
Four hundred years of agitation: Lü Lu died of civil unrest in frustration, and Qin intervened strongly after Lü Long ascended to the throne

author:Agarwood incense
Four hundred years of agitation: Lü Lu died of civil unrest in frustration, and Qin intervened strongly after Lü Long ascended to the throne

This article is the 238th in a long series, Four Hundred Years of Turmoil

The two consecutive recoveries of lost land ended in failure, which made Lü Lu discouraged, and from then on, his ambition was no longer there, and he entertained himself with drinking and hunting every day, and broke the jar and broke it.

Taichang Yang Ying advised for this: "Your Majesty should be ordained by heaven, and should be kept by the Tao." Now, our territory is shrinking day by day, limited to two mountains, and His Majesty is not desperate to restore the inheritance of his ancestors day by day, but instead indulges in hunting, does not focus on state affairs, and is in danger of stealing! ”

For Yang Ying's words, Lu Lu only humbly apologized, accepted it with an open heart, and then remained the same.

In February of the fifth year of Long'an (401 CE), Fanhe Taishou Lü Chao attacked sipan, the leader of the Xianbei tribe, and Sipan sent his younger brother Qizhen to complain to Lü Lu.

Lü Lu ordered both Lü Chao and Si Pan to come to Chaozhong and wanted to mediate between them. Lü Chao was very frightened, and after arriving at Guzang, he secretly formed an alliance with Du Shang, the overseer of the palace, in an attempt to cause trouble.

Lü Lu summoned Lü Chao and reprimanded: "You rely on the courage and martial prowess of your brothers, form a gang, and dare to bully me, do I kill you to stabilize the world?" Lu Chao prostrated his head and confessed his mistake.

In fact, Lü Lu only frightened Lü Chao and did not mean to kill him. But Lü Chao thought that Lü Lu really wanted to kill himself, and in order to protect himself, he decided to strike first.

On this day, Lü Lu took Lü Chao and Si Pan and all the ministers to the inner temple and feasted together. At the table, Lü Chao's attitude of admitting mistakes was excellent, and Lü Lu was very satisfied.

At this time, Lü Long, the leader of the army who had already communicated with his younger brother Lü Chao, constantly advised Lü Lun to drink, and Lü Lu was in a good mood and was drunk.

After the banquet, Lü Lu's interest did not diminish, and he drunkenly took Lü Chao and others to visit the Forbidden Palace in a car to show that he regarded him as a family, and Lü Chao was secretly happy in his heart.

When they reached the East Pavilion of KunhuaTang, the cart could not pass, and Lü Lu's loyal generals Dou Chuan and Luo Teng took off their swords, leaned against the wall, and then pushed the cart over the pavilion.

Just at this moment, Lü Chao suddenly picked up his sword and stabbed Lü Lun, and Lü Lu quickly got out of the car to capture Lü Chao, and was pierced in the chest by Lü Chao. Dou Chuan, Luo Teng, and Lü Chao fought with their bare hands, but they were all killed by Lü Chao.

Lü Lu's empress Dowager Yang rushed out and ordered the forbidden army to attack Lü Chao, but Duchamp came out to stop them. So the soldiers threw down their weapons and stood idly by.

At this time, the general Wei Yiduo broke into the palace and cut off Lü Lu's head, and Empress Yang said, "A person is dead, the corpse is no different from the earth and stones, how can you bear to destroy his skeleton?" ”

Wei Yiduo scolded Empress Yang and took Lü Lu's head out to the outside world: "Lü Lu violated the will of Emperor Xian, killed the prince and stood on his own, absurd and cruel. Fanhe Taishou Lü Chao conformed to the hearts of the people and removed it, with the Anzong Temple, all my disciples, should celebrate together! ”

Lü Lu is dead, what else can we say? The courtiers acquiesced to this sudden coup.

Lü Lu's uncle Lü Tuo the Duke of Brazil and his younger brother Lü Wei the Duke of Longxi were both in the Northern City at this time, and when they heard the news, they were shocked and panicked.

Someone said to Lü Wei: "Lü Chao rebelled, you took the relatives of the imperial brother, and you fought with great righteousness, and there were Jiang Ji and Jiao Yan in Nancheng, yang Huan and Tian Cheng in Dongyuan, all of which were also our party, why bother!" ”

Lü Wei reacted to this and ordered his troops to be ready to attack Lü Chao.

