
The tattooed lips follow this principle in order to tattoo the "beep mouth"

author:Shanghai Hanjia nail art

Lips in the human body facial features is the most abundant and sexy part, for many female friends, want to improve the external image of their facial features, a lot of work on the lips.

The tattooed lips follow this principle in order to tattoo the "beep mouth"

If the natural lip shape, lip color is not good, then it can only be solved through some acquired ways, so more and more people choose Korean semi-permanent lip tattoos to improve the problem of insufficient lip shape, the following three dreams set makeup to introduce you to the principle of lip line.

Before the lip tattoo begins, it is necessary to design the shape, color, etc. for the customer's face shape and lip shape. For women aged 20-35, the color of the tattooed lips can choose to be more colorful. After the age of 35, it is necessary to choose a slightly lighter color, which not only meets the age temperament, but also conforms to the external image more real.

The tattooed lips follow this principle in order to tattoo the "beep mouth"

The lip line design should be curved gracefully, thick and thin, and the shape changes with the peak, not leaving the original lip. When tattooing the lips, the coloring distribution should be darker than the lip line, and the full lip distribution should be more colorful. The principle of lip tattooing is to first tattoo the lip line and then tattoo the full lip, and also adjust it to the characteristics of its facial features.

If it is longer in the person, the upper lip can be slightly thicker, and the shorter one can be drawn thinner.

When tattooing the lip line, the pen should be forceful and soft, reduce bleeding, make the line smooth, and color evenly.

The tattooed lips follow this principle in order to tattoo the "beep mouth"

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