
Hechang Martyrs Cemetery Liu Zhidan Memorial Park was identified as "Lüliang City Party History Education Base" and successfully listed

author:Market Weekly
Hechang Martyrs Cemetery Liu Zhidan Memorial Park was identified as "Lüliang City Party History Education Base" and successfully listed

In order to solidly promote the study and education of party history, we should further inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of our revolutionary predecessors, and draw on the strength of sustained and profound struggle. On October 25, Liulin County held the ceremony of listing The Hechang Martyrs Cemetery and Liu Zhidan Memorial Park "Lvliang City Party History Education Base", Wang Jianjun, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, attended the ceremony, and jointly unveiled the Hechang Martyrs Cemetery and Liu Zhidan Memorial Park "Lüliang City Party History Education Base" with relevant responsible persons.

Wang Jianjun fully explained the purpose and significance of the listing of the party history study and education base, and he stressed: It is necessary to take this unveiling ceremony as an opportunity to dig deep into and display the ideological connotation and era value of all kinds of red resources in Liulin County, increase the research and interpretation of red historical materials, enrich the content of the exhibition, innovate the display methods, and create a high-quality exhibition with prominent themes, clear orientation, and rich connotations. It is necessary to vigorously carry out the activity of collecting folk revolutionary cultural relics and the deeds of early revolutionary figures in Liulin County, actively carry out the sorting out of the deeds of the party's advanced figures in the new period, and use propaganda display boards, cultural bulletin boards, and other carriers to put the study and education of party history in an important position. It is necessary to pay attention to strengthening ties and coordination with the departments of education, culture, and party history, and pay attention to giving play to the enthusiasm of retired veteran comrades in participating in patriotic education activities. At the same time, in connection with the reality of party history education in Liulin County and the existing party history materials, it is necessary to use various forms to make party history enter the explanatory speeches of the memorial garden, encourage the nongovernmental people to provide materials, actively create a social atmosphere for Liulin County to study party history, know party history, consciously publicize party history, and excavate party history, and further broaden the coverage of patriotic education resources in Liulin County. (Ai Rong, Liu Quan) (Source: Liulin County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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