
The first interactive drama "Antiques Bureau Central Bureau of buddha head origin" Tencent Video was launched
The first interactive drama "Antiques Bureau Central Bureau of buddha head origin" Tencent Video was launched

Recently, the first domestic adventure interactive drama "The Origin of the Buddha's Head in the Antiques Bureau of the Central Bureau" produced by Mutual Shadow Entertainment and Wuyuan Culture and produced by Mutual Shadow Technology was broadcast on Tencent Video, which was produced by Zeng Zhujuan, With Pelican Peng as producer, director Lu Peng directing, Shi Ke and Yuan Fei as screenwriters, and Pan Yueming, Ding Xihe and Han Shuo starring.

The drama mainly tells the story of the middle of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army invaded China, wantonly plundered treasures, treasure master Xu Yicheng in order to protect the national treasure jade Buddha head, under the life and death of the Japanese army, led the apprentice Xiaotian bravely into his ancestors' ancient tombs, whether the treasure protection trip can be successful or not is up to the user. The drama is the first adventure interactive drama in China, and the interactive forms include branch plot, QTE, puzzle levels, and hidden Easter eggs.

Branching a story is an interactive way for users to choose through options to determine the direction of the story. In the antiques bureau interactive drama, the user can decide the protagonist's actions, language, character relationships, and even the life and death of the character through the branch plot.

QTE (Quick Time Event) is a form of interaction that is highly relevant to the situation. The user needs to do something at a specific time according to the instructions to guide the character's actions, thus affecting the progress of the story. In the interactive drama of the Antiques Bureau Central Bureau, in the confrontation with the Japanese and other links, the user decides whether he can successfully take the national treasure from the Japanese through a series of tense actions.

There are 6 small levels in the Antiques Bureau Central Interactive Drama, which are easy to enter. Going deep into ancient tombs requires deep antiques expertise, and the makers also show users some rules for identifying antiques and tomb designs in interactive dramas, and users can solve puzzles and practice treasure hunting skills through interaction. The tomb is rigorously designed and full of levels, and users need to break the challenge of the level together with the protagonist to protect the national treasure.

There is a hidden Easter egg in the Antiques Bureau Central Bureau interactive drama, and there are surprises to play unexpectedly.