
Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

author:Human Geography Photography

1. Mysterious exudates. In 2013, an unidentified foreign body emitting odor suddenly oozed out of the crack on a street in Nanjing, China, and then the foreign body seemed to slowly retreat back into the 1-centimeter-wide crack. The government has issued a statement that the foreign body was accidentally leaked from a nearby subway construction site, but many people do not believe this is true.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

2. The Eye of the Sahara. It is also known as the Richard structure, which looks like a giant eye in appearance, hence the name Sahara's Eye. At first, it was thought to be the result of an asteroid impact, but after several studies, geologists determined that it was the result of a combination of topographic uplift and erosion.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

3. The black crack in the White Rim Trail. Located in Canyonlands National Park in the United States, this natural crevasse is one of the most popular attractions for tourists.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

4. Luminous algae (Luminous worm). Luminous algae is a bioluminescent dinoflagellate phenomenon, also known as "blue tears", although it has been reported that this beautiful phenomenon is actually caused by agricultural pollution, which can damage marine life and local fisheries.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

5. Rainbow Mountain in China. Located in the Danxia Geopark of Zhangye, Gansu, it was listed as a Unesco World Natural Heritage Site in 2009. Its color is known to come from minerals, iron oxides and other substances.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

6. Crooked forest. They look like trees in Harry Potter, with strange hook shapes. The trees were planted in 1930 and about 400 pine trees were bent northward. Exactly why they are like this is still a mystery.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

7. Blood Falls. It was discovered in 1911 by Australian geologist Griffith Taylor that because water is rich in iron, it turns red when exposed to air and oxidized.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

8. Ijin Volcano. Mount Igen, famous for its blue lava, is a miracle of nature. It is located on the Indonesian island of Java and consists of several small complex volcanoes. It has a fascinating blue color due to the sulfuric acid gas burning at temperatures above 360°C. When these gases come into contact with oxygen in the air, they turn blue.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

9. "Living Stone" steel fiber sea squirt. What the? This stone is not only alive, but also flesh and blood?! In fact, the steel-fiber sea squirt is a saced animal whose body is covered with thick animal cellulose. It is reported that the steel fiber sea squirt is very delicious, and it is an authentic delicacy in Chile and Peru!

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

10. Underwater waterfalls. It is located in Mauritius, but in fact this beauty is just an illusion, the water did not fall, but the sand on the beach was washed away from the highlands by the current.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

11. Volcanic eruption lightning. Lightning hitting a Chilean volcano that is erupting? In fact, this is the lightning effect produced by charged particles when they come into contact with volcanic ash.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

12. Antarctic ice caves. In October 2017, a huge ice cave appeared in Antarctica, which amazed scientists. It has a large area of about 77,600 square kilometers, and it is said that this phenomenon is also known as the Interglacial Lake (Polynya).

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

13. Snow rolls. They look like giant ice donuts, which is in fact a rare meteorological phenomenon where snow is blown into a cylindrical shape by the wind. As for why there is an empty piece in the middle, it is because that position is usually the first layer in the structure, and they are fragile and easily blown away by the wind.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

14. Kerala Red Rain. In 2001, heavy red rains began in the southern Indian state of Kerala, which at first was thought to have been caused by the ashes of a meteorite explosion, but later studies confirmed that it was caused by the proliferation of seaweed spores in a certain place.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them

15. Taos Voice. It happened in New Mexico, where local people said they had been hearing a faint hum at low frequencies, but no one knew what the reason was.

Of the 15 strange natural phenomena on earth, you have seen more than 3 of them