
In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

author:Family study

Author wanted to drink pumpkin soup

Halloween night is coming. Although we may all be past the age of believing that there are ghosts in the world, it still gives older children and young children an opportunity to play ghosts, eat sugar, tell ghost stories, scare each other, play together, or just drink pumpkin soup with their families, eat sugar apples, and enjoy a rich autumn time.

Eating cat candy, let me introduce the ghosts and monsters on the shelves of the reading library suitable for friends and children of all ages.

"Little Ghost Cornicky"

(3 years old and above)

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

"Koniki" actually means "book" (Книги) in Russian, and this is a book about reading and imagination. Reading brings fresh and brilliant colors to our black and white real life. As long as you feel this joy, you will understand the little Koniki who is addicted to books in his hands, and he will become a good friend for a lifetime.

"I want to go to a scary story"

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

This little monster, feeling bold, wants to go to "a scary story". After all, "I'm a little monster, scary people are funny!" ”

After arriving at the scary place...

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

But in the end, the little monster still found his own, scary and funny story! And, children who have read this book regret that this book is not scary at all.

"Little Devil Three Skins"

(2 years old and above)

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

If ghosts and monsters often give people the impression of "naughty" and "scary", then Sanpi is not the same at all. She was a quiet, shy little girl.

Sanpi was originally called "wave", but because the writing spacing was wider, it became "three skins"... In a home with many ghost brothers and sisters, she is the one who is often overlooked. She was unhappy, but she didn't know how to express herself. This time, she made up her mind to make some changes.

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

The Witch and the Scarecrow

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

The ragged, neglected scarecrow, and a somewhat sloppy, equally lonely witch, when they met, didn't take much words to understand each other...

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

The Scarecrow comforts the lonely witch. He did not hesitate to reciprocate, poured out all his efforts, and also gave him a sincere and permanent companionship.

Witch Codex

(10 years old and above)

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

This is a book for older children. It contains two picture books, The Little Witch and The Witch Genealogy. "Little Witch" tells the story of a little girl who is on vacation at her grandmother's house, Lizbet, accidentally discovers a "mysterious book" (that is, "Witch Genealogy"), and accidentally learns the family secrets and heavy past...

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

The Genealogy of Witches records the stories of famous and unknown witches in history. Lilith, who escapes from the Garden of Eden, Medusa, who is destroyed by Athena's jealousy, Isis, the "witch master", the old witch who wants to eat Hansel and Gret, the young girl Joan of Arc who is forced to become a political victim... What makes them "witches"? In Little Witch, Grandma says:

They are persecuted because they are too ambitious, too smart, too beautiful... Hair is too red. That is: "Just because they are different." ”

Sometimes, people think of "witches" only out of fear of "aliens". The genealogy of witches is a heavy history of women's growth.

"Hell Company Office Worker"

(Suitable for mom and dad and kids to read together)

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

Ghost fathers who carry wolf's tooth sticks and wear suits to work in the bus hell company every day, and who speak a dialect, may show us another side of the ghost life - they are also very hard. There are also various ghost images from Eastern and Western cultural traditions, such as kappa, Thor, Yama, Jizo Bodhisattva, Witch, Santa Claus (?) )...... Ghost legends are a very rich and interesting part of human cultural life. Without these "invisible friends", we would lose a lot of happiness in our lives.

Whether it is a ghost or a human being, emotions are connected, they will feel hard at work, and they will want to be accompanied by their families. This set of books will make children better understand the difficulty of their parents' work and business trips, and will also let them get rid of their fear of ghosts.

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

In "It's Too Hard to Travel", the Blue Devil and the Red Devil hold trumpets to greet these "Western immortals" who are rushing to Brocken Peak.


In addition to these not scary ghost books, Halloween I also recommend mom and dad and children to watch the Peanuts series of cartoons "Is the Pumpkin Immortal, Charlie Brown".

In addition to Koniki, who loves to read, we also have these ghosts and ghosts

"It's a Pumpkin Fairy, Charlie Brown" cartoon poster

In this cartoon, Snoopy dresses up as a World War II pilot. Charlie Brown harvests a bag full of stones in the game "Trick or Treat Without Sugar". And the little philosopher Linus waited all night in the pumpkin field, waiting for his pumpkin fairy, the pumpkin fairy that only the most obedient and devout child can see, would bring a full bag of gifts and good luck.

Whether you believe in the existence of pumpkin immortals or not, you will have a pleasant night.

(Read Small Library Authorization)

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