
Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

author:Pet fans
Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Welsh Corgi

The Welsh Corgi, also known as the "Welsh Short-legged Dog", is a popular dog breed nowadays, and is especially loved by girls because of its long legs and short appearance. From Richard I in the 12th century to Queen Elizabeth II to the present, corgis have been a pet of the British royal family.

Although the Welsh Corgi belongs to a small dog, but the personality is very stable, there is no general small dog neuroticism, they are very bold, but also quite alert, can be highly vigilant to guard the home, is one of the most popular small guard dogs, very suitable for children's guard dogs.

The standard description of corgis is: heroic and fearless on the outside, gentle on the inside, intelligent in everything, never shy or fierce, with the appearance of a puppy, but with the soul of a big dog.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Queen and Corgi

Welsh corgis have existed in England since at least 920 AD. It is a variant of the Cardigan and Pembroke. Pembrokes are more famous than Cadigans.

The breed of dog brought by Flemish workers in 1107, according to its similar fox head, some believe that this dog is closely related to the ancestors of the sharp-billed dog. However, it has been suggested that the Corgi was produced by the mating of Swedish short-legged long-legged dogs and indigenous dogs that spread to Wales through the Welsh-Swedish trade.

The Cardigan is a breed of dog that specializes in cattle herding like the Pembroke. Due to its light body and quick movements, the dog can escape at a very fast speed when the domestic animal that has been bitten on the heel is angry.

In 1934, the United Kingdom officially recognized the Cardigan and Pembroke as two different breeds. Under the continuous cultivation and training of breeding experts, the wild nature that it was born to fight with other dogs has been slowly removed, and the price of corgi on the market is not cheap today.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi diagram stick

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi dog characterization

【FCI Standard】

(1) Body shape: The ideal ratio of height (vertical distance from the horse's shoulder boom to the ground) and body length (horizontal distance from the sternum to the back of the hip [the position of the sciatic bone protrusion]) is about 1/1.8. (Defects: The overall proportions are not coordinated, and being too large or too small is a serious defect).

(2) Shoulder height: 26.5-32cm;

(3) Weight: male dog 13.5-17.5kg; female dog 11.5-15.5kg.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi FCI Standard Analysis

(5) Head: The head is exquisite, in harmony with gender and physique, fox-like appearance, intelligent expression, concern for the surrounding environment, and there will be no feeling of timidity. It must not be too large and bulky, nor too small and slender, incongruous with other parts.

The top of the head between the ears is moderately broad and flat, and the posterior occipital bone is not prominently protruding, gradually thinning in the direction of the eyes. Slightly lowered between the eyes, the cheeks are flat, under the eyes, combined with the front face, there is a sculptural feeling, the cheekbones are not prominent.

The length of the muzzle (the distance from the nose mirror to the stop) is slightly shorter than the length of the head (the distance from the stop to the highest point of the posterior occipital bone), and the length ratio of the two is about 3/5; the expression is alert, elegant, alert, and friendly.

The skull is quite wide and the interauricular area is flat, the frontal nasal frame is moderate, the cheeks are slightly rounded, and the front face is clearly contoured, making the snout gradually sharper. The distance from the occipital bone to the center of the frontal nasal frame is greater than the distance from the frontal nasal frame to the tip of the nose, and the ratio is the total length of the skull of 5 parts to the total length of the front face of the 3 parts.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi Face Analysis

(6) Ears: Compared with the overall size, the ears appear large and conspicuous. Hard, medium in size, tapering to the rounded tip of the ear. The pinna, on the other hand, is very robust, the ear is mobile and sensitive to sound. The root of the ear is moderately broad, erect, and slightly forward when alert. When the ear is erect, the ear tip distance is slightly wider, from the tip of the nose through the eye to the ear tip cross to draw a straight line, just extend to the ear tip, the resulting triangle is close to the equilateral triangle.

Defects: Bat ears, kitten ears, large, weak ears, drooping ears, ears that are too high or too low are all ears that we don't want. Small or pointed ears with buttoned ears, rose ears, or drooping ears are serious defects.

Disqualified: Drooping ears.

(7) Eyes: Oval eyes, medium size, not round or prominent, slightly oblique. The eye circles are dark black and the corners of the eyes are clear. The location is more divided. The eyes are brown and match the color of the coat. Blue eyes (including partial blue of the eye), or blue in one eye and dark black in the other, are allowed to appear in blue braid dogs, while dogs of other colors are disqualified.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi eyes

(8) Nose: The nose mirror is black, except for dogs with blue rue color, and it is best to have a black nose mirror for dogs with blue rupithe color, but the butterfly nose is also acceptable. (Disqualification: other colors of dogs if the nose mirror is not black)

(9) Chin: the muzzle is round but not blunt, tapered but not pointed; the lips are tight and concise; the jaw is firm and neat; the jaw depth is moderate, extending to the nasal mirror, and the chin is rounder.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi jaw

The teeth are strong and neat. Scissor bites and is preferred.

