
Peach trees have leafhopper hazards, how to prevent and control them to be effective?

author:Qilin new plant protection official account

In recent days, some garden friends have reacted to their own peach orchards, peach tree leaves found leafhopper hazards, peach leafhoppers also known as peach leafhoppers, etc., is one of the main pests of peach trees in autumn, in recent years in the peach tree planting area area continues to expand, for the harm is aggravated year by year, becoming one of the main insect pests of peach trees, posing a certain threat to the growth of peach trees!

【1】Harmful symptoms of peach leaf cicadas:

Adults and nymphs cluster on the leaves to suck sap, and yellow and white spots appear on the leaf surface to form flower leaves in the early stage of the affected leaves, and in severe cases, the spots are connected into pieces and become pale, causing the whole leaf to fall off abnormally in the autumn, and the tree is weak. Adults and nymphs also suck the juice of buds and branches, and the overall damage will cause some flower buds to open in the autumn of that year, reducing the fruit of the following year.

【2】Occurrence of peach leaf cicadas:

Occurs 4-6 generations a year, and adults and nymphs suck up the sap of the young leaves, calyxes and petals of the host plant, forming translucent spots. After the flowers fall, they concentrate on the back of the leaves, and the back damage leaves form many gray-white spots. Adults overwinter in weeds, under the deciduous layers and in tree crevices. The following year, after the peach trees sprout, the overwintering adults migrate to the peach trees for pest and reproduction. Eggs are scattered and leave long brown fissures after the nymphs hatch in the main vein tissues of the leaf dorsal. In the early stage, it is harmful to flowers and young shoots, and the flowers are transferred to the leaves after the flowers are harmful. Nymphs prefer to colonize on the back of the leaves. Adult and nymphs have a lateral crawling habit. Adult insects are active in sunny weather and high temperatures, good at jumping, migrating, inactive in the early morning evening and rainy days, and have no phototropism.

【3】How should peach leaf cicadas prevent their harm?

1, agricultural control: after autumn to completely remove leaves and weeds, concentrated burning, in order to reduce the source of insects, and combined with winter and spring pest control, spray the surrounding evergreen plant hosts such as Qilin Famous Dikang, greatly reducing the density of overwintering insect population.

2, chemical control: if the leafhopper hazard is found, you can use Qilin Guangzheng with 200 pounds of water spray control.

Peach trees have leafhopper hazards, how to prevent and control them to be effective?
Peach trees have leafhopper hazards, how to prevent and control them to be effective?