
Women's nephritis strain recurrence, Chinese medicine use a prescription to relieve water turbidity and reduce edema, these 3 points can prevent recurrence

author:Nephrologist Huang Wen
Women's nephritis strain recurrence, Chinese medicine use a prescription to relieve water turbidity and reduce edema, these 3 points can prevent recurrence

Chronic glomerulonephritis, referred to as chronic nephritis, refers to proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema as the basic clinical manifestations, different modes of onset, disease prolongation, slow progression of lesions, can appear different degrees of renal function, and eventually develop into a group of glomerular diseases of chronic renal failure. Due to the different pathological types and stages of this type of disease, the main clinical manifestations are different, and the disease manifestations are diverse.

Most patients have unknown etiology and are not clearly related to streptococcal infection, and according to statistics, only 15% to 20% of them are converted from acute glomerulonephritis. Most scholars believe that there is no clear association between chronic glomerulonephritis and acute nephritis, which may be caused by various infections such as bacteria, viruses or protozoa through a combination of immune mechanisms, inflammatory mediators and non-immune mechanisms.

Early patients may have no discomfort, can also appear fatigue, tiredness, waist pain, poor and other conditions, there may be edema, in general, not very serious, through the urine routine examination patients can find proteinuria and hematuria, blood pressure can be normal, can also appear mild abnormalities, there are also some patients may have abnormal renal function, if not early intervention treatment, continuous renal function aggravation, resulting in kidney failure, uremia.

Experts said that most patients with kidney disease develop chronic kidney failure, most of them still have some residual kidney function, if during active drug treatment, pay attention to the improvement of daily life, protect their residual kidney function, you can avoid or reduce the frequency of dialysis, but also conducive to reducing the occurrence of complications such as cardiac insufficiency, maintain the balance of water and electrolytes in the body.

Women's nephritis relapsed after 20 years of exertion, and the chinese medicine used a prescription for water leakage and turbidity to reduce edema control and stability

Case: Patient xxx, female, 55 years old, from a district in Beijing. There is a history of chronic nephritis for more than 20 years, early attention, unstable drug treatment after symptoms, after the treatment is effective, it begins to be big fish and meat, often relapses, protein in the urine (+~++), high blood pressure. And before 2015, he had surgery to remove the lung tumor, and he was deficient in righteousness and has not been able to recover.

In May 2016, due to fatigue at work, and not controlling diet, excessive consumption of meat, the condition worsened, chest tightness and pressure, both lower limbs edema, hospitalized. The test results showed that the blood pressure was 120/80mmHg, blood creatinine was 240umol/L, and urea nitrogen was 10.2mmol/L. Diagnosed: chronic renal failure, azotemia. As the treatment effect of Western medicine is getting worse and worse, it turns to traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Women's nephritis strain recurrence, Chinese medicine use a prescription to relieve water turbidity and reduce edema, these 3 points can prevent recurrence

In the outpatient clinic of a Chinese medicine specialist in a hospital in Beijing, when the Chinese medicine was seen, the patient had a dry cough without sputum, less bowel and bowel movements, mild puffiness of the eyelids and lower limbs, a yellowish complexion, a reddish tongue, and thin moss. The dialectic is postoperative deficiency of positive qi and dysfunction of the lungs, spleen and kidneys. Wet and stasis remain, and the virtual and real are mixed. Due to the very complicated condition. In the first step of TCM, the first step is to use the medicine to relieve diarrhea and lung water, release turbidity and detoxify stasis. With a square cut and flavor, the group of prescription medicines: mulberry white skin, leaf amaranth, citrus shell, burning aster, burning rhubarb, raw rhubarb (houxia), Wang Bu Liu Xingzi, soap horn thorn and other Traditional Chinese medicines. Cooperate with Western medicine to control symptoms, diet and nutrition regulation, diet moderation, and adjust work and rest rules.