At this time, Lü Tuo's wife Liang Shi stopped Lü Tuo and said, "Lü Wei and Lü Chao are our nephews, why do you want to abandon Lü Chao and help Lü Wei?" Do you have to take the initiative to be the culprit? ”

Yes, the relationship is the same, why not choose a lower risk? Lü Tuo immediately changed his position and said to Lü Wei: "Lü Chao has succeeded, occupied the arsenal, controlled the army, and now it is difficult to attack him again, I am old, I can no longer do anything." ”

Lü Chao's younger brother Lü Miao had always had a close relationship with Lü Wei and was favored by him, and also advised Lü Wei: "Lü Wei even killed his own brother, and Lü Long and Lü Chao followed the people's hearts to fight him, and they were ready to support you." You are the eldest of the sons of the first emperor and deserve to preside over the overall situation. ”

Lü Wei actually believed it to be true, and first sent someone to ally with Lü Long and Lü Chao, and then entered the Forbidden Palace alone. It was just right, and after Lü Chao saw him, he immediately killed him.

At this point, among Lü Guang's sons, except for Lü Fu in the distant Western Regions, the rest were killed.

When discussing the candidate for the succession, Lü Chao gave way to his brother Lü Long, who had a difficult face. Lu Chao said, "Today, you seem to be riding a dragon flying into the sky, how can you get down halfway down?" ”

Therefore, Lü Long, that is, the heavenly throne, honored his mother Wei Shi as the empress dowager, and made Lü Chao the governor of various Chinese and foreign militaries, the general of the auxiliary state, and the lu shang shu shi, and the duke of Anding, and made Lü The Emperor of Ling.

Empress Yang was about to leave the palace, and Lü Chao was afraid that she would take the treasure away, so he ordered someone to search it. Empress Yang said, "Your brothers are unjust and kill each other, I am already a dying person, what do you want to do with the treasure?" ”

Lü Chao asked her where Yuxi was, and Empress Yang said, "It has been destroyed." ”

Empress Yang was extremely beautiful, and Lü Chao planned to marry her, telling her father's right servant Yang Huan: "If Empress Yang commits suicide, your whole clan will be in great trouble." ”

Upon learning of this, Empress Yang said to Yang Huan: "The father sold his daughter to the People of Qi to seek glory and wealth, and it was already too much to sell once, so how could he sell it a second time?" "Committed suicide resolutely.

After Empress Yang's death, Yang Huan defected to the bald Lilu Lone, was appointed as The Left Sima and was later invited away by Yao Xing.

In a chaotic world, Empress Yang could not decide her own fate, but she maintained the dignity of a woman at the worst of her life, and her words and deeds were noble.

In March, hearing that something had changed in Houliang, the bald lilu lonely took advantage of the fire to rob and sent troops to fight, Lü Long was forced to face the battle, and returned with a big defeat, and the bald lilu lonely forcibly relocated more than 2,000 households to return.

Lü Long was not in a proper position, and in order to establish his prestige, he wantonly killed the prestigious and powerful families in the territory. There was a lot of discussion inside and outside the court, there was an uproar, and everyone was at risk.

In May, Jiao Lang, a wei man, in order to protect himself, sent envoys to Yao Shuodeyou, the Duke of Longxi of Later Qin, and said: "After Lü Guang's death, the Lü brothers fought each other, the political program was not established, the competition was threatening, the people were hungry, and more than half of the dead died. Now, when it is seized, it is as easy to take, and it must not be lost. ”

Yao Shuode reported the incident to Yao Xing, and Yao Xing was deeply impressed and ordered Yao Shuode to lead a 60,000-strong man to fight Hou Liang.

After Qifu Qiangui received the news, he also led a cavalry force of 7,000 people to follow Yao Shuode on the expedition, first to show loyalty to Yao Xing, and second, to take advantage of the opportunity to catch some meat to eat.

Originally, Liangzhou was a game of Houliang, Nanliang, Beiliang and Houliang, and suddenly houqin, the spoiler, how would things change? Can Yao Shuode make them all cool?