
"Five years of promotion to the deputy office has been questioned again" is rooted in public opinion arrears

author:Red Net

Zhang Hui, a member of the Standing Committee of the Jining Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, who was born in 1980, was included in the list of public announcements before his appointment, and after he planned to assume the leadership position of deputy department of the districted city, his resume attracted widespread attention. According to the public resume, Zhang Hui only took five years and seven months to go from an ordinary cadre to a deputy department-level cadre, and was promoted for three consecutive years between 2006 and 2008. (Beijing News, October 17)

Zhang Hui is transferred from the posts of member of the Standing Committee of the Jining Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee to the post of deputy department-level leader of the districted city. It is reasonable to say that such a pre-appointment publicity will not cause public opinion to question it. However, Zhang Hui was once again questioned.

What the public and the media are questioning is not this "flat adjustment", but his promotion from 2006 to 2008 for three consecutive years, from an ordinary cadre to a deputy department level cadre, which is a historical old account. This special promotion experience has not yet had a convincing statement, so whenever Zhang Hui has a change in his position, public opinion will ask. However, over the years, public opinion has been questioned all the way, but it has never been clearly stated.

Zhang Hui was promoted from an ordinary cadre to a deputy department in five years and seven months. Zhang Hui's public resume of political career shows: 2002.07--2003.07 Jinan Huaiyin District Daode Street Street Street Office Party Working Committee Office, Xixin Street Neighborhood Committee trainee staff; 2003.07--2004.06 Jinan Huaiyin District Daode Street Street Street Office Clerk, Assistant Director (Deputy Section); 2004.06--2006.06 Communist Youth League Jinan Huaiyin District Committee Chief Clerk (during the period :2003.09-2005.12 Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Songzhuang Village and Liuzhuang Village, Wujiabao Town, Huaiyin District, Jinan City (Zhengke); 2006.06--2007.05 Deputy Director of the West Market Street Office of Huaiyin District, Jinan City (Deputy Director); 2007.05--2008.02 Deputy Secretary of the Jinan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Member of the Party Group (Main Office); 2008.02--2011.11 Deputy Secretary of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Member of the Party Group, Director of the Provincial Committee of Young Workers (Deputy Department).

A simple combing will find that Zhang Hui has been in the deputy department for 1 year, the deputy department for 1 year, the deputy department for 1 year, the deputy department for 1 year, the deputy department for 11 months, and the deputy department for 9 months. This promotion speed is comparable to "sitting on a rocket", and it is not surprising that it has aroused public opinion questions. As far as common sense is concerned, such frequent promotions and frequent change of guards are obviously unreasonable and unruly.

In 2002, the CPC Central Committee issued the "Regulations on the Work of Selecting and Appointing Party and Government Leading Cadres," which stipulates that those who are promoted to leading posts at or above the county or department level and who are promoted from deputy posts to full posts should work in the deputy posts for more than two years, and those who are promoted from lower-level posts to higher-level deputy posts should work for more than three years. Compared with the regulations on the selection and appointment of cadres, Zhang Hui obviously broke through the rules. The only reasonable explanation is that Zhang Hui was "promoted out of the box", and only in this way can the selection procedure work and be operable.

So, does it mean that Zhang Hui is really particularly excellent, his political achievements are particularly outstanding, and he has been "promoted out of the ordinary"? At least from the information currently released, this piece is missing. There is no official statement, and the promotion is obviously counterintuitive, so the public has questioned the selection and appointment of cadres.

If it is said that 10 years ago, public opinion supervision was still relatively lagging behind, and the official could ignore public opinion, but now, after experiencing the baptism of "fighting tigers and swatting flies", whether it is the media or the public, the enthusiasm for participating in supervision has been released unprecedentedly. In this context, if you still choose "silence is gold" and let public opinion ferment freely, I am afraid that you will eventually encounter public opinion disasters.

This time, the media and the public have questioned again, not that public opinion "bites and clings", but the inevitable result of the official public opinion's response to historical arrears. The goal of the media and the public is clear: responses can be late, but they cannot be absent. Now, Shandong Province has learned of the relevant public opinion, I hope that this time the official can give a satisfactory answer, do not let this matter continue to drag on, after all, this matter should have been said 10 years ago.

Of course, this matter has also given a wake-up call to all localities, and for those problems that the media and the public have long questioned, we must carefully sort out and seriously sum up, take the initiative to respond to concerns as soon as possible, and promptly repay the previous public opinion arrears.