
The opening volume is beneficial, the bookish procurator丨 Read aloud "Joining the Party: 40 People's Faith Choices" in the thirty-third issue of the Red Classic Series

author:Ergun Municipal People's Procuratorate

Recommended reason: The leadership of the Communist Party of China Chinese min has gone through a long and tortuous road of development and has also made brilliant achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. Among them, the founders and early leaders of the party made indispensable contributions; it was they who sparked a spark, led the whole party and the people of the whole country to struggle hard, and did not hesitate to throw their heads and spill their blood, so that they created a human miracle of overthrowing feudal rule, overcoming foreign aggression, and building a socialist power. So, what kind of beliefs have made the Chinese Communist Party grow from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong? What kind of opportunity did a group of benevolent people and great figures of the nation embark on the revolutionary road and join the Communist Party of China? The book "Joining the Party" unfolds in the style of telling historical stories, telling the story of 40 outstanding Young Chinese who joined the Communist Party of China with ideals and convictions, introducing why they embarked on the revolutionary road, how they became acquainted with the Communist Party of China, and how they joined the Communist Party of China.

Excerpt: 1927 was an extremely important year in Chinese history, when the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke down, and the vigorous National Revolution failed. It was also an extremely heavy year for the Song family, with political separations between relatives within the family, and although blood was thicker than water, and although there was a brief spring during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it was ultimately unable to bridge the gaps caused by different political positions. All of this stems from the fact that Song Qingling and her family have taken a different path.

On April 12, Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup, and More than 40 people, including Mao Zedong, Dong Biwu, and Lin Boqu, jointly issued a telegram in Hankou to discuss Chiang's telegram. On July 14, the day Wang Jingwei decided to defect, Soong Ching Ling issued the "July 14 Statement" ("Statement to Protest Against The Violation of Sun Yat-sen's Revolutionary Principles and Policies") in protest of the Kuomintang rightists' violation of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary principles. She said: "I am not discouraged by the revolution, we cannot betray the masses, they are placing great confidence in us." He also explicitly declared: "Until the Kuomintang does not change its current policy, it will refuse to participate in any of their activities." This statement indicated her established policy of upholding the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, so she was recognized as the successor and resolute defender of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause. The counter-revolutionary coup d'état announced the bankruptcy of the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China and the failure of the Great Revolution, and the Cpc was facing its first crisis since its founding, at which point Soong Ching Ling made it clear to the Communist Party in Wuhan: "I believe in the Communist Party, and I still want to see it."

On August 1, the CCP held an armed uprising in Nanchang, and Song Qingling, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and 25 others were elected members of the Revolutionary Committee, and together with 22 people, including Mao Zedong, Dong Biwu, Wu Yuzhang, Yun Daiying, and Deng Yingchao, issued the "Declaration of the Central Committee Members" in the name of the kuomintang central committee members, and subsequently published an article highly praising the uprising. In September, Soong Ching-ling, who had announced his resignation from the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, accompanied by Chen Youren, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kuomintang in Wuhan, went to Moscow to express his gratitude to the Soviet people who had helped the Chinese revolution in order to fulfill Sun Yat-sen's last wishes. Before leaving, Soong Ching-ling issued a "Statement Before Going to Moscow," expounding in detail the three major policies and openly stating: "The Communist Party of China is undoubtedly the greatest motive force among the revolutionary forces within China." After witnessing the Soviet Socialist Republic under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, she said: "The abolition of exploitation there and the improvement of the people's livelihood have made me more confident in the Communist Party of China and full of confidence in the victory of the Cause of the Chinese Revolution."

After reading:

The greatest advantage of the Chinese Communists is that they have maintained a lofty faith, so they can live forever. "Faith" is the number one test for party members, but it is not difficult to choose faith, what is difficult is to adhere to faith. Maybe it's hard for us today to imagine how persistent the patriots of that time had to this faith, or maybe some people will say that the ages are different, and if I were in that era, I would have done the same.

——Chen Jing, First Procuratorial Department

As the successors of the new era, standing at the historical crossroads of the "two hundred years" goal of struggle, we should study in depth the course of struggle of the CPC in leading the people to glory with rock-solid faith and indomitable courage, feel the spirit of thorough revolution and the determination to break new ground displayed by the Chinese communists in a difficult environment, draw strong spiritual strength from the "fire," inherit the red gene, and illuminate the way forward with the light of history.

- The Third Prosecutor's Department Pan Mengmeng

After reading this book, I felt that the words "a textbook without words" in the book were the best annotations to their deeds. Striving to be strong when they are poor and resolutely standing up when the country is in turmoil has never been more difficult than ever, but they have all done it and made a brilliant example. Each character and the Chinese Communist Party have their own unique stories, and there will be a different spark between us and the party, about handling things, about being people, about growing up, about dedication, let us make progress together.

——Zhang Bing, Political Department

As young people in the new era, to shoulder the heavy historical responsibility given by the new era, we must engrave patriotic feelings in our hearts, flow in our blood, and translate them into practical actions. Transform full of patriotic enthusiasm into the performance of duties and responsibilities in ordinary jobs, set the tide of the times, strive to be the first of the times, dare to explore and try, and dedicate youth with real talent and practical learning, innovation and creation.

——Office Cai Zeqi

The opening volume is beneficial, the bookish procurator丨 Read aloud "Joining the Party: 40 People's Faith Choices" in the thirty-third issue of the Red Classic Series