methods.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

【Chicken stew with lotus seeds and mushrooms】

Ingredients: 1/2 chicken, 2 lotus seeds, 2 shiitake mushrooms, shredded ginger.

Ingredients: Oil and salt to taste, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, pepper to taste.

Detailed instructions:

1: Wash the chicken and put it on a plate.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

2: Wash the lotus seeds and set aside.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

3: Wash the mushrooms and cut them into strips.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

4: Add shredded ginger, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, a little salt and pepper.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

5: Mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

6: Heat the pan and add the salted chicken in the cold oil to dry the water.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

7: Add lotus seeds and shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of water to cover the pot, simmer until the juice is thick, you can.

When simmering chicken, add a handful of fresh lotus seeds, fresh powder glutinous, nutrition is not on fire, family love to eat

Out of the pot plate can be enjoyed on the table, such a homely version: lotus mushroom stewed chicken is done, so that the stewed chicken is delicious, lotus seed powder glutinous, very appetizing delicious and nutritious, into the autumn after the paste autumn fat to eat it is more appropriate, autumn to eat lotus seeds is also in season, and chicken together, simple stew a good good, adults and children are very fond of eating, the price is much more affordable than eating beef and mutton, nutritional supplements are not worse than beef and mutton. Our whole family enjoyed eating this dish. Simple and delicious methods to share with you, like you can try oh.

Lily Food Talks Cooking Tips:

1, chicken can be blanched first and then fried, here is the use of native chicken, no boiling water soaking rinse a blood water, and then add ingredients marinated into the flavor, so that the stewed chicken is more fragrant and more flavorful.

2, here is the use of fresh lotus seeds, you need to remove the lotus core, lotus core taste bitter, cold. Therefore, it must be removed before cooking, so as not to affect the taste.

3, the taste of what is done here is relatively light, like to eat spicy friends add some chili sauce to stew together, but also very appetizing and under the meal.