
Why is Ran Min little known?

author:Changshan Zhao Zilong 144740149

Ran Min's name, if it were not for the scholars who specialized in studying history, almost no one would know him, even the special period he was in, that dark period - the cold in the north, the clothes moved south, the Hu Di was everywhere, and the children of the Han family were almost slaughtered! For the Han Chinese, Wuhu Chaohua is a history of hell being empty and the devil in the human world.

Ran Min's name, if it were not for the scholars who specialized in studying history, almost no one would know him, even the special period he was in, that dark period - the cold in the north, the clothes moved south, the Hu Di was everywhere, and the children of the Han family were almost slaughtered! History: Wuhu Chaohua.

Why is Ran Min little known?

The beginning of that dark history was the rebellion of the Eight Kings of the Western Jin Dynasty, the political turmoil was unstable, and many nomadic peoples outside the Western Jin Dynasty took advantage of the weakening of the Western Jin Dynasty' national strength, led by the five Hu tribes of Xiongnu, Xianbei, Xianbei, Qiang, and Qiang, and The Hu people, successively established several non-Han regimes and confronted the Southern Han regime, which lasted for a century, the Central Plains had no peace, and the Han people were almost wiped out, until 439, when the Xianbei Northern Wei unified the north, and the catastrophe ended.

For the Han Chinese, Wuhu Chaohua is a history of hell being empty and the devil in the human world. The Hu people burned and robbed in the Central Plains, and the Central Plains troops were weak, the government was incompetent, unable to resist, the large-scale Han people suffered, men were slaughtered, and the fate of women was even more tragic, they were not only robbed for the Hu people to play, but more terrifyingly, when the soldiers were short of food and grass, they were simply cooked. Suddenly, the number of Han Chinese people has decreased dramatically, farmland has been abandoned, Zongmiao temples have been destroyed, books and cultural relics have been destroyed countless times, society has regressed, and the crisis of Han extinction is imminent.

And Ran Min, in the background of such a war and wolf smoke, stepped onto the big stage of history, he was dressed in anger and horses, and his sword was pointed at the Hu people, and in the chaotic world, he saved countless Han people and made the Hu people feel frightened.

Why is Ran Min little known?

When Ran Min was young, his father was captured by The Zhao Ming Emperor Shi Hu, and then died of his wounds, Shi Hu saw that Ran Min was clever and clever, so he adopted him as an adopted grandson, and cultivated him like his own grandson, and Ran Min also became a brave and good warrior as he expected, but he did not become a sharp blade for him to slaughter the Han people as he expected, on the contrary, in the face of Shi Hu's brutal rule of the Han people, he was dissatisfied and secretly saddened by the encounters of his compatriots.

During Shi Hu's reign, there were many examples of tyranny, and he was a murderous man, once designating tens of thousands of square kilometers of land in the central plains south of Handan as his hunting paddock, setting a Guinness world record in the history of all mankind. It is stipulated that the Han people are not allowed to throw a stone at the beast, otherwise they are "criminal beasts", they will be punished with capital crimes, and countless people who are killed or eaten by the beasts are countless, and the status of the Han people at that time was even inferior to that of the beasts. Not only that, Shi Hu also forcibly recruited 160,000 men and women, transported soil to build Hualin Garden and a long wall in northern Yibei, when it rained heavily, tens of thousands of people were drowned; drove more than 400,000 camps of Han Ding to Luoyang and Chang'an Second Palace, accumulating countless dead and accumulating corpses in the wilderness; Xiulinyuan armor soldiers, 500,000 artificial armor, 170,000 shipbuilders, more than two-thirds of the deaths; 50,000 Han women entered the harem to wantonly pervert and kill and insult, during which countless people died; from Chang'an -- to Luoyang -- to Yecheng, Cheng Han's emissaries saw people hanging on trees along the way to hang themselves. The city walls are hung with the heads of Han people, the bones are made into "corpses", terrorizing the world, and the bodies of tens of thousands of rebel soldiers are abandoned in the wilderness to feed the beasts... Around such a tyrannical person, Ran Min endured for many years, and finally around 350 AD, Ran Min annihilated hundreds of thousands of Hou Zhao Hu troops and overthrew the Later Zhao Dynasty.

Why is Ran Min little known?

After the overthrow of the Later Zhao Dynasty, Ran Min Zhishu mobilized the Han people to rebel against the Hu people together, and his documents are still shocking to read: "All the Hu chaos in China, it has been decades, and now I and the kings are doing their best to curse the Hu people in the world, and together I have a deep hatred for the blood of the people in the Central Plains!" After that, the Han people in Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, northern Hubei, and Shaanxi rose up one after another, without Hou Zhao, the Hu people were equivalent to no supreme ruler, and for a while, the trees fell and scattered, and where to resist the menacing Han people, More than 200,000 Hu people were killed in Yidu alone. The era that was once ruled by the Hu people in the Central Plains and wantonly trampled on the Han people has finally passed, countless Hu people have returned, they have been frightened by the vengeful Han people, they are even more hateful and afraid of Ran Min, the Heavenly Dao cycle, the retribution is not happy, on the way back, due to food shortages, hu people of different nationalities began to attack each other, cannibalism, the tragedy they once caused in the Central Plains, and finally they repeated one by one, the number of Hu people dropped sharply by millions!

In that era, Ran Min was a well-deserved hero, although his hands were stained with blood, but if he had not picked up the sword, the Han people's rebellion would not know when it would begin, and he would not know how to succeed! He put his life and death on the line, and even if he was later captured, he did not bow his proud head -- "The world is in chaos, you fierce birds, the barbarians with human faces and beast hearts can still be called kings and emperors, not to mention that I am a hero of The Great Chinese!". In the end, this hero created the miracle of winning more wars with less and reviving the prestige of the Han family's army, and Qunhu besieged and was later killed.

Why is Ran Min little known?

Ran Min is not well recorded in mainstream history, and even in textbooks there is no mention of him as a person, if it is not a comprehensive, systematic and profound study of history, or some heard in the secret story of wild history, almost no one knows him, is the history of China unfair to him? Deliberately downplay such a hero who saved the Han people and saved Chinese history?

In fact, if Ran Min Quanxia had knowledge, he would also be willing to do so. Ran Min revolted at the time of the life and death of the Han people, but his real purpose was not to slaughter the Hu people, what he hoped was peace in the world, the homeland would no longer be invaded, and he hoped that one day, whether it was hu or Han, they could get along harmoniously. The history of Wuhu Chaohua is too bloody, and the political factors are too complicated to explain in three words, and in the long run, if future generations always cherish that history, national estrangement will always exist, which is not conducive to national stability. Each historical figure in the Wuhu Chaohua period is complex, with different positions and different choices, and these are difficult to understand and even easily misunderstood for the descendants of that era, especially teenagers. Ran Min and other Han rebels, throwing their heads and spilling their blood for the ideals in their hearts, the land under their feet, and the people they care about, they hope not to be remembered by future generations, but to live well in the homeland they have all they have protected.

Why is Ran Min little known?

Ran Min is destined to be forgotten, this is his fate, his excellence, his merits and faults, in the past, in the present, in the future, it is almost impossible to have a general assessment, this person, he is only suitable for being frozen in the depths of history, can not easily talk about it, can only understand that it can not be said. There is no need to be sorry, because for him, that year he died, the mountains and grass dried up, the sky did not rain to show great sorrow and no tears, and the gods mourned; after a thousand years, the equality of the nation, the tranquility of Kyushu, these are enough.

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