
Welsh Corgi


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Welshcorgipembrike is a small dog, carnivorous canines, with a small appearance and great strength, giving the impression of a strong physique, full of vitality and excellent endurance.

Welsh Corgi

The Corgi is one of the most popular small caretaker dogs, friendly by nature, brave and bold, neither timid nor fierce. The personality is also relatively mild.

Welsh Corgi

It is loyal, cute, and honest in appearance. Both hearing and smell are extremely acute. Strong sense of responsibility, strong sense of protection, will be in the owner of the danger when the full rescue.

Welsh Corgi

Corgis are short, moderately bone-heavy, and have a deep chest. The tail position is very low, like the tail of a fox, but in order to maintain a cute image, it is generally chosen to cut off the tail of the corgi.

Welsh Corgi

Both males and females have shoulder heights of about 10.5-12.5 inches. The ideal weight for males is 30-38 pounds, and the ideal weight for females is about 25-34 pounds.

Corgis have a unique temperament, it often has a smile comparable to the "Mona Lisa", no matter who looks at it will feel warm.

Welsh Corgi

Dog regulations in many cities in China have regulations prohibiting dogs with a shoulder height of more than 35cm, and corgi dogs will not let you have such concerns, you can lead it to the streets and alleys in an open manner, and be a civilized dog owner.

Welsh Corgi

There are two types of Welsh Corgis: cardigan Welsh Corgis and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. As early as 920 AD, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi was already present in England.

Welsh Corgi

Corgis are energetic, but they don't bark and are usually very quiet. The lively and cute corgi dog can make the family atmosphere very harmonious and let the family spend more time together. Especially when teasing dogs, it can make both parties feel a lot of happiness.

Welsh Corgi

Its IQ is not low, ranking 11th in the dog class, and if you want to train it to be a good dog, hopefully there is still a big one.

Because of the short limbs, so the corgi dog lumbar burden is heavy, it is easy to have spinal problems, it is recommended not to let the corgi dog carry out too strenuous activities, especially frequent up and down the stairs, you can feed more dog food with high calcium, in order to strengthen the body.

Welsh Corgi

Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom is particularly fond of the corgi, as early as the 19th century, it has become the pet of the British royal family, in the country, the corgi was once speculated to the price of more than 7,000 pieces, it seems that everyone's love for corgis is obvious to all.

Welsh Corgi

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