Defects: Protruding upper jaw bites, inferior jaws protruding, and crooked teeth are all serious defects.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi teeth defects

(10) Limbs: The forelimbs are neither straight nor excessively curved, and the bone mass is sufficient. The elbows are parallel to the body, and the elbows are close to the sides of the body, neither loose nor tight. The shoulder position is natural, at a 90-degree angle to the upper arm; the hind limbs are muscular and strong, strong and flexible, and the posterior knee joints are naturally angled. The legs are short and the bone mass is sufficient. Viewed from behind, the metatarsals are straight.

(11) Foot: The claws are quite large, oval, the toes are strong, naturally arched, tight, the two middle toes are slightly longer, and the foot pads are thick. Naturally arched, the toes are slightly outward, and from the width, in the position corresponding to the shoulders, keep straight forward when walking. Viewed from above, the angle between the outward deflection and the centerline cannot exceed 30 degrees. The toes cannot be opened.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

(12) Tail: The position is relatively low relative to the body, and it extends to the flying joint. When standing and walking, the tail droops straight; When he suddenly ran, the tail was raised, parallel to the ground; When excited, the tail is raised upwards, but never curled up behind the back.

(Defects: High tail position is a serious defect)

(13) Indumentum: Medium-length, very dense double-layered coat. The outer layer of fur is slightly coarse in texture and is by no means bristle, curly, or filamentous. The coat lies smoothly and can withstand harsh climates. The insulated undercoat is short, soft and thick.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

The correct coat is: short hairs on the head, ears, legs; The coat of the body is of medium length; Slightly elongated coat appears on the back of the neck , the back of the thighs ( forming " shorts " ) , and under the tail.

The coat should not be too exaggerated and look like a hairball. This variety will shed hair seasonally, if due to seasonal reasons there is a lack of bottom hair, but the hair is healthy, it is not a defect. Except for trimming the coat of the foot claws, trimming the coat is not allowed, but the beard can be trimmed if desired.

Defects: Soft, same length, bristle, curly, filamentous, too short, too flat.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Corgi coat color

(14) Coat color: red, sable color, light brown, black and tan, blue brassica color (black, gray; marble color) with or without brown or spots.

White is usually found on the neck (partially or in the form of a bib), legs, chest, muzzle, lower body, tip of the tail, and white tendons of the head. The white of the head cannot dominate and cannot be around the eyes.

Disqualification: Colors other than those described above or on the body are predominantly white.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Male) Weight Reference

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgi (female) weight reference

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Cardigan Welsh Corgi (Male) Weight Reference

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

Cardigan Welsh Corgi (female) weight reference


(1) Puppies after 3 months of age if it is a family measurement, there will be a big difference, the same litter of puppies in different families, the weight change is even as high as 4 pounds;

(2) Puppies grow faster from 3 months to 6 months, and can grow 3 to 4 pounds per month.

(3) The growth rate of puppies after 8 months of age is slightly 20 to 30g a day, and they can probably grow to 1 year old.

Although the corgi is short, but it is very strong and very energetic, people feel very strong, gentle personality, like to be with children, naturally like sports, like to bark, so it is best to start training it from an early age not to bark.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

As one of the most popular small watchdogs, the Welsh Corgi is friendly by nature, brave and bold, not timid or foolish. The personality is more gentle, but do not force it to accept things it does not want to accept, so pay attention when training corgi, do not be too hasty and punish it too severely, and reward him if he does a good job.

There is no doubt about the wisdom of the corgi, but the small one is quite alert, can protect your home very well, if a thief breaks in, then its cry will wake you up at the first time.

Although the Welsh corgi is easier to raise, there is still a lot to pay attention to in terms of diet. Milk, bones other than larger pig bones should not be given to eat, you can give it some fruit appropriately, but not more.

Because the Welsh corgi is not picky about food, so usually the owner takes it out to scatter from time to time must be optimistic about it, maybe when you are not paying attention to what it picks up on the side of the road, in case it is not good to eat to the bone is stuck, and its unprovocative personality is also easy to make it obese, so the amount of food must be controlled.

The maintenance of the Welsh corgi is relatively easy, the coat does not need special maintenance, nor does it need special grooming, just modify its "bib neck", for people or dogs he gives a good tolerance, the diet requirements are not high, so it is very good to take care of.

Queen of England's favorite dog: Welsh Corgi.comgi

The characteristics of corgi not being picky can be well utilized, and it can be rewarded with a little food it likes to eat during training, and the learning speed may be very fast. You can also use food to lure it to run to increase the amount of exercise.

Corgi likes sports, so usually you can take it out more to hang out, let it get more exercise, its trainability is very high, Corgi likes to bite things, but if you start training from a young age, you can get very good improvement.

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