
Xinjiang established a procuratorial disciplinary committee to improve mechanisms for procuratorial punishment and protection

author:Zero distance from Aksu City
Xinjiang established a procuratorial disciplinary committee to improve mechanisms for procuratorial punishment and protection

The scene of the inaugural meeting of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Procuratorial Disciplinary Committee.

On October 28, the inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Autonomous Region Procuratorial Disciplinary Committee were held at the Autonomous Region People's Procuratorate, and Li Yongjun, deputy secretary of the party leading group and chief procurator of the Autonomous Region People's Procuratorate, attended the inaugural meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting gave a briefing on the preparatory work of the Autonomous Region Procuratorial Disciplinary Committee, deliberated and approved the composition of the Disciplinary Committee, and Duolikun Yusufu, member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, vice chairman of the Supervision and Judicial Committee of the People's Congress, and chairman of the Supervision and Judicial Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, was elected chairman of the Autonomous Region Procuratorial Disciplinary Committee.

It has been learned that in accordance with the spirit of the relevant central documents and the "Procurators Law of the People's Republic of China," the people's procuratorate of the autonomous region has drafted the "Charter of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Procuratorial Disciplinary Committee (Trial Implementation)" (deliberation draft) in light of the experience and practices of other provinces and the actual conditions of work, which stipulates the functions, duties, and composition scale of the disciplinary committee.

The disciplinary committee and the procuratorate are responsible for the division of labor for procurators' disciplinary work, the procuratorate is responsible for conducting investigations and verifications of procurators' suspected violations of procuratorial duties, and the disciplinary committee conducts a review and determination of procurators' judicial fault responsibility from a professional perspective, and submits review opinions. The main duties of the disciplinary committee are: to formulate and revise the disciplinary committee's charter; to deliberate and approve relevant systems such as the procuratorial punishment work methods; to review and determine whether the procurator has violated procuratorial duties in accordance with procedures on the basis of the investigation and verification of the relevant people's procuratorates, and to submit review opinions that constitute intentional violations of procuratorial duties, gross negligence, general negligence, or no violation of procuratorial duties; to review and make a decision on objection applications submitted by the procurators concerned or the procuratorate concerned; and to make recommendations on standardizing procuratorial conduct Supervise and guide the work of the Disciplinary Work Office; decide on other matters related to disciplinary work.

Xinjiang established a procuratorial disciplinary committee to improve mechanisms for procuratorial punishment and protection

The disciplinary committee is composed of 19 members, including 1 chairman, 3 vice chairmen, 5 expert members, and 10 procurator representative members, and no less than 50% of the procurators' representative members are members.

The meeting demanded that procuratorial personnel at all levels in Xinjiang should earnestly improve their standing, fully understand the important significance of establishing a procuratorial disciplinary committee, and realize that the establishment of a procuratorial disciplinary committee is a supporting measure for implementing the reform of the judicial responsibility system and an important way to build a revolutionary, regularized, professional, and professional procuratorial contingent. It is necessary to pay attention to the hard practice of internal skills, strengthen theoretical armament, strengthen professional upgrading, strengthen practical training, and earnestly improve the level of judicial case-handling ability. It is necessary to adhere to an objective and fair stance, handle cases objectively and fairly, standardize judicial behavior, improve judicial level, and establish a good professional image. It is necessary to strengthen convergence and cooperation, take the initiative to investigate and verify, perform the burden of proof, conscientiously implement opinions, and ensure that the procuratorial punishment system is implemented in a down-to-earth manner.

After the inaugural meeting, the Autonomous Region Procuratorial Disciplinary Committee held its first plenary meeting and deliberated and adopted the "Charter of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Procuratorial Disciplinary Committee (Trial Implementation)" and the "Implementation Measures for the Disciplinary Work of Procurators in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Trial)".

Relevant leaders of the Political and Legal Committee of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee, the Organization Department of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee, the Autonomous Region High People's Court, and the Autonomous Region People's Procuratorate attended the meeting.