
The Old Zhang Taiyan of the Republic of China

author:Famous saying Oh what's up
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"民国遗老章太炎","en":"The Old Zhang Taiyan of the Republic of China"},"description":{"content":"最早知道章太炎的名字,还是我在太炎先生老家杭州当兵时。那时,全国正在批林批孔,“咱们当兵的人”不管懂不懂,更是从上到下一...","en":"The earliest time I knew Zhang Taiyan's name was when I was a soldier in Mr. Taiyan's hometown of Hangzhou. At that time, the whole country was criticizing the forest and approving the hole, and \"our soldiers\" did not understand it or not, but even from top to bottom..."}},"items":[]}