
Fertilizer prices are soaring, urea prices are doubling! Can the state regulate prices down?

author:Eighteen-line agricultural technology brick house

Fertilizer prices to fall? The state intervenes to interview key fertilizer enterprises under a heavy blow! Farmers should pay attention!

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission held a meeting to interview and remind some key fertilizer enterprises, requiring key fertilizer enterprises to improve their positions, actively fulfill their social responsibilities, and give full play to the role of demonstration and example; operate in accordance with the law and in an orderly manner, and must not hoard, inflate prices, or fabricate or disseminate price increase information.

Fertilizer prices are soaring, urea prices are doubling! Can the state regulate prices down?

This is the first time that the official has spoken out about fertilizer price increases this year, because this year's fertilizer price increases are too outrageous!

Just because the price of chemical fertilizer has led to an increase in the cost of growing grain for farmers, the state finance has to temporarily take out 20 billion yuan to subsidize the actual farmers who plant land, the national starting point is good, but the 20 billion yuan is specifically distributed to the hands of farmers, and it is not much to share, listening to the farmers say that it has arrived, that is, dozens of dollars, which can be described as a cup of water, so it is necessary to fundamentally curb the increase in the price of chemical fertilizer.

Why is the domestic fertilizer price increase so serious this year? What causes it? Let's look down.

Commonly used nitrogen fertilizer urea has risen from the previous 90 yuan a bag to 140, or even 150 a bag;

Compound fertilizer is also rising, the original 120 bags have now risen to 180,

Ammonium bicarbonate was originally 30, and now it has risen to 40 yuan a bag, and the key is still in short supply.

Fertilizer prices are soaring, urea prices are doubling! Can the state regulate prices down?

As we all know, the main grain purchase prices in China are determined by downstream grain purchasing enterprises, and the actual selling prices of grain by peasant households are lower than the quotations of enterprises. In the field of agricultural materials, on the contrary, the quotation is from the upstream enterprise, the actual purchase price of the farmer is much higher than the quotation, which is the actual situation at present, and the middle of the price difference is paid by the farmers, and now the price of fertilizer is rising, just as the income of the farmers is reduced.

So what is the reason for the wave of "rising prices" of fertilizers?

We believe that it is mainly caused by a series of problems caused by the impact of the global epidemic.

Since the beginning of the new crown epidemic last spring, the normal operation of enterprises has been affected, and some are even in the state of closure, coupled with labor costs, mineral resources, logistics costs, etc. are rising in prices, and these increased costs will naturally be leveled by increasing the ex-factory price.

Fertilizer prices are soaring, urea prices are doubling! Can the state regulate prices down?

There is another reason that some time ago, it was the peak period of summer corn and other crops and fruit trees in most parts of northern China, and the use of chemical fertilizers increased seasonally, resulting in short supply in the market, which is also a reason for price increases.

The reason why the state came out to interview fertilizer enterprises is mainly to hope that fertilizer enterprises will try to meet domestic demand, ensure food security, and do not cause price increases in the domestic market in order to make money, and enterprises must also actively fulfill their social responsibilities.

Because of the serious epidemic in other countries, fertilizer enterprises can not start normally, and farmers grow grain to use fertilizer, so a large number of imports of chemical fertilizer from China, the export price of chemical fertilizer is higher than the domestic price, coupled with the capital profit-seeking is nature, although the state has interviewed key fertilizer enterprises, but it is certainly impossible to expect price reduction, and it is already good to stabilize the current price. After all, the international environment and the current fertilizer market pattern determine the rise and fall of fertilizer prices.

What level do you think fertilizer prices will be in the future?