
Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

author:Fisherman Liu Wenjun

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Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc
Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

Zoothamnium belongs to the ciliate subphylum ciliate order Bellaceae, the body bell shape, so also known as the bell worm, the stalk branches to form a group, the stalk has muscle filaments that can be stretched and contracted. Also in the same family is the genus Monotochophyllum. Carchesium and Zoothamnium both belong to the cilia subphylum Cilia, with bell-shaped insect bodies, branching into groups with muscle filaments in the stalk that can be stretched and contracted. The main difference between the two is that the filament shaft sheath of the branch muscle of the solitary worm only extends to the base of the branch, not continuously, so each branch can only be stretched and contracted individually; all the branch muscle filament sheaths of the polycarpolymer are connected to the main stalk muscle filament and are not interrupted, and all branches can be extended and contracted at the same time. There are about 10 species in the genus Monotochophyllum in nature, about 40 species in the genus Polycortica, and about 1-2 species in sewage.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

(Microscopic microscopy for polyconcanders)

Biological properties of polyconders

Polycontozoans belong to the protozoa phylum , Ciliates , Marginal hairs , and polycontozoans. Solid suborder ciliates are divided into monomers and groups, and groups are a unity formed by multiple individuals connecting through the protoplasm connection medium, that is, the stalk, and the monomer is a single insect body, and the insect bodies are not connected to each other. The insect bodies of group species (such as polycontoles, monocotozoans, ectoccyptia, etc.) and monomeric species (such as bellworms, etc.) have similar physical characteristics: the shape of the insect body is often like an inverted bell, the upper end is the mouth surface, and the lower end connected to the stalk is the reverse mouth surface. The mouth surface has a mouth bib structure, and the mouth bib is surrounded by a circle of lip-like mouth rims. The reverse mouth surface is connected to the stalk, and the insect body attaches to the matrix through the stalk. Some taxa do not have a handle or have a very short handle.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

(Microscopic fixing ciliates--- polycontoplegia, Visual China)

Solid suborder ciliates have the following morphological characteristics: (1) the mouth area is located on the apex surface, with a single-action basis and a compound basis parallel to each other and around the mouth region; (2) the reverse mouth surface has broom embryos, and most of the broom embryos of the fixed species can also secrete to form a stalk with a fixative effect; (3) it has an anti-oral ciliary ring, which only appears in the swimming body stage and degenerates into the original base the rest of the time. Identification of solid suborder marginal hair ciliate species is based on living morphology, silver wire system, ciliated schema, and molecular biology.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

Solid suborder ciliates rely on the movement of the splenule cilia to feed on bacteria and organic detritus in the water, etc., rely on the base of the stalk for fixation, such as the stalk fixed on the underwater dead branches, aquatic weeds, crustaceans, farmed fish and so on.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

(Pattern diagram of the polycondium)

Polyclonal groups live, individual bodies are inverted bell shape, and when any individual member of the group is stimulated to contract, the entire group members contract together, because the internal muscle filaments of the individual members of each insect body in the group are interconnected. The muscle filaments are mostly in the center of the stalk sheath without wavy twisting, so that the stalk is "Z" shaped when it contracts instead of spiraling. Common species in freshwater such as dendritic polycarpies.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc


How polymers reproduce

Polyplegic reproduction has asexual and asexual reproduction, but mainly asexual reproduction. In the process of asexual reproduction, mature groups reproduce the next generation by forming swimming bodies, and in the case of poor environmental conditions, mutations or insects being stimulated, groups at any time can form swimming bodies and move to suitable places to be fixed. This method of reproduction is also, in a sense, an effective way to resist the harsh environment in order to survive. Temperature is the main factor that determines the body length, development and reproduction of polyclonal insects, and the appropriate temperature for polyconder growth is 23-30 ° C.

Video click: Polyconder_Tencent Video

Hazards of polyclonals to freshwater farmed animals

There are many species of ciliates in the suborder Cyperaceae that can cause greater harm to aquaculture economic animals, especially shrimp and crabs. When the intensity of the infection is low, the harm to the host is also small, and the host can heal itself by retreating; however, when the infection intensity is larger, the host is slow to move and unresponsive: severe infection will lead to the death of the host. Common species of ciliates of the suborder Solidus are peduncle, polyconstrums, cupworms, bellworms, etc.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

Polycontosperms can parasitize the gills, body surface, fins and carapace, appendages, etc. of various aquatic animals, strictly speaking, polycontoplasms should be extracorporeal co-habitation rather than parasitism, but because it exists in the host's gills, body surface (carapace) and other sensitive parts, thereby affecting the physiological activities of live animals such as breathing, movement, feeding, etc., endangering the health of the host. In the process of fish, shrimp and crab nursery and rearing, once the disease breaks out, it often causes a large number of deaths. Polyclonal often infected with farmed animals such as shrimp, crayfish, river crabs and other crustaceans, cage cultured forktail catfish, mandarin fish, etc. are also often affected by the disease, mandarin fish fertilized eggs are most susceptible to bellworm and polycontoples.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc


Polyclapticides are crustacean farmed animals (shrimp, crayfish, river crabs, etc.) susceptible to disease, a large number of attached to the gills, affecting the exchange of gills, will cause hypoxia and suffocation death or secondary bacterial infection; when attached to the body surface and appendages, the formation of many brown or yellow-green villi, cephalothorax black, the whole body is covered with dirt, or hinder the activity, feeding and molting of shrimp and crabs, not only affect growth, in severe cases, molting and death will occur.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

When polycrosses parasitize forktail catfish, the diseased fish are mentally weak, their feeding is reduced, they swim alone in groups, swim slowly, their physique is emaciated, they do not respond to external stimuli, and they do not dive underwater in human fright. Polyconstomers parasitize the snout ends, gill caps, gill arches, and dorsal fins of the sick mandarin fish, and the dorsal fins of diseased mandarin fish fester and break, with bundles of gray-white flocculents attached to them, especially in water.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

Prevention and control measures for polycoelastic disease

At the heart of the disease's prevention is the reduction of organic pollutants in farmed water bodies. Treatment of the whole pond evenly sprinkled: 0.77 ~ 1 g / m3 of copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate mixture (5:2), or 20 ~ 25 ml / m3 of formalin sprinkled in the whole pond, or with zinc sulfate, or with ciliate insecticides. In addition, it is said that the whole pool of photosynthetic bacteria or EM bacteria is prohibited when treating the disease.

Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

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Fish coexist in vitro rather than parasitic solid ciliates — polycontoles, twigs, cupworms, etc

Aquatic practitioners, conspire for the prosperity of the fishery! Please pay attention to the headline number @ fisherman Liu Wenjun, more wonderful content please log on to the Southwest Fishery Network, this article original if you need to reprint please indicate the source, if there are different opinions or content supplements, please share private messages or messages or comments! #Farming##Aquatic##Fish##I want to make micro headlines ##水产人 #

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