
Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

author:IN Zhongshan

<h2>Has entered a high incidence period - Get! norovirus prevention and control raiders </h2>

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Don't be careless about being "wrapped up" by Noru

Severe cases can even cause death due to dehydration

The disease caused by norovirus is called norovirus infectious diarrhea, commonly known as "winter vomiting disease". More precisely, its symptoms should be "vomiting and diarrhea.".

Children: vomiting is dominant

Adults: diarrhea is the majority

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

There is no specific drug for norovirus, and there is no vaccine to prevent it. However, it is a self-limiting disease.

What does it mean? In layman's terms, it can heal itself. Generally, it will slowly improve in 2 to 3 days and recover on its own.

But! Don't think that's a no-brainer.

Key: If there is frequent vomiting or diarrhea, very few patients will develop severe illness due to dehydration, or even death!

Especially the weak groups such as children and the elderly, once they are "entangled" by Noru, they must wake up the twelve points of spirit, if these symptoms occur:

Adults: oliguria, dry mouth, dry throat, feeling dizzy when standing;

Young children: the anterior fontanelle and eye socket are sunken, only crying is heard and no tears are heard, abnormal drowsiness or irritability.

Most likely dehydrated! Be sure to go to the hospital right away.

More contagious than "covid-19"

Alcohol and hand sanitizer are all for naught

When it comes to norovirus, especially the mothers and fathers who have babies at home, they are like enemies, because its vitality and combat effectiveness are really too strong!

01. Highly contagious

✎ A little bit can make people win

With a very small amount of virus, usually as few as 10 virions, it can be contagious!

The amount of virus in a small place like the head of the nail can infect more than 1,000 people.

And after a person is infected, he can excrete billions of viruses at a time!

✎ Don't pick people yet

Do not let go of people of any age, especially love to attack the elderly and young children with weak immunity.

✎ Can quickly push down a piece

I always like to "one nest end" in crowded places such as schools.

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

02. There are many routes of infection

eating or drinking food or water contaminated with norovirus;

Eat without washing your hands after touching a norovirus-contaminated object;

Exposure to patients with norovirus infection;

In the same unventilated room as the patient, inhale contaminated air (aerosols from feces or vomit).

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

03. Strong "resistance"

Noru has a strong resistance to harsh environments, can withstand low temperatures, acids, and is not easy to kill.

The key is the hydrophilic virus, 75% of which alcohol cannot kill.

So wiping your hands with quick-drying hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes won't turn away the goods.

04. Easily misunderstood as "food poisoning"

Norovirus is often mistaken for "food poisoning" or "gastrointestinal colds." In fact, any food that is not cooked or treated is at risk of contamination with norovirus.

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

Get ! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies
Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies
Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies
Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies
Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

After infection with Noru

Stay home-quarantined like a "new crown" prevention

After infection with norovirus, only a very small number of patients develop severe diseases, basically most patients will get better in 1-3 days, so parents should not be too anxious. In general, no special treatment is required, and symptomatic supportive care is the mainstay.

01. What medicine is good to take? Are antibiotics useful?

There is currently no specific drug that can be treated for norovirus infection, antibiotics can only kill bacteria, and are ineffective against norovirus!

The main thing we can do is to treat symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea to improve discomfort.

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

02. What should I do at home after infection?

After diagnosis, it is necessary to isolate at home within 3 days from the time of illness to the complete disappearance of symptoms to avoid transmission to others;

The patient's residence should be often opened for ventilation to maintain indoor air circulation;

Try not to be in close contact with family members while the patient is at home;

You should use your own independent food utensils and other daily necessities, and stay away from the kitchen and do not process food;

It is best to arrange a separate toilet.

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

Source: Guangdong Disease Control

Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies
Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies
Has entered the high incidence period - Get! Norovirus prevention and control strategies

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