
Why raise Brother Wren?

author:Bird Friends House

Gracula religiosa is larger , roughly black with a purplish-blue and patina metallic luster. It is characterized by orange-yellow flesh hangings and fleshy hems on the side of the head, and is similar to that of male and female. Good at chirping, the call is loud and clear, and can imitate and emit a variety of melodic tones. Mostly in pairs, sometimes in groups.

Why raise Brother Wren?

The greatest value of the wren is that it can imitate sounds in nature, such as car sounds, other birds, etc., especially imitating human sounds, which is very beautiful and very realistic.

Brother Wren not only has a beautiful body shape, the coat color has a metallic color that other birds do not have, and can have a very good interaction with people after training, such as looking for food in people's hands, jumping on the shoulders, flying back, etc.; more importantly, it and other pets do not have the ability to imitate human language, so it is deeply liked by the majority of bird friends.

The wren's life span is generally about 10 years, but it does not have to slip like a dog, the cost of raising is not as high as that of cats and dogs, and sometimes you can have a sense of satisfaction when you look at the way it bathes in the water.

The price of wren brother is also very real, a wren brother generally buys directly in the flower and bird market is also seven or eight hundred yuan, compared to some parrots that move tens of thousands of people, it is really close to the people's price, the price of the people, and its speaking ability is not worse than the parrot or even better than the parrot.

Teach you how to raise talking wrens

Many people like to raise wrens, the coat color is dark and shiny, it is very good-looking. The most important thing is that the wren can learn to speak, as long as it is carefully adjusted, the wren can learn the language of many people. So how do you raise a wren? The following small series to introduce to you. 1

Buy Brother Wren

It is best to buy wrens to go to the professional flower and bird market to choose, where there are many birds and more choices for selection, after all, professional bird dealers are unlikely to have sick birds. It is best to choose a three-week-sized bird, such a bird is still in the recognition stage, buy it back or build a relationship.

Why raise Brother Wren?


Pick a male and female

Generally speaking, wrens can be brothers and mothers, because there is not much difference in learning words. However, the male wren's coat is beautiful, and after growing into an adult bird, it will be larger than the female wren. The female wren is well-behaved and easy to control. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and you can choose your own.


Buy a birdcage

In the choice of bird cages, you can choose a strong large bird cage for the birds, and give them sufficient space for activities in the process of rapid growth of the birds. Equipped with a small water bowl and a food bowl, it is complete.

Why raise Brother Wren?



Birds such as Wrens and Mynas like to be clean, so let the Wrens take a bath often. It is basically enough to wash once every two days, and if you find that your brother who raises wrens especially like to bathe, you can also wash it once a day. This is hygienic and the coat color will be brighter.


Bird feed

Go to the flower and bird market to buy wren food, there is not much difference. But in order for Brother Wren's coat to be bright and sound good, it is necessary to give Brother Wren an egg yolk once a week. Usually, I add some fruit, apples and pears. In this way, the nutritional needs of the wrens can be basically guaranteed.


Learn to speak

If you have time to teach, it is best to teach it yourself. At six or seven o'clock in the morning, repeat the words you want it to learn many times, let the birds remember your words, and repeat them for a few days, and the wrens can learn to speak. If you don't have time to teach, you can also download the audio on the Internet and play it to the wren, so that you can learn it.

Why raise Brother Wren?


Daily maintenance

The lifespan of the wren is about 10-15 years, and the difference between individuals is also very large. The focus is on daily care, if you usually pay more attention to observation, and establish a good relationship with the birds, it is also conducive to the life of the birds. Wrens can also be infected with bacteria, so if you find abnormalities, you should see a doctor or take antibiotic drugs in time.

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