
Jackie Chan vs Andy Lau

author:Shoe elements
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"成龙VS刘德华","en":"Jackie Chan vs Andy Lau"},"description":{"content":"成龙大哥今年以经64了,宝刀未老,其号召力还是很强的,才刚入住了快手3天,3天就涨粉四千多万粉丝,比当初刘德华入住抖音涨...","en":"Jackie Chan big brother this year to 64, the sword is not old, its appeal is still very strong, just stayed in kuaishou 3 days, 3 days on the rise of more than 40 million fans, than the original Andy Lau stay in Douyin up..."}},"items":[]}

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