
Enthusiastic citizens take the initiative to hand over the national second-class animal Wren

author:Morning newspaper for life

Life Morning News all-media reporter Wang Wenxing reported that the common caged birds have been upgraded to the national key protected wild animals, on June 16, the reporter learned that an enthusiastic citizen took the initiative to hand over his own wren brother.

Enthusiastic citizens take the initiative to hand over the national second-class animal Wren

On the morning of June 13, the Qingxu County Forestry Bureau received a call from Mr. Wang, an enthusiastic citizen who lives near Taoyuan Village in Mayu Township, saying that he had bought a wren brother last year and asked whether he could continue to keep it now.

The relevant staff of the Qingxu County Forestry Bureau informed it that according to February 1, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued a new version of the "List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection". On the basis of retaining all the species on the original list, 517 species (classes) of wild animals have been added to the list. Among them, Wren Ge has officially upgraded to a national second-level key protected wild animal, which cannot be artificially raised at will, and needs to be reported to the provincial wildlife department for approval and issued a national key protected wild animal artificial breeding permit before it can be used and raised. After contacting and coordinating with the Yebao Section of Taiyuan Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, it has now been sent to The Bird Park.

In the new version of the "List", there are many common caged ornamental birds and snakes that have been upgraded to national key protected wild animals, including the "four caged birds" such as indigo chin, lark, thrush, embroidered eye (Chaozhou commonly known as Qingti bird or white eye) with thousands of years of breeding and ornamental history, specifically:

Wild animals upgraded to national key protected wild animals are: yellow-breasted bunting (grass flower sparrow);

The wild animals upgraded to the national second-level key protected wild animals are: Wren, Thrush, Red-billed Acacia Bird, Silver-eared Acacia Bird, Chestnut-throated Bee Tiger, Blue-throated Bee Tiger, Song Bailing, Mongolian Lark, Skylark (Called Heaven), Brown-headed Suzaku, Northern Suzaku (Hemp Material), Red Cross-billed Finch (Cross-billed), Aurora Crow, Red-faced Embroidered Bird (Pink-Eyed), Black-throated Singing Stork, Brown-throated Singing Grebe (Red Indigo Chin), Blue-throated Singing Plover (Blue Indigo), Xinjiang Singing Plover and other species.

Common snakes that have been upgraded to national second-level key protected wild animals are: king cobra, black-net snake, sharp-beaked snake, three-rope snake and so on.

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