
"The Origin of the Buddha's Head in the Antiques Bureau" landed on Tencent Video

Only 6 days after Netflix's interactive movie "Black Mirror: Pandasnake" burst the social network, the first domestic adventure interactive drama "Antiques Bureau Central Bureau Buddha's Head Origin" was also launched on Tencent Video. Users will "manipulate" Xu Yicheng, played by Pan Yueming, to participate in a thrilling treasure hunting adventure through interaction, and the audience's choice will directly affect the ending of the story.

"The Origin of the Buddha's Head in the Antiques Bureau" landed on Tencent Video

The story tells that in the middle of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army invaded China and plundered treasures, and the treasure master Xu Yicheng led his apprentices to brave the ancient tomb to protect the head of the national treasure jade Buddha. For the first time, viewers will be deeply involved in the story experience through multiple interactive methods. Users can decide the direction of the story through branching the plot, and affect the protagonist's actions, language, character relationships, and even the life and death of the characters; Users can also solve puzzles and practice treasure hunting skills through interactive puzzles to break the challenge of the level in order to protect the national treasure; The audience even needs to perform a desperate fight with the Japanese through the operation of the action scene to decide whether they can successfully take the national treasure from the Japanese.

"The Origin of the Buddha's Head in the Antiques Bureau" landed on Tencent Video

"Antiques Bureau Central Bureau of Buddha's Head Origin" is jointly produced by Interactive Shadow Entertainment and Wuyuan Culture, produced and provided technical support by Interactive Shadow Technology, which is the first technology content company in China to focus on interactive film and television. At present, global content companies are exploring interactive narratives, including the interactive film "Night Shift" produced by Ctrlmovie and the interactive narrative movie game "Detroit: Changing People" produced by Quantic Dream, followed by the interactive film "Black Mirror: Pandasnake" launched by Netflix, which will be the first interactive content experience brought to the audience by this young Chinese team, although the single experience lasts about 18 minutes. But it is expected that they will have more interactive film and television content in the future to meet users in 2019.