
The origin of the name of the ancient Xiangcheng (township) of Zhoukou style

author:The sword roared in the west wind

Xiangcheng, as a thousand-year-old county in the hinterland of the Central Plains, has a profound cultural heritage, many cultural attractions, outstanding people, talents, and all dynasties have been prosperous and prosperous. However, prosperity brings with it a small number of people, coupled with the sparse resources in the plain area.

Since the reform and opening up, the smart Xiangcheng people have seen the current situation of "no one has an acre of land" in their hometown, so they have gone out to break into the world, and it can be said that there are Xiangcheng people in all cities in the country.

But as a Xiangcheng person, even if you are doing things in other places, if you are asked about the origin of the name of your hometown or the meaning of the place name, and you can't say why, will there be a little embarrassment?

I have talked about the origin of the name of Xiangcheng before, and recently sorted out the information on the origin of each township and shared it with the villagers

The origin of the name of the ancient Xiangcheng (township) of Zhoukou style

Let's take a look at the origin of the name of our hometown. Say no details look forward to the fellows to add...

Town of Nanton

  According to the Taiping Huanyu Chronicle, "Nanton, the sub-kingdom of Gudun, was later forced to migrate to Chen Nan, so it was called Nandun, and its city was built by Yin Ziyu. "Han placed Nandun County, Jin Hui Emperor placed Nandun County, Song Xining province for six years as a town, into Shangshui, Xiangcheng." Ming Province entered Xiangcheng, the Qing Dynasty set up the South Jipai, and the Republic of China set up a district.

  Sundian Town

  According to legend, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the surname Sun immigrated from Hongdong, Shanxi to settle in Honghewan. Therefore, it is a port on the Honghe River, and sun surnamed Sun set up a shop here in order to make a living, and later became the village named Sun Wan store. In the first year of Qing Tongzhi (1862), Xiusun Bay Village, there is a set. After the village was abandoned, it was called Sun Wan Store. During the Republic of China period, it is referred to as the present name.

  Lizhai Town

  Li Zhai was originally named Han Li Zhai. According to the Jianzhai inscription: during the Qing Daoguang (1821--1850) period, Han Wanyi and Xiao Lizhuang Li Hong agreed to build a village. The surname Li sacrificed his village as the site of the village, and the Han surname bore all the costs of building the village. After the completion of the village, the name Han Li Zhai.

Jialing Town

  Legend has it that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a mountain ridge here, which was in a northwest and southeast direction, named Cross Ridge, also known as Jinji Ridge. Later, a household surnamed Jia settled here, renamed Jia JiaLing, referred to as Jia Ling.

  Takaji Town

  In ancient times, there was a high hill here, named Gaoyang Hill. Later, a temple was built on the hill, named Takagaoka Temple. In the first year of the Qing Dynasty, the village was repaired, and the name Gaoqiu Temple Village, abbreviated as the present name.

  New Bridge Town

  It is rumored that there was originally a wooden bridge on the mud river here, and the name is unknown. During the period of Akihiroji (1488-1505), the original bridge was moved 700 meters to the west, and a new bridge was built, hence the name.

  Fuji Town

  It is said that Cao Niangniang of the Song Dynasty took a boat to play on the grain river. Boat here, see the south bank of a dense jungle, the scenery is pleasant, so they abandoned the boat to play, saw that several families are very rich, said that this is rich (rich concentration meaning); At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Fu family immigrated here from under the big locust tree in Hongdong, Shanxi, first settled in Fu Dun, and then moved here from Fu Dun, and the Fu clan was rich and powerful, saying that the former dynasty lady could not manage the affairs of the current dynasty, so it was changed to FuJi.

  Guanhui Town

  According to legend, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795), the three counties of Xiangcheng, Shenqiu and Tongcheng were known as the Official Council in order to resolve water conservancy disputes.

  Dingji Town

  It is said that in ancient times, there was a village called Ding Village, and there was a set at the head of the village, named Ding Village. Later, more and more people who did business and escaped banditry moved to Dingji, and Dingji gradually developed.

  Zheng Guozhen

  "Xiangcheng County Chronicle" "Miscellaneous Chronicles , Strange Stories" chapter: According to legend, the village's Zheng and Guo surnames married, Zheng Fu died early, and the daughter-in-law surnamed Guo served her mother-in-law who had lost her teeth, and raised her with milk for several years, touching the heavens. In the third year of Qing Shunzhi, a huge whirlwind blew here, flying sand and stones, large trees were pulled, and more than a thousand houses in the village were destroyed, except for the four grass houses of Guo Widow. Afterwards, "Guo Jiaxian filial daughter and Zheng family good daughter-in-law" was widely circulated. Zheng Guoji got its name from this.

  Moling Town

  The origin of the place name "Moling Town" is because during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, "Moling County" was established in Xiangcheng County. In the third year of Ming Xuande (1428), Xiangcheng County was moved from Huaifangdian (present-day Huaidian, Shenqiu County) for 525 years. During the Republic of China period, it was Chengguan District, and in 1942 it was called a section of Moling Town. In 1950, it was the seat of the People's Government of Xiangcheng County, also known as Chengguan District. In the winter of 1953, after the county government moved to The Water Village, it was commonly known as the Old Town. In 1982, it was changed to a county-administered town and named Moling Town. In 2005, Moling Town and Old Town were abolished and a new Moling Town was established.

  Wangmingkou Town

  Wang Mingkou originated in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the last year of the Northern Song Dynasty here is a ferry, the righteous Wang Ming here to ferry for a living, no matter the heat and cold winter, day and night, some people across the river on call, never make a mistake. And be charitable and charitable, and meet people who cross the river and forget to bring money, or poor people and beggars, without being penniless, smiling and giving each other. Later, he rose up against Jin and was killed, and in order to commemorate him, people named this place Wang Mingkou.

  Yongfeng Township

  Yongfeng was originally named Baijia Tsukasa Shop. In the third year of the Qing Dynasty (1911), the case was revised and renamed "Yongfeng", which means yongnian harvest.

  Fanji Township

  According to legend: in the first year of the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC), after the "Hongmen Feast", Xiang Yujun Shifan zeng lived in seclusion here. There are mansions, gardens, pavilions and pavilions, which are quite spectacular. Later set, the name Fan Ting set. In the 11th year of Qing Xianfeng (1861), Zhao Zuobin advocated donating money to repair the village, named Fanting Jizhai (also known as Integrated Village). In 1947, the village was demolished, referred to as Fan Ji.

Three stores town

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the Zhang clan of Taikang County came here to run a salt shop, the Zhang clan of Sundian Nanhonghe moved to live, and the Zang clan of Xiangcheng Moling came to do business, and the three families lived together in one village, so it was named "Three Zhangdian".

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