After taking the drug for a month, there was no obvious change in the situation, less stool, and a bad mood. Chinese medicine adjusts the prescription and continues to take the medicine, adding raw rhubarb, leech, cinnamon, and Hiroki incense to the end of the umbilical cord. After 1 month of medication, the symptoms lessened and improved, the dry cough disappeared, and the feeling of chest pressure improved significantly, but there was still mild edema in the lower limbs. The tongue is thin and red in texture. TCM adds or subtracts herbs from the Chinese medicine prescription and uses umbilical cord therapy at the same time. After 20 days, the chest pressure is slight, the swelling of the lower limbs subsides, the stool is normal, the urine increases, the tongue is thin and reddish, and the veins are smooth. Examination: blood pressure 126/84 mmHg, blood creatinine down to 199 mmol/L, urea nitrogen 9.0 mmol/L. Continue to take the drug for 3 months, the symptoms disappear, and the re-examination indicators are within the normal range.

These 5 methods can lower creatinine

1. Hormones and immune preparations. These two types of drugs are anti-inflammatory, protein-lowering "special" drugs, mainly used in the treatment of patients with proteinuria and acute impairment of renal function in primary nephropathy. For example, patients with nephrotic syndrome, a large number of proteinuria leaked, the kidneys are accompanied by a serious immune inflammatory response, resulting in abnormal renal function, at this time the detection of blood creatinine reaches 200-300, if you take hormones and immunosuppressant drugs such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus, etc., to inhibit the inflammatory response in the kidneys, reduce the level of proteinuria damage to kidney function, creatinine can also fall back to normal levels.

Women's nephritis strain recurrence, Chinese medicine use a prescription to relieve water turbidity and reduce edema, these 3 points can prevent recurrence

2. Praly or sartan antihypertensive drugs. Hypertension is one of the common symptoms in the development of kidney disease and is also one of the factors that accelerate renal failure. Repeated fluctuations in blood pressure lead to impaired renal function, creatinine will also increase, so kidney friends must undergo antihypertensive therapy, of which puly or satan drugs in addition to antihypertensive, but also lower protein, delay kidney function. Therefore, it is often used as the drug of choice for lowering blood pressure.

3. Acute anti-infective drugs and antibiotics. Kidney disease patients have abnormal immune system, decreased immunity, become easy to "infect the body", frequent infection leads to repeated symptoms such as proteinuria, thereby accelerating the damage of kidney function, creatinine is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, anti-infective therapy is necessary, and antibiotics are one of the most commonly used drugs. However, some antibiotics are inherently nephrotoxic and should be used with medical drugs.

4. Injection of glucose or normal saline. Volume depletion in the kidneys, decreased blood, leading to toxin concentration and rapid elevation of creatinine. Rehydration therapy can be performed to improve the condition of renal ischemia and hypoxia, and glucose injection and normal saline can be used to improve the lack of water in the body. Blood flow in the kidneys accelerates, toxin metabolism accelerates, and creatinine falls back.

5. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment. The presence of ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys leads to a decrease in detoxification and an increase in creatinine. Traditional Chinese medicine methods such as moxibustion, medicine, and foot bath can play a role in unclogging the meridians to a certain extent, thereby promoting blood circulation throughout the body, improving the detoxification ability of the kidneys, and also playing a partial role in reducing creatinine.

Doing these 3 points well will help stabilize kidney disease and delay kidney failure

1. Insist on taking medicine regularly. Patients with chronic kidney failure must listen to the doctor's advice to take drugs, must not blindly use drugs, and cold drugs cannot be ignored. Such as cold pass, contrast agent, aminoglycoside antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, anti-tumor drugs, etc., these drugs will cause damage to the kidneys, Chinese medicine in Guan Mu Tong and Guang Fang self, as well as fish bile, heavy metal mercury and so on.

2, do not over-fatigue. Work and rest on time, avoid overwork, and defecate on time to facilitate detoxification. Get up early to breathe fresh air, keep warm and protect against colds. Actively exercise, enhance physical fitness, and enhance your own immunity.

3. Eat a light diet. Eat more foods with kidney protection and diuretic effect, such as lean meat, carrots, winter melon, tomatoes, citrus, persimmons, dried fruits, etc., food is rich in protein, vitamins, zinc trace elements, etc., which is conducive to improving the body's immunity. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and try to avoid high fat. It is advisable to eat foods that are easy to digest, flat and non-irritating, avoid increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, prohibit eating fried foods that are not easy to digest, and avoid foods with high nuclear protein content and purines after metabolism, such as liver and kidneys, to prevent the rise of blood uric acid.

Women's nephritis strain recurrence, Chinese medicine use a prescription to relieve water turbidity and reduce edema, these 3 points can prevent recurrence